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Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Foreshadowing
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,367
Posted: Wed, 12/03/2014 20:48 (10 Years ago)
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Im working on a new Fanfiction, this one more of battles and conflict. A war between light and darkness nothing too original, but with an ending that *censored by spoiler police*. This is my foreshadowing, a prologue if you will, over what is happening. How to read this. Red=male voice. Blue=female voice. Purple=both voices combined. (Get it? Red and blue make purple? The game red and blue? No? Okay ;n;). Anyway, this is my preview to my new Fanfiction. Try not to read this like a poem haha, I didn't mean to rhyme in the beginning so much it just kind of happened. Anyway, enjoy my preview, sneak peek, thingy here.

In a place where darkness brings pain and fear to the land
It is our duty to fight back the night.
The sun that once shone is no where in sight
To guide us through the endless sand.

My kind thrive off the sun, that provides life, safety, purity.
Those who oppose us oppose our way to thrive.
Truly those who believe they can defeat us will never survive,
They will always be stuck in a foolish fantasy.

In a place where light brings pain and fear to the land
It is our duty to fight back the sun.
The moon that once brought hope has faded to none
Leaving us broken and scared where we stand.

My kind live off the moon, that provides life, safety, purity.
Those who oppose us will never hear my cry!
Truly those who believe they can defeat us will fall and die,
They will always be stuck in a childish fantasy.

My people they cry.

My people they fight.

My people they scream.

My people they hide.

Back and forth we go.
Fighting an endless war.
Of light and dark, of right and wrong.

I will never back down.

I won't dare stop now.

We will be stronger.

We will fight harder.

We will stand taller.

We will last longer.

No more will I feed my kind a child's fantasy!

No more will I feed my kind a fool's fantasy!

No more lies.

No more stories.

No more false hope.

No more fake smiles.

My desire for the night to finally be free,

My desire for the day to finally break free,

Will no longer be a child's fantasy!
Finally my dreams will be a reality!

Wild Flabèbè growing under the embrace of the sun.

Poochynea howling under the shelter of the moon.

Pidgey flying high to touch the clouds.

Zubats roaming far across the stars.

How could I be wrong?

How could they be right?

Would it be wrong,

To desire the same thing?

To try and stand side by side?

To try and be as one?

Such childish fantasies will never come true.

No more distractions,
Now is the time to fight!

Only one can win.

Only one can fall.

Only one can thrive.

Only one can die.

God of the sun, Solrock, lend me your power.

Goddess of the moon, Lunatone, lend me your strength.

For now is the time to be rid of foolish fantasies.

For now is the time to be rid of childish fantasies.

Now is the time to face it,

To rule it,

To embrace it,

To force it,

To save it,

To make it,

To finally see,


So come now warrior, yes you, now we fight!

Come here soldier, yes you, now we battle!

Finally someone smart enough to see,
My reality!

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,367
Posted: Thu, 13/03/2014 22:03 (10 Years ago)

Title: Chapter 1 Part 1

Chapter 1: Pick A Side

A pair of young tired eyes opened, bags resting under them, to reveal a land bathed in sunlight. An ocean view shimmers as waves calmly bring sea dwelling Pokemon in the air as if to entice play. The ground began to give way under the exhausted body, grains of sand shifting and collapsing as the body began to stir and move.
"That was quite a battle." A masculine voice speaks from a short distance, but the view of the speaker is unseen. "I'm surprised you survived to be quite honest."

"Battle...?" The now awoken youngling sits up viewing the clear ocean waters and bright blue sky, squinting at the ball of light in the sky.

"Yes, very messy, but at least this is another victory for the Sol."

"I... What?" Turning back, following the sound of the voice, the youngling let out a cry of disbelief and horror. A change of scenery. Soft cries and whimpers could be heard. The sandy beach was soiled with blood and ashes. Vines spiked with thorns that thrusted through the loose ground were shriveled and charred, some holding unconscious Zubats in their grasp. Darkness leaked onto the land like a sewage spill, coming through a large wall of stone that held a no source of light or sun beyond it. "What is this?"

"You don't remember?" The youngling turned to see a vicious sight. The voice came from a wounded and battered Blazikin, knuckles bruised and charred from fire attacks. His left eye remained shut, appearing swollen around a large gash across his eyelids, but the Pokemon spoke no words of pain. "Must have had a horrible bump on your head young one." Carefully, Blazikin got down to one knee, still taller than the youngling, peering at the large bump on the Pokemon's head. "My... Considering what others have gone through I'd say you got it easy. Do you remember your name?"

"... My name?" The youngling rubbed his head softly, the pain jolting through his neck.

"I see, we should gather who we can and head back before the Nox retaliate."

"Who?" The youngling stumbled forward to follow the only guide here, seeing more of the wreckage surrounding them.

"The Nox," Blazikin began, having to turn his head both ways to make up for his missing eye, "are vile tainted Pokemon. Their minds are diluted by twisted ideals and foolish fantasies, of course I'm sure you knew this already but I think it's safe to say you may have amnesia." The youngling followed closely behind Blazikin, careful in each step taken, only stopping when he did. Carefully Blazikin bent down to retrieve a fallen Pokemon beached on the shore. The youngling could recall the unique star shape easily, a Staryu, panting, exhausted in Blazikin's arms.

"Did... Did we get them?" Staryu asked in a fading voice, the once brilliant gem in his center now dull and chipped.

"Yes," Blazakin spoke, averting his eyes to the blood running down from Staryu's body and pooling in the sand, "they're all gone now."

"You... you are... a terrible liar." The Staryu let out a weak fleeting laugh, Blazikin could not force a laugh from his mouth.

"You should rest."

"Please... take me... to the ocean." Staryu pleaded, the youngling watching with wide frightened eyes, too afraid to mention the Staryu with missing arms. "I wish... to see my beloved... one last time." Blazikin walked silently to the ocean's shore, the chilled waved shrinking away from his flaming presence. The youngling watched, silently, as the bloodied Pokemon was lowered into the water. No one spoke a word. The lifeless creature was taken back into the ocean's depths by the current of the waves, acting as his final resting place.

"This... This is what the Nox do." Blazikin grumbled, fist clenched tight, soiled by the blood of his comrade. "They slaughter us, devour us, leave us with nothing but our hopes and dreams, and even that is being stolen from us." The youngling looked back at the horrid scene, seeing other Pokemon carrying and crying over fallen Pokemon. "They believe we will back down, this will never happen."

"I... Why is this happening?" The youngling held back tears of sorrow, without memories of such a battle to recall back to, yet the tears came so easily. Blazikin ventured along the sand, the youngling following, watching as the Pokemon loaned his hand to struggling Pokemon. A Shinx tugged on the tail of an older Pokemon, a Luxio, but her body was motionless and cold to Blazikin's touch.

"Sis, wake up!" Shinx begged from in between her teeth, fangs clenched tight on her sister's tail, "We must return home! Come on, get up! Papa wants us back home soon, come on, wake up!" Blazikin ceased the Shinx's futile attempts with a soft hand placed on her back. Shinx shook off Blazikin's touch, screaming at her sister to wake up, Luxio not even twitching at the sound of such a cry. The youngling could only watch as this stranger shook and tugged on her sister's lifeless body, fur bloodied and claws chipped. Blazikin waved over a pair of Sawk to approach, without uttering a word of command, signaling them to remove the hysterical child.

"No! I won't leave her! Sis!" Shinx pleaded as one of the Sawk picked her up, the other lifting Luxio on his shoulder. "Sis you have to wake up!" The Sawk with Shinx in his grip headed off in the opposite direct of the other holding Luxio. The youngling wondered what would happen to this Pokemon, this Sis, but the more thought put into it, the more pain it brought.

"It's terrible," Blazikin admitted, eyes scanning the battle zone, seeing the darkness spreading further to the land, having made it passed their wall, "have they no remorse? Why must they fight against us? Why must they shed our kind's blood...? Never ask why youngling," the youngling looked to Blazikin, noticing tears beginning to show in his working eye, "you will only be left wondering. The answer does not matter, only action. I should get you back to the city, get your head looked at, see if we can't get a name out of you." The youngling nodded, following Blazikin along the shore, trying not to stare head on at the mourning and the enraged survivors of a forgotten battle.

"They call me General." Blazikin spoke with his eyes forward, the youngling could only assume who he was talking to. "I lead the Sol to battle, I lead them to their deaths in hope of their freedom. I tell you this for at the moment you are impartial, so I must ask: does this make me a bad Pokemon?"

"I... I don't know." The youngling admitted, too afraid to lie and too unsure of the truth. Blazikin scoffed, a slight smirk on his face, looking down at the youngling.

"Heh, I suppose that's a big question to ask isn't it? Just my hopes getting too high, it'd be nice I think to finally be told who is right and who is wrong, put an end to it. But that is not reality." The youngling quickened in pace to remain at Blazikin's side, noticing pillars in the distance, Pokemon seen heading to them, a wall acting as barrier. "I'm sure your par--family are awaiting you here," Blazikin quickly corrected, knowing it was too ignorant to assume the youngling's parents were alive, "hopefully someone will recognize you." The youngling followed with little hopes or ideals, without any memories or life lessons, going into this world fresh and new, ignorant and senseless.

What a horrible fate in a one sided world.


A tired body was wrapped in a chilled blanket, refreshing to the burns on the younglings body. "Ah, yes, life." A famine voice sighed in relief, "I feel life in you. Awaken young one, rise and embrace the night." The young one coughed up a fluid, opening eyes to see a smile and shimmering crimson eyes belonging to Absol. "Yes, you're awake, here."

Carefully Absol traveled across a creaky wooden floor, taking a soft wet rag from a bowl on the floor into her mouth. Dripping water as she came back, Absol gently dabbed the rag around the young one's mouth, exposing a thick black liquid coming out. "Don't be too concerned young one," she spoke with the rag in her mouth, setting it on the floor, "that is just the medicine doing it's magic. Can you stand?"

"I... I think so..." The young one sat up a bit, wincing in pain at a sharp pressure centered at the hip, Absol gently pushing the young one back down.

"That's enough of that." She sighed in the dimly lit room, Litwicks resting on shelves in the wooden walls, giving off blue lights. "You need to regain your strength."

"Oh... um, who are you miss?"

"Me?" Absol blinked in amazement, tail swishing rapidly for a moment before easing back to a slow pace, "Oh my I was afraid of this, the Sol they--ugh, and you're just a child... That head injury must have removed your memories."

"Injury? Sol? Please, slow down a moment." The young one sighed, heart racing, vision blurring a bit.

"Oh dear... Scrafty!" She shouted towards the door behind her, almost instantly greeted by a panting Pokemon that burst open the door.

"Yes, Madam?" Scrafty panted, his arms holding dark towels and followed by a cluster of Shuppets behind him.
"Ah there you are. I need some medication for... Oh, you're name?" The young one shrugged, Absol shutting her eyes to hide her frustration at her own absent minded slip. "Right, well we don't have a name at the moment but I still require medicine for the head wound and--where were you headed anyway?"

"S-Sorry Madam," Scrafty panted a bit, the Shuppets behind him all speaking at once, "we still have wounded on the field, and with them so close to Sol territory they'll surely perish there."

"Ah! Those insensitive childish Pokemon! They take all of the land and expect us to just bow down and submit who we are just to keep peace." Absol growled a bit, her body trembling as rage began to build inside, "I will not make the same mistakes as my ancestors, the Nox shall no longer submit themselves to trivial demands! Please, retrieve our fallen, I wish for their bodies to be buried here in their homeland."

"Their spirits will surely assist us." Scrafty panted, leaving quickly with the Shuppets close behind him. Absol shit her eyes, taking in a breath, slowly releasing it.

"I am known as Madam," she introduced, "of course you knew this prior but with your case of amnesia I don't think that matters now." Absol approached the young one, who lands upon a small bed, bottles of medication and baskets of healing berries close by. "I lead the Nox to fight for their freedom, a freedom no Pokemon should have to fight for, but be entitled to... The freedom of life," Absol explained seeing the young one's look of confusion, "but our fight today shall ensure this entitled right to the Nox tomorrow... Not literally but figuratively." Absol gently placed her paw on the bed, shaking her head slightly.

"Are you okay, Madam?" The young one asked, reaching out to her, feeling her fur was course and frayed, perhaps from stress.

"I would lie and say yes for the sake of your innocence young one," Absol bowed her head, hiding moist eyes, "but that is just a childish fantasy. No one is born innocent anymore, not in this world, not in this time... But, without your memories, I suppose you are a blank slate full of ignorance and innocence."

"Um... maybe?"

"It would be too much to ask what you thought of this war, whether you thought it was right or not... no, that is too much to ask someone." Absol stepped away from the bed, looking to the company of Litwicks, their words silent and in whispers. "The darkness fuels us, it provides us shelter, safety, it keeps us hidden. The Nox are not cowards, but in the dark you need not worry of beauty or wealth, for no one can see your expensive accessories and luxurious homes. No one can judge your tears when you cry for no reason, no one can laugh at you if you fall. In the dark, sin does not exist, does this not sound better than the horribly judging light?" The young one shrugged, causing Absol to smile a bit, "Ah, to be young again, to not worry of such things."

"Madam!" A shrill feminine voice came from the opened door, belonging to a limping Seviper with missing fang and scratched body, "There you are, I feared the worse when I hadn't seen you at the gates."

"Ah, Seviper, I'm glad to see you still with the living." Absol smiled softly, trying not to notice her grave injuries.

"My wounds will heal, Madam." She assured, quickly noticing the recovering young one in bed, "Oh, a survivor! My, how young you must be... were you at battle?"

"Amnesia," Absol quickly explained, "poor dear can't even give me a name, let alone recall who the Nox and Sol are."

"Oh! Oh! How unfortunate!"

"Yes, unfortunate...." Absol cleared her throat, looking to the whispering Litwicks, "Care for the young one for me, I must return to the gate and check on the others."

"Yes, Madam!" The Litwicks spoke, all hopping down from their shelves, quickly surrounding the floor around the bed, watching the young one closely.

"I shall return for you," Absol assured half way out of the door, "hopefully by time I return Scrafty will have medicine for you. Sleep well young one, and try and remember what I said." With that, Absol retreated to the gates, leaving the young one here with concerned and gossiping Litwicks. An ignorant under the care of the Nox, hidden in the darkness, free of judgement and ridicule. Lacking memories or morals, the young one remained ignorant to the world and the devastation it was in.

What a horrible fate in a one sided world.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,367
Posted: Sun, 16/03/2014 02:53 (10 Years ago)

Title: Chapter 2 Part 1

Chapter 2: Why Do We Fight?

"Ouch!" The youngling hissed feeling a not so delicate touch of Lilligant, her nervous arms quickly retracting with a bloody sponge.

"S-Sorry about that." She trembled as her teacher watched with stern disapproving eyes.

"Lilligant we are in war," her teacher, Roseillia, sighed from the edge of the bed where the youngling sat, "this is no time to behave like newborn. Quickly now, apply this medication."

"Y-Yes, Teacher!" The room held many other injured patients, more coming in than going out, some separated by white sheets hanging from the ceiling and in beds, others sitting on the floor being cared for quickly.

"So, the memories are completely gone?" Blazikin asked as he sat down on a wooden stool, his injured eye being wrapped over by layers of gauze.

"I'm afraid so," Roseillia sighed annoyed by his words of failure, "I've had my best psychics work on the youngling's mind. Hunt dreams, reach deep into the subconscious, they all came up with nothing. I wonder what was in that little mind prior to all of this." The youngling rubbed at the ointment applied on a wound having gone untreated for awhile, a gash across the arm, reaching to the elbow. "I'm sure much was there... pity."

"Truly." Blazikin sighed, getting up to his feet and away from the nursing Clefairy, "But my army needs fighters, not babies, I'll have this youngling trained in a few sun cycles."

"Um, General?" A squeaky voice came from the floor, the youngling looked down at a very curious little Torchic with golden complexion. "I have a letter." Turning around, the shiny Torchic revealed a letter tied to his back. Blazikin took the envelop with ease, untying the red ribbon used to tie it to the Pokemon, opening it quickly.

"... Hm? It seems our brother clan has found out Madam Absol's hidden base in a dark forest in the East. Typical... I must ready troops and depart, take care of the youngling and get him trained." Blazikin directed at the little Torchic, despite his small body and squeaky voice the Pokemon have a stern nod of authority. The youngling watched as Blazikin left the room, footprints of blood on the floor from injured patients following after him.

"Come on, kid!" Torchic called out, only reaching to the youngling's knee when off the bed, "Papa says I gotta make you strong! No dawdling 'kay?"

"O-Okay." The youngling sped walked behind the rapid Torchic out the room and into the hallway. Mirrors lined with gold hung on the walls, paintings and portraits giving a sense of culture and memories that the youngling didn't have. Every Pokemon held joyful expressions, some perched on rooftops, others standing on the sandy morning beaches, the youngling tried to catch quick glimpses of these cherished memories. The once sparkling reflecting floor now held exhausted warriors and bloody stains, Spheal rushing back and forth to wash down the mess.

"Everything looks awful huh?" Torchic asked without looking back at the youngling, "It does I know, but Papa says once the war is over everything will be pretty again."

"Pretty? Is that all that matters?" The youngling asked, quickly turning the corner to see the main room.

"Nah, but who doesn't like to be pretty? Like me! I'm all gold and shiny, is it bad that I wanna be seen?"

"I suppose not."

"And even if I wasn't, does that mean I gotta hide and be scared of everyone? No! Just means I'm not as shiny that's all, nothing wrong with that." The main room let in bright sunlight from tall windows, all facing the beach. Stairs led upwards, a balcony over looking the room, various Pokemon traveling from room to room, hallway to hallway. All silently handling their missions. Torchic lead out the front door, lucky to have Pokemon coming in and holding the door open.

"You see kid, I heard ya forgot all the important stuff so I'll make it brief." He began to explain as they headed onto the beach's sand. "We are Sol, we believe everyone has the right to be seen, to be heard, to be proud of who they are! The Nox, they hide in the darkness because they are scared see? Scared of judgement, scared of living life, scared of being seen." Torchic fluttered his feathers to hop up a bit, landing in the sand in a big puff. "Cowards! They would rather everyone be afraid than stand up for themselves! It's down right cowardice I'll tell ya!" The youngling nodded, absorbing all this new knowledge and stowing it away, watching the young shiny Pokemon dig his feet in the sand.

"It makes me so mad! Mad! Mad! Mad! Why can't they just see being in the light ain't so bad? Ugh, the 'dark side, this and 'too good for the light' that. What's wrong with us huh?"

"I-I don't know." Torchic stared up at the youngling, sighing a bit and counting to ten in his head.

"Sorry... Papa says getting mad and doing no action ain't nothing but nothing. That's what the Nox do, they huff and puff but they just pretend to be okay and happy. Ain't that just foolish? Don't answer that," Torchic spoke quickly as the youngling seemed prepared to answer, "let us train!"


"Ah! How is the young one this fine night?" Absol asked with a concerned smile. The young one sat up at a wooden table, rather round but uneven, sitting beside Gengar and across from Zoroark.

"I'm okay, I think." The young one answered, eyeing the nervous unsure eyes of the others at the table.
"We tried our best, Madam." Zoroark sighed, his head resting in his hand, "But no matter what we ask or try, I don't think the memories are coming back."

"Looks like we have a blank slate, Madam." Gengar smiled a bit, rubbing on the young one's head, "Not necessarily a bad thing, just means some training needs to happen. You'll be a regular Nox member in no time, young one." Despite her smile and nod, Absol looked down to the ground with tired eyes, body shaking a bit.

"Well, that's fine... Gengar can you aid in the training? I'm rather busy at the moment."

"Of course, Madam." Gengar nodded, his eyes quickly looking to a group of levitating Pumpkaboo, "Hm, who are they?"

"Oh, they're fellow Nox." Absol explained, seeing the new Pokemon too nervous to travel alone, but quickly laughing as Litwicks seemed to gravitate to them, illuminating a large corner of the room. "A new breed of Pokemon, I'm glad they chose our side, rightfully so... Speaking of sides, has your daughter infiltrated the Sol grounds yet, Zoroark?"

"Yes, Madam." Zoroark answered with a stern nod, "Last I heard she was in the Sol walls, mimicking... someone... I'm not sure, she wasn't specific."

"Good girl," Absol smiled, "I pray the Moon Goddess that she stay sane and safe in such a community. I will return after my journey out, Gengar please aid the young one." With that she was gone and out the room. It was hard to tell how many Pokemon were in the room, or how big it even was, due to the thick darkness. Many eyes had easily adjusted to the darkness, but the young one squinted and peered around, easily seeing Litwicks and Pumpkaboos and Lampents around.

"Come on young one," Gengar sighed as he hopped down from his still, the young one following suit, "guess it's history time for you."

"Please tell me what's going on, or at least why, everything is so dark I feel lost in everything." The young one held onto Gengar's small hand, noticing a trio of Pumpkaboo following behind them, giving a nice lit path.

"Well let's see, where do I start eh? Uh... Well, guess I should say what we fight for. The Nox has always fought for the freedom to be how you wish, be it beautiful and gaudy, or unkempt and dull. It seems petty but it's easier for you to understand this way."

The path they took was lined with grass, the dark sky above them, but the moon no where to be seen. Phantump eyes shown through the darkness, Sableye crystal eyes reflected any light that happened to pass by, but many generally avoided the light. "Imagine it if you will: every day a pair of eyes are upon you, watching your every move, detailing your every action, and all the while you take this because you have to."

"Sounds rough." The young one admitted, looking over to see the Pumpkaboo rather nervous of their surroundings as well. Gengar smiled to them, reaching out and giving a soft pat on their round bodies, causing them to giggle a bit.

"It is... But here, it's okay to not be beautiful every moment, to make mistakes, to be wrong, because who will see? Who will say 'that doesn't look right' or 'you don't fit our image'? We have no image." Gengar came to an intersection, the youngling stopping as he did, the Pumpkaboos hovering over the path.

"The Sol pretend everything is okay, they can't stand mess or yelling or fighting or tears, because everyone will see it. So they smile their widest, they pretend to love their neighbors, they pretend to not have any enemies within their walls. But us, we have enemies among us, so we just don't see them, simple as that."

"Seems like the Sol are stupid." Gengar laughed as the young one huffed, his laughter growing contagious to the Pumpkaboos.

"Haha well that's one way to put it, young one. Madam fights for the right to be sad, to be mad, to be beautiful, to be ugly. The Sol, they just want to be seen and admired, that's all..." Gengar took the path to the left, the young one holding his hand tight, looking over to the Pumpkaboos.

"And you all?" The young one asked, "Are you Nox too?"

"Ooo..." The Pumpkaboos whimpered and shrunk back a bit, eyes shifting around.

"What's wrong?"

"They're just like you," Gengar explained, waving the Pumpkaboo to keep following, "I mean as in they have no true side because they are new, like you. But I can imagine it now: the Sol with wide eyes and judging whispers scaring these little Pokemon to death." The Pumpkaboo whimpered and nodded a bit, Gengar shaking his head in disapproval. "Yea, I thought so. Is it so wrong to just be left alone?"

"I guess not." The young one shrugged, seeing a small wooden home coming into view.

"Heh, that's a start. We will begin your training here, get you used to seeing in the darkness, educate you more, things like that. You'll be getting rid of Sol by next moon rise."

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Mon, 24/03/2014 17:47 (10 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,367
Posted: Mon, 24/03/2014 17:48 (10 Years ago)
(Yes I am working on it haha, now please no commenting on this thread, I don't want to interrupt the flow of the story haha)