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The Dark And Light Pokemon World
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Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 18:51 (11 Years ago)
"Don't or I well make you pay"
Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 18:55 (11 Years ago)
dusclops: get the queen and the princess and the other captives out
of here hurry*whispers*
*prepares a move called Ultimate Destiny
Saiban OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 32
Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 18:57 (11 Years ago)
"Okay." He whispers, than dashes to where Queen Lilly and the
others are, quickly thinking of a strategy.
Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 18:57 (11 Years ago)
Queen Lilly starts to turn dark
Saiban OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 32
Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 18:59 (11 Years ago)
"Quick..." He whispers, "Quickly! Follow me!" He stars running off,
making a hole in the door as he charges, using Flamethrower.
Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 19:02 (11 Years ago)
She runs as she is 50% Dark "I need to get out of the Land Of
Shadows NOW"
Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 19:04 (11 Years ago)
*the beam is fired but something had blocked the attack from
hitting bell or the queen and all is heard was the key that droped
to the ground*
Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 19:06 (11 Years ago)
Is 75% Dark and is not yet out of the Land Of Shadow "Faster I need
to get out NOW"
Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 19:07 (11 Years ago)
* a light happen and everyone that is from the kingdom of light is
now back there and the gate rebuilt and now stury*
Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 19:09 (11 Years ago)
*the queen and bell see the key and duskclop's glove on the ground
and have a feeling of remorse for the following reasons, for bell
he freed bell from the shackles and sacrifaced himself for the
wellbeing of others and for the queen duskclops was a dear friend
who was undercover in the shadow lands for some time*
Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 19:09 (11 Years ago)
Is 99% Dark and now turns in to the Shadow Queen
Saiban OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 32
Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 19:10 (11 Years ago)
Bell was breathing heavily from running with the rest of the
captives. "It's... Okay... Now... ... It's... ... All... ...
Fine..." He said. Then he saw the Shadow Queen.
Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 19:11 (11 Years ago)
Both of them see the sacriface duskclops had made for thier escape
(even his own life) and she turns back to normal*
Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 19:12 (11 Years ago)
"I am here" looks evil and flys to the Land Of Shadow
The Shadow queen needs a gem of Light And Dark to turn back to her
old self
Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 19:14 (11 Years ago)
*something gleams in the glove that was duskclops*
Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 20:01 (11 Years ago)
Shadow queen slowly makes a Dark World "You well never stop me now"
dos Dark Dream on all of them
Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 20:02 (11 Years ago)
*XD000 come up behidn you and uses shadow wrath and slams you to
the ground*
Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 20:05 (11 Years ago)
The attack miss "I well never be stoped" dos Fire Storm and Dark
Saiban OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 32
Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 20:06 (11 Years ago)
"Not again..." Bell whispered, then charged an Overheat.
Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 20:07 (11 Years ago)
*uses double team and you notice that your starting to weaken as
xd000 is getting stronger**uses shadow blast and it hit with a
critical hit*
*duskclops glove glows and the lightdark gem comes out and shines*