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Full moon and wolves

Forum-Index Roleplay Full moon and wolves
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 482
Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 23:45 (9 Years ago)
Hazel returned to her full wolf form, and decided to take a light nap. She had worked all day to make this, and she was exhausted. Hazel curled her long black legs around herself and drifted away into black.
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,837
Posted: Mon, 28/09/2015 00:01 (9 Years ago)
"Thank you, kind alpha," Tyne replied, grabbing the piece of paper carefully with his fangs, then showed himself out. Once outside of her room, he looked around and was surprised to see that he wasn't more than two blocks from his own apartment. He took off in a run, his paws hitting the ground hard, as he rushed back to his own place.

When he got there, he made sure nobody else was nearby, then shifted to his human form, grabbed his hidden spare key, then hurried inside. Once his door was closed, he dropped the piece of paper from his mouth.

"So an alpha, huh? Well, at least she didn't kill me. I couldn't smell a pack on her, though... It's weird, but I hope that we'll be able to talk on my break," he mused to himself, then put the piece of paper down before getting dressed. Unable to wear his usual outfit, as it was laying out on the roads somewhere, he tossed on a simple black shirt and a pair of jeans, clipping on his tail key chain. He quickly combed his hair and pulled the long part back into a tail, letting it rest along his back as he grabbed his spare key and rushed back out the door.

He knew that there was a little time before his first shift of the day, so he went to go gather up his stuff from where he had shifted the night before. He was relieved to see that it was all still there, so he shoved his clothes into his backpack, and slung it on, then ran to get to work for the day.

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Mon, 28/09/2015 05:23 (9 Years ago)
"AUUUCH! Wait. What happened?!" said Zolik. He woke up in a truck and he hit his head in a box.
"Hey watch where you bonk your head! Those are my precious goods! He heared from the front of the truck, and he started to uncover a way to get there.
Train my starter cyndaquil!

And also my shaymin could use some training as well.

Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Mon, 28/09/2015 14:03 (9 Years ago)
(We need more roleplayers for this to progress or at least more characters per person)
Victoria got up and locked the doors after Tyne left. 'I am not kind. At least I don't think so.' She thought to herself finishing her meal. She then got to her closet there weren't a lot of things inside only two hoodies and one pair of pants and, of course, her backpack. She took backpack out, barely remembering she put it there last night, she looked through things and decided to change water in her bottle. Looking on the street she got out of her room in hotel. 'It looks like this town doesn't have wolves that rule it.' She thought to herself while walking down the streets. 'I could look for recruits here.'
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,837
Posted: Mon, 28/09/2015 21:32 (9 Years ago)
The male gave a smile to his coworkers as he arrived at the store. One of them gave him a weird look, probably because of the backpack and the somewhat out of breath state he was in, but he didn't let it bother him. He picked up his list and collected the items that he was to deliver, then was off to go deliver them.

The blind human awoke to the feeling of the warm rays of the sun on his face and hands. He gave a yawn and stretched from the tree that he had slept in the night before. It was around the time of the full moon, which is why he was in the area, looking for the beasts to see what the situation was with them. They might be few in number, but they seemed to be overrunning the area.

He undid the bandages from the branches and tied them around his neck, snug enough to silence the soft jingle of the bells. He then jumped down, landing on his feet and hands, then looked around. Not that looking actually did anything for him. The sound of birds flying and chirping told him that it was probably safe, for now. The scent of the trees, grass, and crisp soil was always a relaxing scent for him, but he knew that he'd soon be unable to smell it, as the scent of smog and the sound of people bustling around was close by. That had to be the place that the note had mentioned the sightings. He took out the note and traced his fingers over it, checking the fading indentations that the writing tool had left on it. The wolves might trying to hide and be careful, but one slip up, and he'd be on them, and he planned to handle things as they came.

He finally straightened up, then started to make his way towards the annoying sounds, knowing that he'd lose the comfort of soft ground under his feet. It would soon be replaced with cold, hard concrete that was impossible to register movement properly when on it.

Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Thu, 08/10/2015 16:09 (9 Years ago)
Victoria was walking down streets looking at humans moving and talking. She couldn't see anyone that would be interesting to recruit. She was now in part of town where she never was. It's more live part of town with cafes, shops and patisseries. 'This is probably center of town She thought looking around, she then saw interesting cafe. Then she remembered she doesn't have anymore food. She needed food for at least one more week. 'But how things are going I will probably stay much longer here.' Noticed one of food shops with fresh and healthy food she went inside. She choose some cheese, fruit and vegetables. This store didn't have meat, so she decided she will first go cafe. Few moments later, she walked in cafe holding bag full of things she bought. She looked around and noticed place in shadow away from other sitting tables, she decided to sit there.

Hunter looked around family cafe. It was one of those cafes that have a lot plants and fish tank. Hunter didn't really like working here but it is only job he can get. 'All because I was stupid' He thought, thinking about his scars and wolves that attacked him. He was sorry for his mistake, he committed so many years ago. Taking his scars and his body build he looked a bit frightening. Coming out of his thoughts he noticed girl sat in his part of cafe. Walking to her, he noticed she has white hair, on first thought he thought it was old lady but then he noticed blue ends and young face. 'She has scar on her face.' He noticed and slowly he moved his free hand over scar on his face.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Fri, 09/10/2015 13:58 (9 Years ago)
Violet: Violet woke up early and looked around in the collapsing shack. He didn't saw Steve, probably because he went to buy a few more materials to stop the house collapsing. She thought that she might have breakfast, but there was nothing at home, so she went hunting.
She found a deer and she was about to kill it, but then she heard a howl on front of her. She turned around and was about to flee, when she heard a howl from there as well. She heard howls from the two other sides, and then she realised, that she was surrounded. She had to choose: Hide or alert Steven. They made an alarm for safety, which is a high tone howl which is long. She had to risk the alerting sound, and let away that howl, hoping that Steven will come to help.

Steven: Just as Violet thought, Steven was in the city to sell the meat to the butcher. Then they had a little conversation: "Thanks for the meat again Steven, this is some fine deer meat! Seriously thanks, because deers aren't found in the forrest due to those PESKY wolves!"
"Yeaahh. I knoooww." said Steven in a shaking voice, because he is one of them after all.
"What is bothering you bud?"
"Aww it's nothing. I'm just badly worried about my friend. Maybe she is already worried sick about me. I didn't tell her that I'm leaving. (Whew! It was hard NOT to tell him THAT)" he thought. then while going to the material shop, he wondered: "(I wonder if Violet will get in trouble)". Then he heared the emergency howl. "(Well she won't get in any troubly, because she is already in trouble!!!)" Then he hurried to the sceen as fast as he could.

Zolik: When he finally got to the driver, he asked: "What happened to me?"
"Well, I found you lying in the middle of the road. I couldn't just leave you there. Were you attacked by a werewolf?" Then they both laughed, nearly for a minute.
"You have weird jokes! HAHAHAH! This was good!"
"Yeah I know! Some idiots believe that they exist though. Anyway. We are heading for Huntsville now."
"Huntsville? (Wow the sun has just risen and I almost did my goal for today already! What will I do now?)"
"What are you wondering about?"
"Well I was just thinking about this and that and this and th....."
"I think I know why are you going to Huntsville! You are going to become a marksman?"
"Yes, but how did you know that?"
"Well you were so messed up because of talking to the team. But don't be so shy! They accept anyone who has great skills with a rifle, or a bow. And I hope you do have skills, because a horde of wolves usually attack that town at this time of year."
"Wo-wolves? So my dream...... WAS A VISION?"
"WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOOOAA! Whooa man! You had a dream that turned out to be a vision?"
"Well, in fact yes! I think...."
"I know about these. I will explain what will you need to do after you tell me the story."
"OK. So I woke up in Huntsville wearing a green......"
(Continued after next post)
Train my starter cyndaquil!

And also my shaymin could use some training as well.

Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Sat, 10/10/2015 17:20 (9 Years ago)
Hunter walked to girl with scar. ''Excuse, me.'' She turned her face to him. Something in her eyes remembered him of 'accident'. He stumbled few steps away then he remembered that he, probably, shouldn't be scared of girl. She couldn't do anything to him and she didn't have any connection to wolves that attacked him. He noticed her eyes were wondering over him. ''Yes?'' Her voice had some kind of authority and got Hunter back from his thoughts. ''What would you like to order?'' He said hoping he didn't stutter. 'She is, probably, from strong family He thought to himself.

Victoria looked at boy before her and then his smell got to her nose. She realised he was really important. She didn't know why she thinks that but something in her senses screamed 'Protect him'. She than looked closer at him. 'He is strong, he would be good recruit.' Smelling him closer she got felling she knew him. She shaked it off and concentrated to answering his question. ''I would like chocolate cappuccino.'' She smiled remembering one of her human clases that said canines can't eat chocolade.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Sat, 10/10/2015 19:38 (9 Years ago)
Zolik: ".....killed by a wolf. That's the end."
"Pretty interesting story! So I must say, that it will happen this day, and you have to clearly memorize the events of that day."
"But... how can we do that? We can't just step into "Edge of tomorrow"."
"KHMMM! Didn't I mention earlier that I know about these?"
"Ummmmmm.....(Hope he hasn't got a crazy idea)"
Then the driver showed his frying pan to Zolik.
"This is my prized "Vision waker"."
"Well... then? (GOD me and my big mouth!)"
"I will hit you with this just wait a bit. HHMMPHHHYAAAAHH!"
"*DOONNNKK* Weull that didun't quittee... *DROP*"
"I hope he gets back OK."

Violet & Steven: "Unngh! Uuungh!!!" Violet was scared as she was surrounded. The wolves were visible now and were closing in, but then...
"*Scratch* *Bump* Care to explain what happened here?"
"Steven! Well Let's just take care of them first."
The wolves were almost beaten, but then they took down Steven.
"GRAAAHH! Ugghh.."
The wolf injured Steven seriously, And he couldn't talk due to that.
"Steven..." Than she ran away fast, carrying the injured Steven, hoping that she can cure him.
Train my starter cyndaquil!

And also my shaymin could use some training as well.

Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Thu, 15/10/2015 09:47 (9 Years ago)
''Alright.'' Hunter smiled. As soon as he turned around he started thinking about girl. She had some kind of authority and strength in her acting and voice. He then went to thinking why did she remind him of wolf attack he survived. 'Something in her eyes....' Flashback struck him fast. He remembered wolves clawing and biting him. He remembered alpha wolf that growl at other wolves and smaller wolf next to him. He got back to this moment. 'She has same eyes as little wolf He realised. Shaking his head he went to tell her order to bartender.

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 21/10/2015 19:00 (9 Years ago)
Zolik: Zolik went through the whole dream again, but in the end, when the wolf jumped on him, he didn't really die. Another wolf killed the attacker, and it came close to Zolik. Then he heared a voice:"No need to thank me." then he passed out because of this. And when he woke up he bumped his head again.

Violet: Violet carried Steven home, in hope that she could cure him. She went through all the cupboards in the house, searching for bandages, until she found one. Then, she went out to the forest to find herbs, that can cure Steven.
Train my starter cyndaquil!

And also my shaymin could use some training as well.

Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Sun, 01/11/2015 13:05 (9 Years ago)
Victoria got bored of waiting in only few minutes. Caffe was crowded, at least for her, even thought there were only five or six people. She looked at fish tank and then she took her backpack and pulled out rubik's cube. It was kind of old, she got it from her father when she was only five, it was also made with mistake so when completed one white box was on side of blue boxes. She looked at it feeling her eyes water up. She shook her head and put it back in backpack. She wiped tears from her eyes and looked up. She could see waiter boy bringing her cappuccino.

Hunter walked slowly to not spill cappuccino for girl. He decided, with begging of his father, to ask her out. He didn't really want it because she reminded him of little wolf. He went to her and put her order in front of her. Then he put arm on his neck and said: ''Do you want to hang out? I never saw you here before and if you are new to town I can show you around.''
Girl looked at him with that kind of look that can see your soul, he saw her nose move like she was smelling him.
''Okay.''She said at the end. ''This is my number call me later when you are done with your shift.'' She then drinked a bit of her cappuccino.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Sun, 01/11/2015 18:26 (9 Years ago)
"Hey again! Stop bumping all of my stuff!" said the driver as Zolik bumped his head on the glass. "Sorry! So I woke up again, but..... ......and that scared me. That's the story."
"So a WOLF just TALKED to you??!!"
"That's what I saw. And heared. But it was just a dream!" Then they discussed a few more things concerning the topic, like WHAT did he heard and HOW did he hear that.
A few moments later, they arrived in Huntsville, and they had to say goodbye to each other. Then the driver handed a piece of paper to Zolik. "This is my number. Call when you need me." said the driver closing the truck door and driving away. Zolik saw the building of the marksman team in front of him. His heart was really pounding and he entered...

Violet searched and searched until she found enough herbs to heal Steven. She returned to their house, and Violet saw paw prints leading FROM the house! She barged in seeing that Steven was not there. She panicked and quickly followed the prints, noticing some traces of something being dragged. After chasing the prints farther and farther, she looked around. That was a big wolf pack's territory. She carefully followed the prints, discovering something awful...
Train my starter cyndaquil!

And also my shaymin could use some training as well.

Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Wed, 11/11/2015 15:30 (9 Years ago)
Victoria drunk last bit of her cappuccino. And went her way to her hotel room carrying bags. Inside she layed on her bed thinking about day and what could she do. She decided to make herself something to eat and than she will go for walk on edge of forest.