(Sorry I was afk)
T. Chica's face turned a deep red at what Foxy had done. She
blushed and stood up, abandoning her plastic cupcake, and walked
out from backstage. "Er, Bon..? You wanted me...?"
Bon woke up after the affects from the caffeine wore off and shook
her head "what's going on....." and army crawled over to her sister
not noticing the magicly healing cut and dragged her backstage. she
motioned chica to follow.
bon sat down and propped bonnie up against the wall still not
realizing she was asleep and asked chica "so who do you like? I
mean as in boys. I like golden and spring trap, their so cute!"
T. Chica sat down against a wall and let her eyes drift to the
ground. "Um... Golden is kinda cute... and I guess I kinda like...
Foxy?" She shrugged, a little uncomfortable.
(@pika ...)