"Huh? Saving lives? I sense no danger." Said Kal, using Wesley's
body to speak out of turn. "Dammit Kal, shut up! I was just gonna
ask. What do you mean?"
I sense the return of the mysterious bird,says DP and collapses on
yatos back and goes unconscious,yato takes him to some place for
(see ya all tomorrow)
He shook his head, looking at Aimi, "Sorry, I can't reveal any
information until I find the one who has the Water, Air, and Ice
dragons. When I find the chosen one, then I'll tell you
"Two years ago, there was a recent war, my people were killed, the
trio of dragons chased off our attackers. However, the Water Tribe
had written a manuscript in their native tongue. I was always
curious of what it said..." He crossed his arms.
"When I find the water tamer." He said calmly. Looking at the
group. Kal spoke out, "We can't necessarily say we don't trust you,
but we need to find the chosen one before we reveal the sacred
village." Wesley grumbled, "Kal, what'd I say? I can do the
talking." 'Maybe so,' He said inside, 'But you're not saying
"Well, if I revealed things too soon, another war would break out.
Let me show you all something, in the valley just south of here.
You'll then understand."
"Huh? Oh right, sorry, I didn't introduce myself." He laughed
nervously. "My name's Wesley, I've been out here in the woods for
awhile. On a quest, sorta."