(It says 'Accepting' so I hope it's ok that I'm joining.)
Name: Sombra
Race: Yami
Gender: Female
Gijinka: Absol
Age(Between 14-25): 17
Weapon: Swords
Crush: Open
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Open
Other: She comes off as a cold person until you get to know her
because she is very quiet. Is she is irritated or upset, however,
her personality can change. She is also smart and sporty, as well
as skilled with her swords.
Password: Excalibur
If you happen to be caught in the dangerous ruby
never again will you be able to return... ♪
"Well do you really think I'm gonna let you do that? Hell no!"
Yuuki opened the boss room door. She walked in. "Crap..." Mizuko
ran in after her.
(Accepted but I didn't accept your friend request...sorry!)
(It's alright, I get it- I noticed we have a lot of anime in
common, though.)
Sombra, knowing she needed to defeat the boss to escape, was
looking around for some sort of hint to where they might be. As she
was walking, she began to hear voices. I wonder whose there.
She thought as she got nearer to the noise.
If you happen to be caught in the dangerous ruby
never again will you be able to return... ♪
(Lol btw, the boss is gonna be a Zapdos with 3 hp bars)
Yuuki drew her swords. Her eyes were ice-cold. She charged at the
Zapdos. "Ice Shard!" She hit the Zapdos and depleted the almost the
entire first hp bar. She continued to charge at it. "Oh gosh...."
Mizuko muttered. She pulled out her wand. She healed Yuuki's hp.
(im coming to the boss two) Clover stopped trainer and went to the
second/first (I lost count der her) dungeon and went trough the
door silently, also she hid in the shadows.
Yuuki hit the Zapdos. Mizuko was in the back, healing the others.
"Crap...I'm almost out of MP..." She said to herself. Yuuki used
Blizzard. "Die!" She sort of had a killer look in her eyes. She
stabbed the Zapdos with her sword. The Zapdos flew up high. It
grabbed Yuuki. "What the? Let me go!!" She screamed.
Yuuki dodged. The Zapdos was very high up and let Yuuki go. Yuuki
fell and did a mid-air somersault and landed on Orochi's shoulders.
She jumped off and kicked him in the face. "Jerk!!" She opened her
wings and flew up to where the Zapdos was and used Ice Beam. She
got the bonus final attack points. It dropped a midnight cloak and
an snow muffler, along with a bunch of exp. points for everybody.
Yuuki took the snow muffler and put it on. "Hey Clover, you want
this?" She threw her the cloak.