Forum Thread
Add an option to withdraw money from Daycare
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Add an option to withdraw money from DaycareMaybe
But not really
Some people may abuse the feature in a lot of ways
And this is kinda like making the dc a bank so
No support :p
(Plus, fyi there's a dc in pokemon games and they don't allow you to withraw money
So… yeah)
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
I myself put 100k in at a time normally. That way there's constant breeding, even when I'm offline. I don't need to worry about it running out for a long time and no needing to check why I'm not getting eggs.

Example: I just finished my shiny hunt. No longer needing my two Pokemon to breed, I removed them. I still have 2,200 PD sitting in there with no access to it.
That is the only time I would support this.
Second, yes it would be abused. Those who keep suggesting a bank feature to store money would use it to store and later withdraw money. If they don't have a pokemon in the daycare, they lose no money.
Third, your main suggestion doesn't say why. "Because I made a mistake" is not a good reason why, to get support you have to say why others would need it
Fourth, okay, so there's a lot of money in your daycare? So you don't waste it, remove the pokemon until you are ready for more eggs. In fact, it has some good. With this high a deposit, you won't have to give the daycare man for a VERY LONG TIME
200000/50 = 4000
4000/24 = 166.67
That's right! If you don't take out pokemon, you will have almost 167 days where you don't have to worry about paying or making this mistake again.
So yeah, no support. Guess you'll have to interact for some money.
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Second, yes I know we would not lose money if we dont have a pokemon in the Daycare. But, it was first time and I did not know how long it would take for a shiny to hatch. So I put in a lot of PD in the DayCare. Now that I have finished the shiny hunt, why should I keep my PD funds stagnant in a Daycare?
Third, Why others would need it? Others can deposit how much ever they need in the Daycare till their shiny hunt ends and later withdraw from the Daycare when they are done with their shiny hunt.
Fourth, your calculation is kind of wrong. The DayCare's main purpose is to breed eggs as far as I have seen.
so it should be 200,000/100 = 2000
2000/24= 83.33 days.
and this is IF I want to shiny hunt again.
I don't see how this option can be abused, since everyone has their own personal DayCare account and it is not shared with people. You can deposit all your money into the DayCare without worrying - "Oh! my PD will get locked. better not deposit in a lot".
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
kimi ga tomete kureru kara
ikutsu kizu o kasanete mo mada tarinai tarinai (tarinai)
Total votes: 23
Support ratio: 47%
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