Forum Thread
Dungeon hunters 1x1
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Dungeon hunters 1x1PLOT:
4 People stranded on a Island linked with fallen trees.
Each Island has 1 egg and 3 captured Pokemon.
A team on each Island.
Danger at every corner and a Pokedex each.
Cynda - Bronzor.
Baras - Pawniard.
Zorged - Cubone.
Lazy - Drowzee.
Cynda - Purrloin, Togepi, Cleffa.
Baras - Abra, Lotad, Last one I will have you PM.
Zorged - Trapinch [SHINY], Bagon, Charmander.
Lazy - Luvdisc, Pawniard, Glameow.
Lazy - Ash.
Baras - Joe.
Cynda - Halen.
Zorged - Zorged.


"Ughh... Where... What happened... Where am I?" Ash asked noticing a egg, 3 pokeballs and a pokedex.
*Ash picks up the pokedex, pokeballs and the egg and found rare candy and took it*
"I better look for others that have had the same as me." Ash said to himself.






