Forum Thread
Gijinka Adventure
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Gijinka AdventureRules;
* No more then 4 characters.
* No more then 2 trainers.
* Be nice
*PH Rules apply
* Be active
*Don't go more then 7 posts without me. [Or anyone, so nobody really gets lost]
* Romance is allowed, be appropriate.
Trainer Form:
Trainer[or whatever you are, breeder, etc] :
Pokemon[in your party, including the gijinka] :
Travel group? :
Gijinka Form:
Do you participate in battles?:
My Forms:

Name: Molly
Age: 15
Trainer[or whatever you are, breeder, etc] : Breeder
Personality: Molly is very sweet, and energetic. She loves cooking, but doesn't battle often.
Pokemon[in your party, including the gijinka] : Granbull, Skitty, and an Eevee
Travel group? : Alone, but is looking to travel with others.
Looks: Here
Crush: Open
Other: Doesn't battle, but likes to take care of pokemon. Makes good pokemon food, and such.
Name: Gerald
Pokemon: Granbull
Personality: He looks mean, and tries to act touch, but is actually a big softy.
Do you participate in battles?: Rarely, if needed.
Looks: Here
Other: ----
Name: Scarlet
Pokemon: Skitty
Personality: Very flirty, yet sweet. Can be very rude at times, and likes to sleep.
Do you participate in battles?: Nope, she loved doing contests however.
Looks: Here
Other: ------
Waiting for 1-2 more, others can join after we started.
My Trainer:
Name: Daniella (prefers to go by Dani)
Age: 18
Trainer[or whatever you are, breeder, etc] : Former Steel-type Gym Leader
Personality: Dani is quiet and cautious, and she takes some time to warm up to others. She’s not shy, exactly, but she doesn’t mind being alone and often needs to “recharge her batteries” after spending a lot of time with people. Besides Steel-type Pokemon, she loves reading books and watching horror films.
Pokemon[in your party, including the gijinka]: Scizor (gijinka) and Mawile (gijinka)
Travel group?: Alone, for now.
Crush: None.
Other: She’s not very open about her past as a gym leader. She likes to battle and adores her Steel-types, but didn’t like the pressure of watching over the large city her gym was in. She quit a few months ago and is now traveling a new region to get some perspective.
My Gijinkas:
Name: Viktor
Pokemon: Scizor
Personality: Viktor doesn’t empathize with others or feel remorse. Typically, he is calm, but is prone to impulsive fits of rage if he is pushed too far. Because of this, he doesn’t keep close friends. However, he isn’t cruel by nature, and prefers to act “normal” to blend in as much as he can. He’s happiest when people leave him alone.
Do you participate in battles?: Not usually. He knows he might slip up and injure someone, which would cause problems for him. He tries to stay out of those situations as much as possible.
Other: ---
Name: Mia
Pokemon: Mawile (Mega)
Personality: Mia is rarely serious. She likes to joke around, and is typically pretty funny. She loves to be the center of attention, and will at times do rash, stupid things to get the attention of others if she feels ignored. However, she is a loyal friend, and is willing to back up anyone that she feels is a good person (or Pokemon) if she thinks that they are in trouble.
Do you participate in battles?: Mia loves to battle! She thinks of it as a fun sport.
Other: When not battling, Mia keeps the “jaws” attached to her hair bound shut. She’s still working on learning to control them, and doesn’t want them to bite things that they shouldn’t.

❄ Journal || Flight Rising ❄

❄ Journal || Flight Rising ❄
"I thought the nearest town was that way... but there's not a river on this map." She spoke quietly, as if talking to herself. She was surprised when she heard the enthusiastic voice behind her reply.
"Let's just go across it! If we keep walking, eventually we'll find something!" Dani turned her head to see Mia waiting impatiently behind her. The trainer still had no idea how her Pokemon had turned half-human nearly overnight. At first she thought it was some type of prank, as if people had dressed up like her two best friends and hid their Pokeballs somewhere. But, there was no doubt in her mind now... they were the same Mia and Viktor that she had known for years. They only looked different now. It still hurt her head to think about it. She didn't understand it, but she was beginning to accept it. She smiled up at the Mawile.
"If we spend too much longer in this forest, we'll have to camp out overnight." She fell silent again, weighing her options. She knew that Viktor sat crouched in the large oak tree above them, looking out for... whatever it was he looked out for. Danger, other Pokemon, future victims, she could never quite be sure. After what seemed like an eternity, Dani stood, folded up the map, and stretched her stiff limbs. "Let's go find a place to make our camp. We can continue on to the next town tomorrow."
Viktor jumped down from the tree, his heavy steel-clad body landing harshly on the fallen leaves below. "There's smoke over there. Fire. We should check it out," he said, pointing with his fingered hand to a growing plume of smoke not too far away. Dani nodded and started walking towards the smoke, with Mia and Viktor following closely behind her.

❄ Journal || Flight Rising ❄
Gerald stared at his trainer for a moment, before starting to eat his soup. He ate as quickly as he could, being the usual pig that he was.
Scarlet shook her head, as she watched the Granbull-human. She started to eat her soup. She seemed to not have a care in the world.
A delicious smell floated through the air. Mia stopped short, with Dani nearly crashing into her. In front of them was a small group of people around a campfire. Dani gently placed her hand on Mia's arm, knowing how reckless her first Pokemon could be.
"It would be rude to barge into their camp," Dani said softly. By this point, Viktor had caught up with them. The Scizor gijinka remained silent, his face expressionless.

❄ Journal || Flight Rising ❄
Gerald also followed Scarlets lead, looking at the forest, "Come on out, we know you are there." He stated, loudly as he finished his soup. He wasn't afraid, he was hoping it was just a trainer.
"Hi! I'm the great and powerful spirit that dwells in this forest. I'd gladly take an offering of whatever smells so delicious," she said, crossing her arms in front of her and trying to look intimidating.
Dani rolled her eyes at the Mawile gijinka's words. Shaking her head, she glanced over at the trainer seated near the fire. "Hey... sorry, we're traveling through this forest, and I guess we got a little bit turned around. We didn't mean to bother you."

❄ Journal || Flight Rising ❄
Gerald rolled his eyes, placing his bowl down. He then stood up, and walked into the woods. Molly watched him, knowing he'd be okay and would come back. She assumed he was just getting more fire wood.