Forum Thread
Drop your head on the keyboard
Forum-Index → Forum Games → Drop your head on the keyboardbbbbubhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjuhn`gvfcxxxdcfvgbhjfvfvb nbbbbujxedxe34657 7 7 7 8njm uyhhhhh, , , , jnhmhhhhhzA!Qr54r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5r5y y67uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, g ghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghgh ujn jn, iiiiiikikikikik mn g
Title: do this again and I'll slap you
Jack Umbre hates noodles. George Vendercoi flew cranes. Xyraicio xie Xeroi died. Calvin forgot Valentines. Gabe brought home Jamie Fox. Fred vacumed five vacumes beside Xyraicio. Nathan bickered 'bout Bob being uunder Jamie's xbox. Ed didn't xylaphone eeveryone! {346-577-7778 Ninja Jane's mom} uyuhuhuhuhuhu....... No! Hand me hairy hands! Hairy hands, Henry! Zyra Alaie! Quint Rebec! 54 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons.5 reasons.5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 reasons. 5 yummy ymmuies. 67umbrus, unicorns, umbrellas, unicycles, umbras, umbreons, unigraphs, uni, uno, underwear, uunders, ursarings, unigons , GRAPES!! Grapes happy grapes, happy grapes, happy grapes, happy grapes, happy grapes, happy grapes, grapes happy, grapes happy, grapes happy, grapes happy, grapes happy, grapes happy, grapes happy, grapes happy, grapes happy, grapes, happy, grapes happy, grapes happy, grapes happy, grapes happy, grapes happy, grapes happy, grapes happy grapes happy grapes happy... ummmm JACK! NO! JACK! NO! I-I-I-I-I-I know! I KNOW!! I KNOW!! I KNOW!! I KNOW!! Mark, Nate... go.
~~avatar by Greatest_Plann~~
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
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