Forum Thread
The Message Shop
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → The Message Shop
The Shop is:Opened
Here I sell Messanger Fletchling,Fletchinder and Talonflame
for only 3.5k pd you can order them here if you
want a male or a female one tell me and i will give it to you
for a very little amount of PD

or full evolved it will cost more 500 pd)
All what you have to do is to post an order here and i will
give it to you as soon as you send money
(please don't copy idea)

3 Female Messenger Fletchling
2 Male Messenger Fletchling
1 Female Messenger Talonflame
(Waiting for Payment)
If your name is here you won't be able to buy from my shop
If your name is here you get messanger fletchling for FREE