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|| The Mysterious Kingdom ||

Forum-Index Roleplay || The Mysterious Kingdom ||
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 1,827
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 00:23 (9 Years ago)
Xilli was almost asleep when she smelled something odd. She cried a great caw, and flapped her wings.


⠀call me ender/victor/damie(n) ! she/any prns ! oc enthusiast
⠀. . . ☆ the character in my icon and profile decor is my own oc, please don't use these assets!

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 00:23 (9 Years ago)
She grabs Ampere, hugs her and returns to the laboratory. Nothing got destroyed.
My feign ran out. Now it's time to reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my kindess.

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Dead Ringer: Cloak Type: Feign Death
Leave a fake corpse on taking damage

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 00:26 (9 Years ago)
Cryo: *Braces* I sense something REALLY bad now. It wont affect anyone else, but me. Or my robots. I dunno, Its not exactly treason, but...

Made by:pokemonlover28

Quote from MewtwoThe circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, it is the gift of life that matters
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 00:28 (9 Years ago)
"Thank Science!" She said. She puts Ampere back to her original place and continues testing.
My feign ran out. Now it's time to reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my kindess.

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Dead Ringer: Cloak Type: Feign Death
Leave a fake corpse on taking damage

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 00:28 (9 Years ago)
"Now to put away- Oh come on!"Auraora yelled after dropping a bottle of liqud she was using to prank someone. "I have to run now! Someone must of heard that...."Auraora though as she left footprints as she went to hide in her room.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 162
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 00:31 (9 Years ago)
Brandon stood in a small training room, practicing his swordsmanship. He lashed out at a dummy with the sword, rapidly striking several weak spots, then lowered the sword and stepped back. He had struck at least three different spots in a short time, which was barely an improvement for him. Disappointed, he attacked a different one, only faster, and tried striking a few different spots than where he normally would hit.

Amber, in her cat form, stood balancing on a wall, hissing at a few stray dogs below. They growled and snarled at her, trying to claw their way up the wall and drag her down, but they only slid down as they jumped up. She flicked her tail teasingly and jumped off to the other side, hearing the furious dogs bark louder than ever. Then she headed for a small concrete area near the castle where she usually spent most of her time when she was bored.

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 00:31 (9 Years ago)
Tonika whistles a little melody and grabs her bag. It's black, with the Aperture Science Innovators Logo on it. She puts Ampere into it, let's her head peak out and starts walking.
My feign ran out. Now it's time to reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my kindess.

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Dead Ringer: Cloak Type: Feign Death
Leave a fake corpse on taking damage

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 00:32 (9 Years ago)
Cryo: AHH! I hate this aura thing! But I also love it! *Sees the liquid, which is right next to Auraora's room* Umm... Isnt that the princess? Why is the floor wet? Oh, Im not allowed to go to the room. *Walks away*

Made by:pokemonlover28

Quote from MewtwoThe circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, it is the gift of life that matters
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 00:33 (9 Years ago)
"Yes! I got away..... Now to damage the hallway!"Auraora though slowly going out of her room and crashed into something like a vase. "I hate these glasses."
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 00:35 (9 Years ago)
Cryo:Umm what was that? *Intensifies aura power* Hmm... I sense breaking glass, a person, and noise. If i concentrate any harder, this place will blow up. I have to standby and wait for more info on whats happening

Made by:pokemonlover28

Quote from MewtwoThe circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, it is the gift of life that matters
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 00:38 (9 Years ago)
She whistles and walks past the castle. "How do you get in a castle?" She looks at a hydrant. "With water pressure." She grabs a saw out of her bag. A diamond saw. She opens the hydrant and opens the door with the hydrant. "Tada..." She walks inside.
My feign ran out. Now it's time to reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my kindess.

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Dead Ringer: Cloak Type: Feign Death
Leave a fake corpse on taking damage

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 00:39 (9 Years ago)
"Why is it so hard to make trouble?"Auraora said annoyed as she got up and fixed her hair. 'And were are the guards?'
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 00:40 (9 Years ago)
Cryo:DANG SO MUCH STUFF HAPPENING I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!! I did get the coordinates for the 2 events happening. *Tells robot guards to go to said places*

Made by:pokemonlover28

Quote from MewtwoThe circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, it is the gift of life that matters
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 00:42 (9 Years ago)
"Ugh..... Anyway now to..."Auraora said before walking off to the ball room. "Do this! Hehe..."Auraora though putting something on the food before running off giggling.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 00:45 (9 Years ago)
Robot 1: *Sends messages telekinetically to Cryo* Sir, we are searching the area and we found a broken hydrant.
Robot 2:We found broken vases, fingerprints of Auraora.
Cryo:Thank you. I found her next coordinates. Ill take it from here *Goes to Ball room*

Made by:pokemonlover28

Quote from MewtwoThe circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, it is the gift of life that matters
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 00:48 (9 Years ago)
"They wont find me..... The party is about to start anyway...."Auraora though hiding in her room playing with her dolls.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 162
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 00:48 (9 Years ago)
Brandon finished training for a while and stepped out of the room, bored. He wandered the castle in search of something to do.

Amber hissed as the same pack of dogs found their way around a few buildings and ran straight at her. She jumped onto a metal fence and looked down, giggling and making fun of them as she strolled across the top of the fence and jumped into the castle courtyard. "Ooh, a castle! It looks pretty in here." She meowed to herself as she explored it.

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 00:51 (9 Years ago)
Cryo: Im in the side of her room now. *Uses Aura to find life* Yup, I see her clear. She can't fool my Aura. *Gets close to Auraora and acts normal*

Made by:pokemonlover28

Quote from MewtwoThe circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, it is the gift of life that matters
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 01:03 (9 Years ago)
"Oh come on.... They found me..."Auraora though as she stopped playing with her dolls and acted confused.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 01:08 (9 Years ago)
Cryo:I know it. *Looks away* But dont mind it. I know everything you've done. In fact, some of my guards are fixing the mess already. Except for the food thing, they're a bit confused about it.

Made by:pokemonlover28

Quote from MewtwoThe circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, it is the gift of life that matters