Khaalida smiled slightly as Riku drank, knowing that it won't taste
good, but that if he doesn't drink, he won't make it much longer.
Her smile faded at the question. "Oh, I'm sure i'll find
something..." She turned and walked out to go looking for something
and to let him drink in peace.
Draco puts the blade through a belt and kicked a small pebble. "I'm
not sure. She was pretty weak when she did that, though its wishful
thinking that they died in the process... We must assume they made
it, and continue looking until we find them or their bodies."
Riku nodded and watched Khaalida leave before going back to
drinking. After draining the mutt dry, he dropped the corpse and
licked his lips. Even if the blood wasn't the best, Riku no longer
felt as tired.
"If we do find them...alive, what should we do? Kill them, or bring
them in?" Hinami asks watching the pebble roll away.
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Khaalida walked through the halls, and she tried to push the
thoughts of thirst out of her mind. I'll find something... If I
don't I'll be fine... I've gone longer periods without drinking...
I can do this. Keep it together. She thought to herself as she
silently made her way through the abandoned building.
Draco sighed. "We should attempt to bring them in, but if they
prove to be difficult, we kill them." He turned to her. "Is that
not what we're trained to do?"
Riku stares at the body, his eyes narrowing. I should've shared
it with Khaalida... He digs his nails into his palm in
frustration. I mean she caught it, why give it to me? Riku
thought, his nails digging into skin but he couldn't care less.
"The least I could do is find something..." Riku slowly stands up,
wincing during the process, and limps the opposite direction from
Hinami blinks. "Of course," She replies quite hastily. "I just
wanted to make sure."
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Khaalida continues searching and leaps at a mouse, which scurried
into a hole in the wall. If I don't find anything I can just say
I did... I know Riku would try to get something... He really needs
to rest. She stands up and sighs, dusting off her knees and
heading back to the room where she left Riku.
Draco chuckles. "Relax. I'm not going to reprimand you for
confirming something. Even if it is common knowledge."
Riku glances around at the new hallway he was in. "Damn rodents..."
He growls, squinting his eyes. Right when I need one, they
magically disappear... Riku continues, his pace decreasing.
There has to be something. He thinks. After a few moments,
Riku hears a rustle in a small pile of debris. He approached as
quietly as he could, a smirk settling on his lips. The huge rodent
scurried out and Riku swiftly slammed his good foot on its tail.
"Got you," He says to the mouse.
Hinami simply pursed her lips and gave a nod. She continued
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Khaalida entered the room and looked about. "Riku? Where'd you
go?!" What if he went looking for something for me to drink and
something happened? What if he was taken by a human? What if...
What if... She took a deep breath trying to calm herself as she
went down the only other way out of the room.
Draco looked about. "The sun is going to set soon... Should make
Riku successfully caught another mouse, smaller than the first.
"Ugh...these things are harder to capture than himans," He mutters,
glancing at the two bodies he held. I should head back, Riku
turns back around and limps to the room.
Hinami ran her fingers through her hair. "What about over there?"
She points at a building. "It's still standing and looks sturdy."
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Khaalida sighs as she sees Riku limping down the hallway. "There
you are! What are you doing?" He's okay, phew... She sees
the mice in his hands. He did go off to get me something... He
needs to rest... "Are you okay?" She asks as she looks down at
his leg.
Draco picked up a stone and threw it at the building. It clinked
off the wall and sent up a small cloud of dust as it hit the
ground. "Looks can be deceiving..." He says as he walks up to the
building and goes through the doorway.
"I've been better," Riku mutters shifting his weight to his good
leg. "But at least I got you something!" He hands her the mice. "I
know its not much, compared to the mutt...these rodents are
difficult to catch." Riku chuckles. "Did you get anything?" He
sniffs her. Doesn't seem like it...
Hinami follows Draco, glancing back to see if there was anything
that might be watching them. Seeing and hearing nothing, she turns
back around.
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Khaalida smiles at the mice and takes them in one hand. "You really
shouldn't have, I would have been fine until I caught something.
Let's get you back to the couch." She offers Riku her arm to help
take weight off his leg. The more he walks on that the longer it
will take for it to heal...
Draco finds a clear room, no furniture and he sits down by the far
wall so he can watch the doorway.
Riku gratefully accepts Khaalida's aid, linking his arm onto hers.
"Thanks and no problem. I wouldn't have been pleased with myself if
I didn't at least try to get you something." He admits. "You
should've drank the mutt's blood not me..."
Hinami goes to the opposite wall and kneels down. "Who will have
the first watch?" She asks.
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Khaalida sighs as she starts walking back to the room with the
couch. "I went off to get myself something, I didn't want you
getting it because the more you walk on that, the longer it will
take to heal." She chuckles. "I probably sound like a mother..."
She purses her lips as she realizes that she said her thought out
loud. Drat...
Drace crosses his arms and straightens himself up a bit. "I'll take
first watch."
Riku smirks at what Khaalida said. "I know...but I wanted to get
you something." He sits on the couch, wincing slightly as he shifts
to let her sit down as well. The room was now darker due to the sun
setting. "It's going to get dark soon..." Riku stares at the
shadows casted across the room.
"Alright," Hinami gets into a comfortable position while humming to
herself quietly.
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Khaalida smiles as she looks down to the mice in her hand, her
teeth began to ache slightly at the thought of a drink. She looks
up to the window and takes a deep breath as the sky reddens. "It
will..." She looked about the room and her eyes settled on the
chair. "I'll take the chair." She stands up.
Draco settled himself down and stared intently at the door.
Riku frowns slightly. "Are you sure?" He asks and examines the
chair. "It doesn't look comfortable...and the couch isn't small..."
Riku trails off. She already slept in the chair though, it might
not make a difference to her.
Hinami presses her back against the wall and turns to see outside.
The sky was slowly losing its crimson color.
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Khaalida walks over to the chair and sits crosslegged in the chair.
"I'm sure." She smiles and looks at the couch. "Though the couch
isn't small, it isn't large either... And how well will either of
us sleep if we're laying... Eh, cramped..." She turns to the window
hiding a slight blush. I really need to think about my words
before letting them out...
Draco mutters something under his breath before stretching.
Riku tilts his head and a smirk plays on his lips. "Then we'll lay
side by side, simple." He teases while patting the empty spot
beside him. "I don't bite," Riku continues while grinning to show
off his fangs. "Well, occasionally I don't..." His blue eyes
glinting mischievously.
Hinami raises her eyebrow at Draco before turning away.
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Khaalida giggles slightly and turns to look at Riku, her blush
completely gone. "You sure you can trust me?" She smiles putting on
an air of innocence. He teased me... So, we'll see if he can
take as well as he can deal... She slowly stands up from her
chair, keeping eye contact with him.
Draco chuckles. "Just a prayer Hinami... Haven't you ever prayed?"
Riku's smirk slightly falters when he doesn't gain the reaction he
wanted. Crap...well two can play that game, "Why not?" He
responds and scoots over slightly, not once looking away from
Khaalida. Even if he didn't show it, Riku had gotten a bit
Hinami bits her lip. "I used to..." She murmurs clasping her hands
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