Forum Thread
Raptor Squad~Open~
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Raptor Squad~Open~No if I wanted to could ban you for breaking rules and spamming.
But I am not going to
Stone wanders off to look for adventure and notices delta from afar and decides to kinda stalk her for fun .He wonders if she will notice him ...
You don't need to watch Jurassic park to know about dinosaurs.
Feel free to unfriend me I legit don't care.
I am chill wtf
You are the one getting pissy
If you don't care about Dinos why are you trying to join??
Lol bye//
Queen got up and shook out her feathers. She looked around about sighed when she couldn't find anyone. "Jeez, where is everyone?" She thought about calling out to them, but she shook her head. "Nah.." She said to herself.
"Hello , I mean no harm to you, I was just seeing how long it would take you to find me or notice my presence"

Username: Charingo
Type of dinosaur: Raptor
Dinosaur name: Pepper

Age: Around 17
Gender: Female
Special traits: Is a little more nimble than usual
Kin: 1 late sibling, stillborn
Other: A runt since hatching, Pepper is smaller than most raptors. She is narcoleptic
Password: Memesquad
Pepper blinked slowly, her lime eyes squinting in the midday sun. Her body was limp, laying against a warm rock hidden behind a large clearing of shrubbery. With a loud snarl, the ebony raptor threw herself off the rocks, staggering upwards onto her feet. She seethed with anger at herself, glancing around her warily. She had to stop falling asleep, but it was impossible. She couldnt control it, but she didnt know why. This curse would kill her one day. Pepper's stomach growled in starved anger, she hadnt eaten in a while. She crouched down, walking through the underbrush, in hopes of catching lunch.

tumblr - FR lair - FV village
Username: Gummi
Type of dinosaur: Raptor
Dinosaur name: Arius
Appearance: (I couldn't draw one.. so.. I used a googled image.)

Age: 15
Gender: Female
Special traits: Can run up to a speed of 55 mph
Kin: None
Other : Arius sighed, she clawed at the ground and huffed. She didn't want to go anywhere today but Arius ended up going hunting with a couple of her raptor friends.
Password: Memesquad

Username: BlitzTheFox
Type of dinosaur: Dimorphodon
Dinosaur name: Demo
Appearance: *pop* I tried to draw one but I cant work with paint on this computer so have this instead
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Special traits: he has great stamina and can fly for big amounts of time
Kin: Not known but considers Stone the raptor a brother
History(Optional): He was found by stone a couple years ago when he was dying from hunger, after being separated from the other dimorphodons. Since that day he relies on stone to get most of his food since a dimorphodon can't really do much alone , so he always follows Stone whenever he gets hungry.
Other : flies over the raptor's territory , perhaps looking for stone
Password: Memesquad