matthew blinked and sighed.
''there, there....'' he muttered, patting her head a little.
scarlet watched Flourine hop around and giggled.
adriane helped chris down from the tree and walked back over.
''this is chris, he isn't my adopted son.. but he's stayed in the
old house we were in, so he's like family'' she said.
chris gave a goofy smile and crossed his arm's, holding one hand up
as he did a backward's peace sign.
adriane blushed faintly and smiled.
''well, i did have a great life before i got captured... but i've
got a second chance, so i'm planning to do better..'' she
matthew and scarlet both hugged adriane, which caused tear's to
swell up in her eye's as she hugged them back.
Ruby goes over and hugs adriane "dont leave me out of this great
family thing." Ruby starts to cry a little again but strangely her
tears are red and look like rubies this time.
Ruby looks at her tears and blushes "and that is why my full name
is Ruby Tears...... when vary happy i cry rubies..... Just kidding!
they just turn red and sparkle like rubies.".
Ruby sighs "have you ever played hide and so seek in darkrai's
forest? i have. every month. since i was 2. Now i am going to look
for Cobalt" Ruby looks for Cobalt.
Ruby finds Cobalt and hugs him "Hey! I will never stop thanking
you! in fact here!" Ruby grabs out a small water proof and water
tight bag of tears "this can heal any thing! 5 uses per person.".
Ruby giggles "It cant heal anything. I dont know why i said that.
it can heal any poison and dark magic. the magic in the tears will
only work on the same person 5 times. I cant use the magic at all
do to my tears being those.".