The Gentlemen knocked on a door, a young teenager opened it, at the
sight of the Gentlemen, the teenager tried to scream, but of
course, no sound came out, the Gentlemen held her down, and
Gentleman #1 wielded the scalpel. Pulling out the teenager's heart,
the Gentlemen did their usual applause, the pattern repeated only
six times, each with a different scalpel-wielding Gentlemen than
(Also, the gentlemen can die from a human voice, in particular, a
scream, that's why the Gentlemen infect the town, they keep a small
box containing the voices of the townsfolk.)
Insanity nods a hello and floats towards them, she cocks her head,
questioning what they are doing and who they are, never have seen
their file come up before.
The Gentlemen spoke in sign language, translating to, "Hello, we
are The Gentlemen, a group of fairy tale ghouls that steal people's
voices because we need to take seven human hearts to survive, of
course, now we only take six after what that organless guy did to
Gentleman #3."
Insanity nods in understanding and signs back, "I see~ Well, hello~
I am Insanity, leader of the group named Nightmare Lurkers~ May i
ask why you take seven hearts??"
"Immortality." All the Gentlemen replied in unison, still using
sign language, "And because it's fun. We infect a town so that
anyone inside it can't speak until we leave, because a human voice,
especially a scream, can kill us. Apparently the breaking of our
necks also proves fatal."
"Baby, i gonna go sit with the babies, ok? W-will you be ok by
yourself??" he asks.
Medusa gets her all prepped.
Offender sighs, "Yea...but, guess its one of the prices you have to
pay being parents of a little angel~" he chuckles.
Insanity nods, "I see. Well, why not try doing this to lone groups
or in prisons...ya know? Where there isn't tons of innocent
people?" she signs, sending off a dark, angry aura.
"Innocent? We believe that nobody is truly 'innocent', they've all
done something, be it stealing candy when they were kids, or petty
theft, and the list continues. That's what we do, we can tell what
most people have done." The Gentlemen said in unison, via sign
"As can i. Please forgive me if i sound...rude or sound as if i am
disgusted with your acts entirely...but, some of these humans have
a place here and do not deserve to die. Even if they have sinned or
have done wrong; small, petty and almost pitiful crimes is not a
good reason to slaughter them. In my files, some are listed as
innocent. Some, yes, are listed as guilty. But, those are sometimes
the ones who are in need of change. In need of a deal to save their
very soul from the clutches of the hunters in the forests." she
signs to them. Shadow Beasts' eyes creep in the flat shadows,
hungry and ready to spill blood.
Ian nods, "Ok." he kisses her forehead and turns, picking up the
boys and Poppy. He leaves and goes outside.
Offender laughs, "She is a troublesome little angel, isn't she?~"
he snickers.
"We understand, also, do you know why there were seven of us?" The
Gentlemen asked via sign language. "One for each sin that we track:
pride, lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, and envy. Sadly,
Gentleman #3, who specialized in tracking greed, died."
Insanity nods, "OOoooooh! I see~ Seven deadly sins~ Classic~" she
Medusa is prepped and ready, "You ready?" she asks.
Offender smirks, "Hm.....i think she gets it from my brother,
Slender...." he jokes.
Monster growls, "Screw you, old man! Hope you choke to death!" he
snaps. He huffs.
Slasher growls at him, "Little brat would never be able to get
anyone! He's too far up his own arse!" he snorts.