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1x1 with xFennyx

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP 1x1 with xFennyx
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 17:37 (8 Years ago)
There has been an ongoing war between the Angels and the Demons for over 500 years. The Demons and Angels fight on many different planes of existence. But the one that this story takes place on is Earth. Mankind has sided with both Angels and Demons, some Angels have switched sides and they fight with Demons and some of the Demons have done the same. There are even groups of all three. It is up to you to choose which side to join, or even to join at all.

My form.
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[[ NAME ]] Nathana Corazon

[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] She is female and is Pansexual

[[ AGE (demons are immortal, to some degree.) ]] 241

[[ RACE ]] Demon

~> [[ WEAPON OF CHOICE? ]] Long sword, or one of her animal shapes

~> [[ DEMONIC ABILITY? ]] Shapeshifting
~> [[ DEMONIC SPECIES? ]] Animalia

[[ APPEARANCE (description is preferable.) ]] Nathana stands about 5'3'', her long sword hangs from a belt around her waist and falls short of her ankle. Her golden eyes are speckled with rust colored flecks that shimmer when they catch the suns rays just right. Her long black hair, in a braid, reaches the middle of her back, and quite often has a twig or leaf stuck in it. Her complexion is of a deeply tanned human color, but the scales on her neck and back are a darker shade of her skin and are iridescent. She can shapeshift into any lizard or snake that she desires to be, though it's taxing to retain the abnormal shape for extended periods of time. When she shifts back to her original form she retains her apparel, but not any extra things that may have been tied to her. Here is an image of her made by an amazing person!

[[ PERSONALITY ]] She prefers to keep to herself, but will move into populated territory if she needs supplies or medical attention that she can't supply herself. When confronted with an enemy she welcomes the thrill of the fight, and is not afraid of her own death. If she gained an ally or "friend," she would most likely become very loyal, as she lacks friends on account of her trust issues.

[[ HISTORY ]] When she was little, her parents were killed before her eyes by a friend of the family who turned out to be a hunter. They found her hiding in a closet but when they tried to grab her she ran out of the house, shifted, and hid amongst the trees and stayed there for days. She doesn't remember how many as she didn't bother counting. When she finally set foot on the ground she began wandering and has been wandering ever since. She learned to hunt, kill, and fight on her own. Because of her childhood it takes her a long time to trust anyone.

Here's an empty form so you can make yours.
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[[ NAME ]]


[[ AGE (demons are immortal, to some degree.) ]]

[[ RACE ]]


~> [[ DEMONIC ABILITY? If applicable]]
~> [[ DEMONIC SPECIES? If applicable]]

[[ APPEARANCE (description is preferable.) ]]


Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Fri, 27/11/2015 03:29 (8 Years ago)
[[ NAME ]] Kiyo Yuki

[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] Male, Straight

[[ AGE (demons are immortal, to some degree.) ]] 235

[[ RACE ]] Demon

~> [[ WEAPON OF CHOICE? ]] Sword

~> [[ DEMONIC ABILITY? If applicable]] Can hear people from far away,
~> [[ DEMONIC SPECIES? If applicable]] Vampire

[[ APPEARANCE (description is preferable.) ]] [I'm bad at descriptions, sorry] Here

[[ PERSONALITY ]] Kiyo is a very secretive person, who doesn't like to talk a lot. He can be very rude, and normally doesn't let anything stand in his way.

[[ HISTORY ]] Kiyo was once a soldier, about 200 years ago, he was very good at war. However, little did he know he was facing some evil on the other side. After getting shot in his side, he was attacked by a vampire. He was then transformed. Since then he was moved around, trying not to draw too much attention to himself.

[[ NAME ]] Harper Moon

[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] Female, Bisexual

[[ AGE (demons are immortal, to some degree.) ]] 21

[[ RACE ]] Human

~> [[ WEAPON OF CHOICE? ]] Bow&Arrows

~> [[ DEMONIC ABILITY? If applicable]]
~> [[ DEMONIC SPECIES? If applicable]]

[[ APPEARANCE (description is preferable.) ]] Here

[[ PERSONALITY ]] She is a silent type, and loves hunting with her bow and arrows. She is a sweetheart​, and loves helping people. She is very independent and will stand up for herself, if needed. You don't want to get on her bad side, she gives a mean cold shoulder.

[[ HISTORY ]] Harper grew up, moving around with her dad. He loved going hunting and just having the thrill of killing the animals. Harper loved learning how to shoot her bow, it was what made them really bond. One day, he disappeared and Harper started to live off the land and the animals she could shoot. She still travels to different parts, finding food and shelter.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Fri, 27/11/2015 03:46 (8 Years ago)
So you're starting with two? That's totally fine, and I might add another for me to play later on... But I usually like to start with one. Now, what time period are we going to play these people in? I love a medieval-like period with castles and such. What time period would you like to play in?
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Fri, 27/11/2015 04:00 (8 Years ago)
Medieval time sounds fine!

& Yes I am, and that's fine.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Fri, 27/11/2015 04:02 (8 Years ago)
Would you like me to start? :3 I have a semi long thing I already wrote up... X3
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Fri, 27/11/2015 04:13 (8 Years ago)
Yes that sounds wonderful^^
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Fri, 27/11/2015 04:17 (8 Years ago)
(I know this is a lot... I promise I won't post as much next time! ;))

Nathana Corazon strode silently along the narrow trail, following in the footsteps of a deer. She had been stalking it for a couple of days. Her sword rarely bumped against her leg as she moved over the roots and rocks. She crouched low once she spotted the deer in front of her. She drew her sword and slowly and cautiously made her way closer to the deer without making a sound. Once close enough, she leapt out of the underbrush and swiftly dispatched the animal. She muttered her prayer of passing before beginning the cleaning process and harvesting the meat.

Nathana cleans her blade with a cloth before putting it back in her sheath. She pulls out a small knife that she uses for skinning and cutting meat, and carefully removes the deer's hide and fur. She puts the cut meat into the separated skin, and uses it like a bag to carry it without dirtying herself. Though she lives off the land and finds herself getting dirty, she will avoid getting filthy if she can. She removes the antlers of the deer and ties those to her belt. She'll make those into knives or other tools, such as needles for sewing clothes or stitching wounds. She removed the stomach and other edible organs and put those into the woven bag she had made out of some reeds she found by a river. Once she had everything and was sure she had utilized everything she could, she got up and began her couple days trek back to a cave she's been using for a month or so for a temporary home.

Nathana treads her path with heavier steps than when she set out on her hunting trip, being laden with the spoils of her kill. The antlers on her belt clacked together, sounding almost like horse hooves on cobblestone. A rabbit crossed the forested path in front of her, if she didn't have her hands full with the deerskin bag of meat, she would have thrown her bone knife, and with deadly accuracy, ended the rabbit's days. This will last me perhaps two or three weeks... I can dry it over a fire and it will last even longer... Especially if I supplement my meals with some roots and berries... She stopped in her path and stared at the large black furry mound of muscle and teeth that was standing before her. The dire wolf glared at her and her bag hungrily. It's maw gaping just enough to let a drip of clear saliva fall to the ground below it. She lowered her bag very slowly, her hands drifted seamlessly to her dagger and blade hilt. It lowered its stance until its barrel-like chest was nearly touching the ground. Its hunched back was leveled just above her hips. This was a young male, probably mid-life in his physical prime. His fur shall make a warm addition to my bed... Its teeth will be fine knives... She thought as it leapt forward, its jaws open and claws extended.

Nathana grinned as she shifted out of sight of the wolf. It landed where she stood, looking around confused. It whimpered and jumped as she sunk her fangs into its paw and injected her venom. It made a few steps down the trail before falling over, its body convulsing. She smiled wickedly as she shifted back into herself. "I apologize great one. I will use your hide and bones, but your meat is far to rough..." She walks alongside the wolf and strokes its fur. Her smile faded and became almost a scowl. "A female? How could I not have noticed the slightly bloated belly... Damn... She needed to give birth..." She bends down and lays a hand on the female wolf's ribcage. "It seems you already had one..." She stands up and looks around as she strains her ears for a specific sound. She frowns as she hears the sound of a whimpering dire wolf pup. She sighs as she walks off the path and finds the puppy tangled up in a small bush. "I am very sorry young one... Your mother is no more." She looks back off the trail to the body then back to the brown eyes staring at her. "I will take on her responsibility until you're old enough to fend for yourself." She sighs as she reaches down to the pup and lifts it out of the bush. "Now you're a male." She snorts as she holds him in her arms. It squirms a little as she carries it, but stops as it becomes too tired and falls asleep. He is, somewhat cute... She smiles slightly as she puts the pup in her pack, removing the bones from the deer and tying them to her belt. She made quick work of the mother wolf, taking the hide and teeth. She loads it all up and resumes her trek back to her cave. At least I won't be attacked again... I smell like a dire wolf. Nothing is stupid enough to attack one, or strong enough to beat one. Her eyes glimmer as she walks through the dappled sunlight which shimmers off her patches of scales.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sun, 29/11/2015 05:17 (8 Years ago)
Kiyo stood near a small village, his eyes darting around to all the people. He could feel his fangs poke out a bit, as they stabbed into his lip. He quickly turned away, walking back towards the forest. He sighed as his fangs, once again disappeared. Once the vampire was back under the shelter of the trees, he jumped up into the branches. He loved the increased speed, strength, and jumping height he had.

Once up in the branches, Kiyo jumped from tree to tree looking for something to eat. It had been a couple days since he had fed on his last human. Wandering deeper and deeper into the forest, the vampire didn't know what he'd find.

Harper sat on the side of a small stream, her bow sitting beside her. She looked down into the water, watching the fish. She smiled, ever so slightly, as she grabbed for her stone knife she had made. Once she spot a big enough fish, she plunged the knife into it. She quickly stood up, turning to her camp fire.

Poking a stick into the fish, Harper started cooking it over her fire. A small growl came from the girl's stomach as she watched the fish cook. Her eyes starting into the orange flames of the fire. Snap. The girl quickly grabbed her bow, loading it with an arrow. She pointed it at the bushes in front of her.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Sun, 29/11/2015 15:36 (8 Years ago)
Nathana grunts as the pup squirms in the pack making her have to readjust her balance as she climbs the hill in her path. Relax little one... We shall be home soon... She begins to make a thrumming sound deep in her throat and the pup almost immediately settled down. Having observed the elder female dire wolves making this sound to soothe the mewling and squalling pups during a hunting trip, she practiced it until she could do it well enough. To the point where she calmed a pup that had discovered her and to keep it from giving away her position. She smiles as the pup attempts to make the sound, but instead makes a high pitched growling sound. She sighs in relief as she spots the stream that indicates that she's only a few hours walk from the cave. She sets down the skin bags and the pack with the pup. Once the pack was on the ground the pup rolled out of it causing a grin to play on her lips, but it faded quickly as the pup neared the stream and almost fell in. She picked up the pup and held it over the water so it could drink. "I had enough trouble carrying you, I don't need the water in your fur too... Plus, a wet dog isn't the most pleasant of smells... Come along, I'd like to get home before the sun sets..." She says as she puts the pup in the pack and that on her back. "I'll need a name for you..." Nathana wrinkles her nose and swats a fly away as the pup begins to fidget and mewl inside the pack. "We're almost there little one... Little one... Hmm, what do you think of the name Faolan? Its meaning suits you..." She chuckles as the pup lays down in the pack, seemingly pleased by his new name. "Faolan it is then."

Nathana goes to cross a downed tree across the stream but stops as a breeze comes along and she catches the scent of woodsmoke on the wind. "I'm not alone anymore..." She turns and leaps across the log and runs through the trees and over the rocks one thought in her mind. Get home. Get home.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sun, 29/11/2015 22:06 (8 Years ago)
Kiyo quickly jumped out of the tree he was in, and onto a wolf. He quickly ran his sword across the wolf's neck, killing it. He smiled, as his fangs started to show. He then sunk them into the wolf , quickly drinking its blood. He then stood up, wiping his mouth slightly.

"Definitely not as good as human," He stated, with a sigh. He then looked around himself. There were some trees, and he could hear someone running. He smirked, ever so slightly. "Hm, looks like I might have someone to play with." Kiyo stated, before running toward the person.

Harper's eyes darted around, as she awaited the creature who would attack. She then watched as a bunny hopped out in front of her. She let out a sigh of relief , before letting the arrow hit into the rabbit. She then stood up, and picked up the animal carcass. Walking back to the fire, the girl sat down. "This is going to be a long night." She muttered, as she looked down at the carcass.

She then pulled out a knife and cut off the rabbit's foot. She then began to quickly skin it, and then cut up the meat. She sat it aside and picked up her almost cooked fish. Harper then put the fish back into the Fire for a few minutes. After the fish was done, she pulled it out of the fire and brought it towards her face. She then ate the fish, which wasn't that bad, but was definitely not the best.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 16:51 (8 Years ago)
Nathana leaps over the things blocking her path, and she picks up on the sound of someone following her. Great... Just what I need... She smiles slightly as she approaches a vine covered cliff wall and she runs through a section in the wall where her cave is hidden by the vines. She dashes through the tunnel and sets down all of her stuff and shifts into a small dark brown snake. Faolan pushes his way out of the bag and goes to the back of the cave exploring.

Nathana slithers her way over to the wall of her cave to wait for the person to enter or pass by. If you enter, I'll incapacitate you. If you don't enter I'll draw you in and then incapacitate you... She hisses slightly thinking of how she'll do it. She slithers into a dark shadow and lies in wait for her victim to enter or not.