Draco smiled. He looked through the window and his eyes widened. A
gigantic swarm of devil beetles were attacking, they were so many
big ones. Draco noticed the Sky Wizards Academy sent some their
best out their but they are still failing. They now were just
sending as many wizards as possible. Draco looked at his phone and
it said "You are forbidden for fighting traitor" the message said
from the Division Leader
The devil beetles started firing laser blast at Echo, realizing she
was the biggest threat. The big Devil Beetles started firing large
laser beams at Echo. Draco got a message and quickly changed and
grabbed hi sword
Draco quickly grabbed Echo and flew to a hospital and set her on
the bed. The doctors gave Draco an artificial magic potion "Be
careful the magic will only last you 1 hour based on our
predications" A doctor said. Draco drank it and flew out of the
window and fired of his magical bullets into his sword. A red ring
appeared on his sword and Draco fired a large red laser blast. A
Wizard that was retreating gave Draco 6 more bullets. Draco started
flying around and destroyed them 1 by one, Draco was getting pretty
beat up from the laser
Draco started glowing dark blue. Draco was now faster, Draco
quickly flew around and killed Devil Beetles as he was flying.
Draco looked like he was a teleporting blur because of his speed
Draco flew back and fired all of his magical bullets and a dark
blue ring appeared on his sword tip. Draco fired a large dark blue
laser blast killing most of the devil beetles. Draco tossed Erin
his sword "Finish them!" Draco yelled to her before his magic ran
out and Draco crashed into the school