"Echo quit acting like a child. You're a guild leader, you could
get demoted or possibly even kicked out of the school if you keep
this up" Draco said. He tossed Echo's bow to her "Catch. I gotta
go, I have mission to deal with" Draco said and went to his dorm.
Draco got changed into his battle outfit and flew away from the
Draco looked around "Where are those Devil Beetles?!" Draco asked
himself. Draco looked up and saw a swarm of devil beetles "What
the?! How is a swarm that big, this isn't normal!" Draco said.
Draco sighed and flew off at the swarm. Draco attacks the devil
beetles. Draco gets badly injured and crashes into the ground next
to Echo
Draco stood up weakly. Draco fired all the magical bullets into his
gun. Draco aimed his sword at the swarm. A ball of red energy
appeared at the tip of Draco's sword "STRIKE BLASTER" Draco yelled
and fired a large and powerful red beam which killed the last 120
Devil Beetles