Forum Thread
hoenn dex
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → hoenn dexsorry for the delay
i also have nuzleaf,ralts ,kirlia ,gardevoir,breloom,exploud,hariyama
they are medium,rare,rare,rare,medium,medium,medium
sothey would cost 1500+10000+10000+10000+1500+1500+1500=36000 pd
do you want them?
IF yes palpad me
- Mightyena (easy - 500PD)
- Linoone (easy - 500PD)
- Lombre (which you can evolve in Ludicolo) (medium - 1500PD)
- Gardevoir (rare - 10000PD)
- Masquerain (medium - 1500PD)
- Sableye (hard - 3000PD)
- Manectric (medium - 1500PD)
- Volbeat (medium - 1500PD)
- Illumise (medium - 1500PD)
Sceptile- Starter; 5,000 PD
Marshtomp- Starter; 5,000 PD
Volbeat- Medium; 1,500 PD
Gardevoir- Rare; 10,000 PD
Kirlia- Rare; 10,000 PD
Only tell me the ones you need out of them, please. Then I'll put in GTS