Forum Thread
Team Fusion
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Team FusionUsername:Bidoof_master
Fav fusion: bidoof/legendary fusion (so lol!)
Why: its funny
Btw i would like to help make activites
No i cant post a pic. BUT you can Google bidoof legendary
Edit: couldnt find the fusion, but found this:
Hope it appeared
No, by "Fusions" We mean one Pokemon fused, or "mixed" With another. Like for Ex:

Unless the guys from Pokemon Glazed are fusion stuff then IDK XD

♫ She/her ♫ -7 PH Time ♫ ISFP ♫ Libra ♫
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Nicknames:max, ice, mixa
Favorite fusion of Pokemon(can be more then one fusion) : bergmite and wartortle
Why is it your favorite fusion or fusions:because it looks awesome and i like very much bergmite.
here, i made it a sprite by myself so i am also spriter:P