Forum Thread
Concentration Game
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Concentration GameAfter you start the Concentration minigame it would show you the pokemon on the cards and then flip back over. With the new feature it would be easier for some users and harder for some users so it puts up a bit harder challenge for those who find it harder.
You can win over Ditto,1000 Nuggets and2 shiny/mega able hunt of your choice~
? Just donate 25 water gems to recieve (1x Ticket) or 25 psychic gems (2x Tickets) to GreyMatter
Spread the hashtag #Shinybromania and click here for more info!
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Title: @Romano
You can win over Ditto,1000 Nuggets and2 shiny/mega able hunt of your choice~
? Just donate 25 water gems to recieve (1x Ticket) or 25 psychic gems (2x Tickets) to GreyMatter
Spread the hashtag #Shinybromania and click here for more info!
[Delibird Delivery] || [About this Raffle]
I don't think this game is enough of a deal to really get somebody to cheat at the beginning. I doubt they would have enough time to screenshot it, actually. There's the large possibility the picture could mess up because of the cardflip animation happening too soon.

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halberd, he/it/they or none,
adultEven though it's rather embarassing to admit, I would be one of those that will take pictures on these memory card games that does this ^^' I always do this in any memory card games, no matter the reward because I am like that :^) But yea, it feels unbalanced to be honest. I'll also remind you that the screenshot button isn't that far on the keyboard and anyone could this with the right timing, and if the time is way too short there no point of it. Of course phone users won't be able to take pictures so. And the less mistakes you make, the more chance can you get a retro pokemon. I'm p sure this would unbalances the game.
But really, I do not mind if this is implemented or not. I like the game the way it is wo.
or add a time limit to the game, like 3-5 seconds between taking a turn, if you dont pick your cards within the time limit you get a miss added to your score.
although this wouldnt stop people with photographic memory from getting an advantage.
A penalty just because of that? Some people with bad memories like me take about a minute to remember the card that I had saw before, but its somewhere and I just have to recall where, and it takes more then justa few seconds. It might solve cheating somehow but it would totally be unfair for some users and the game will just be like 'If you are stupid and can't remember, that's your problem bud'