Leaves swirled around their legs as they pushed through the
undergrowth. Despite it being so bright and the now light fog, the
waterfall remained unseen. Soon enough, something was stalking them
through the undergrowth and in the air. The creature smiled as they
missed the area yet again. It stayed absolutely silent, stepping on
twigs and leaves but never making a sound...
The huge creature sensed that she had been discovered so she
stepped out from the bush where she had hidden. A small smile
kissed her lips as she inspected the odd giraffe. Scars lined her
legs. "Oh Jaglar, a Pokemon?" She sniffed her disdainfully. "Follow
me. You stink like the seven seas."
The black cat purred with pleasure as she heard the snap of a twig
behind her. Her lean muscles twisted as she laughed heartily. "You
impress me, Pokemon. Following after a Jingla is very risky." She
laughed again. "Following after me is very risky."
"Denver look at this!" Right when they were starting to given out
on hope, Hulk managed to find a corner of something. They continue
to dig around the box. Even tought it was kind of a small box, it
looked heavy.
After digging all around the box, Hulk looked at it. What could
possible be inside of it?
"What do you think it's there Denver?"
Denver bounded over to him with a eager expression on his face when
he heard Hulk's call. Immediately he bent and sniffed the box,
reaching a paw out to prod it gingerly. "I'm not sure. It looks too
small to hold supplies. Is it locked?"
"Apparently it isn't! Let's open it!" Hulk looked eager to open the
box. 'Finally something else than sand and Sandworms!' Hulke
reached he's claw and carefully started to open the box.
Hulk and Denver landed on a planet whose mist was light in the air,
and sunlight filtered through the leaves of high trees. Nothing
seemed different, or hostile. Multi-colored leaves littered the