Forum Thread
Complain about pokeheroes
Forum-Index → Forum Games → Complain about pokeheroesIf you have a complaint post it here just to see how many people have complaints and what are they
Here is form

complaint form
Reason why complaining:
If asked for help:yes/no
If help worked: yes/no
Your facial expression after: for ex: :|
Reason why complaining:
If asked for help:yes/no
If help worked: yes/no
Your facial expression after: for ex: :|
Username: Zagisov
Reason why complaining:Mystery 8 made me buy eggbox
If asked for help:yes
If help worked: no
Your facial expression after: :( :( :(

Quote from smerp
"My second Pokemon is a BIDOOF?!? Really? A BIDOOF?!?! Yuck, what a pathetic waste of a Pokemon... I'm releasing it."
You do not need the Darkrai egg nor do you need to hatch anything for any mysteries. The Darkrai is simply a small reward for completing the small mysteries, it is your own fault for redeeming the egg.
You should make separate, individual & serious complaints in the actual Bugs/Complaints forum, that's why it's there. This thread would simply accumulate SPAM.
Locking this ~