KitKat moved to the next closest camera, the one in the end of the
far left hallway. She could hear reeces already fixing the one she
broke a few minutes ago, then the hiss of the camera starting to
work again. She sighed " how many times do I have to tell him not
to fix the cameras!?!"
Reeces stared at the camera, satisfied with his work.
Viv is still on the stage
Trisha walked out in the hallway, starting to glitch as she got
closer, her voice box making odd noises every once in awhile. She
stopped in the doorway of the office
Addison pressed the light button and noticed Trisha. "Why did they
make a party bat, I mean seriously." She turned the lights off and
closed the door. She went back to looking at the cameras. "I swear
that is a human. Hmm...then again, the bat looks real...anyway."
Addison looked at the doors. "Yay, door party," she said
sarcasticly. She closed the other door. "There ain't no party like
a killer door party," she sang softly.
(You get a door, you get a door and you get a door)
Addison's randomly looking through the cameras when all of a sudden
six am arrives! "Yessss," she says, getting up and out of the chair
while opening the doors. She smiles as she walks out the door and
into the hall. Then she stops smiling. Wait, what if they can
still try and kill you? she thought. She quickly made her way
out the exit and out into the street, completely missing Red (sorry
XD). She started to make her walk home.
Addison walks into the building for round 2 (night 2, whatever).
She didn't bother looking over at the animatronics because she
figured she would see them during the night. She walked into the
office and sat down. "This is going to be fun," she thought,
checking the cameras.