Forum Thread
Improved GTS offer page
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → Improved GTS offer pageHi Everyone.. I don't know if the same suggestion was ever made by anyone. But... Now a days there is So much Scamming is going on Here.. So I tried to think for a solution and here I am with an Idea. I hope you will Like it.
-Most of the scamming happens when someone Give his rare pokemon to a scammer and do not get Nuggets or Pd in Return. Why? because it is a two way process. The person needs to wait for the Other person to send Nuggets or Pd after getting Nuggets. But scammers do not send anything in return.
-The scammer can be get banned by this action but they probably use Fake Accounts. But the main Thing is The owner of rare pokemons can not get his pokemons or Belongings back.
-Trusted trading thread is an Option but Mods are very busy, and there are so many users. So it takes time... and also Mods have to spend some time for Trusted trading thread's work.
-So I made this Image of GTS offer page of What I think it should look like.. so No one lose this lovely Pokemons and precious Items. It will also Make work easy for Mods.
-I made it in paint ( I didnt know any other way to make it.. also My English is bad so try to understand what I am trying to say)
So IF GTS offer page will have - "PokeDollar" and "Nuggets" adding options.. Then A user would be Able to see If the other user offered Nuggets or Pd or Not ?? ... If yes .. he will accept the trade. Otherwise he can decline
Example Made by me :
GTS offer Page will Look Like this : ( with added pd and nuggets options)

And GTS Trade Page will Look Like this :

I dont know.. Suggesting like this is allowed or not.. But that was the best way to express what I was thinking..
It will Not only Reduce The Burden on mods' Shoulders.. But Also will Save People from getting Scammed. Also It will Reduce scammers and will re develop trust among Members
Update : I just found out that this can also be used for Nuggets and Pd ( Nuggets for pd Or Pd for Nuggets) transaction on both ends on the 'same time'.. So No one will have to send nuggets after getting pd and vise versa.. and transaction at same time would be Possible. So this will also reduce cheating I guess :)
Update 2 : It can be enhanced by adding a new feature : By which we can be able to offer multiple pokemon on a single pokemon. So we dont have to set many different trades for one. I will try to make a pic of that too. But since I am not good at art.. I appreciate if someone experienced artist make it. thank you :)
example Below :
Ok, the example below shows how can multiple pokemons be offered on a single pokemon at GTS.. I tried to put all images together but I am not a good artist. Please try to understand by the image below that how it will work. thanks.

1."Pokemons you have offered"..... this list will show the List of pokemons a person offered on a single trade (pokemon) at GTS.
2."Add Another Pokemon"..... By this link we will be able to add another pokemon to the "Pokemons you have offered" List
3. It will be "Less time consuming"..... and it won't be one to one offer ( lengthy ) anymore.
4. "Remove Button" Below each pokemon to remove already added pokemon.

1. As shown in figure, "all Pokemons (with the item they hold) , Amount of nuggets and Pd Offered by a User will be shown in a separate box"... Offers by other users will show below the first offer in a different separate box.
This suggestion is to support the rules and to make trading safer. Thank You. :)
Check this
Title: Helpful for everybody
Aragons idea is nice... It would be helpful if we could pay nuggets/PD directely in the trade. I am member on other collecting pages too where it is part of a trade ... There you cant say i pay later or .. First you accept and then i pay ^^
I think... If this would be the same here scammers had no good chance anymore and the work for mods and admins would be easier.
And like aragon says... If a scammer go banned... The only he needs to do is making a new account with other datas and he can do his bad work again ...
And a last word from me.... Never lend a worthy pokemon to a member you dont know good enough .... ;)
First of all - No one is supporting this because they are my "Friends". Many of the users here I dont know. May be you are thinking that someone's friends will Blindly support any of his Idea. But really - I Don't Think so.
Second - They are supporting this Because they Think it will help People who are getting scammed. It will also save time in Trusted Trade thread. Do you know why Trusted Tread Thread is made? Just to Save innocent people for scamming. and also it works a bridge between people who dont know that they should trust the other one while trading or not?
Third - About abusing this Idea you Mentioned there. I would say May be you did not read what I wrote and made there. In my Views people been abusing Innocent guys by current GTS. Why? Just because someone trust a user? that way people will stop trusting each other. But How can someone Abuse this while Everything ( pokemon, Nuggets and Pd ) will be visible to them while trading? they will clearly see that what other person is offering. And it will be their will to accept it and not. Can you Make your point Clear please?
Forth - You are not My friend, then still you are saying that 'Its a Great Idea' .. thanks for that :) I guess just because you know that it will help people and they will not lost their Precious pokemons and Item.
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