(I can list what there is! The beach in the central region, a
sacred temple and village in the far southeast. A town to the
north, and a small valley to the west. Plus a canyon river that
cuts through the beach and to the sacred temple and village. Of
course I'm doing this for fun.)
His face grew dark. "Two years ago, one of my people trusted
someone, kinda like you, but a man, they found the secret location.
And war broke out, I'm the only one left. My parents told me to
show my home to nobody. Except the Sacred Water Tamer."
"Yes, there was a war similar, but this one was recent... They
killed everyone, I got out alive, and killed the remaining rivals,
the one to chase off the killers, was the Water, Air and Ice
dragon. That's why I'm looking for the water tamer." He looked at
the bugs moving on the ground. "The person can read the manuscripts
with ease... We couldn't decipher them, that's why I need the Water
Tamer. They were the ones who lived in the hidden land a long time