James growled in frustration and looked up. A high way was twenty
feet above. All he needed to do was get up there. A fire escape was
eight feet above the building. James quickly ran back to the
building and bounced off the wall barely grabbing the fire escape.
Pulling himself up he ran up the fire escape and jumped to the
highway, barely grabbing the bridge. He struggled a moment but
managed to eventually pull himself up. “I may be dead and in hell,
but I won't play your games.” James muttered spitting down at the
armadillos below.
James started to run. He didn't no where however he saw a building
that looked secure. The street looked like a bomb hit recently. He
tried to open the steel door, but it was locked. He slammed his
shield against it causing a loud banging noise.
Nova growls as she stares at the sword. She pulls it out of the
door and throws it back at Ace. It lands an inch away from his
foot. She turns back to the door and opens it a little. We
needed supplies anyways... She raises her pistol looking
through the slightly open door for that man.
James tossed his his shield into the head of an Armadillo. Jumping
off the fire escape and doing a parkour roll he grabbed his shield
and blocked a claw attack. He slammed it into the armadillos
stomach and then he shoved it in a trash bin. He then threw his
shield and it bounced off the last armadillo and flew near the door
of the building. He grabbed a metal pipe in in one quick thrust it
sank into the armadillos chest. `Now to get my shield.` He thought
turning the corner.
Nova turns to Ace. "What the heck are you doing? This door is the
only thing keeping those creatures out!" She points her pistol at
him. "Now, back up... Over to the couch..."