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Any Homestuck fans about?

Forum-Index General Discussion Any Homestuck fans about?
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Tue, 26/05/2015 22:38 (9 Years ago)
Pretty much what the title says. I find that most of the people I know that like Homestuck also like Pokemon or Skyrim.
At the bottom of the ocean
When there is nothing left to take away
When there is nothing more to add
When there is nothing but decay
Carry me away
Like driftwood to the sea - Carry Me Away, Annisokay

I Forgot To Remember To Forget.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 03/06/2015 08:45 (9 Years ago)
heya ! I'm also a homestuck fan, and I actually also like skyrim and pokemon too haha
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Wed, 03/06/2015 18:50 (9 Years ago)
Hey! Haha I find that a lot, or if they're not fans of Pokemon or Skyrim they tend to be fans of comics, various other games and books
At the bottom of the ocean
When there is nothing left to take away
When there is nothing more to add
When there is nothing but decay
Carry me away
Like driftwood to the sea - Carry Me Away, Annisokay

I Forgot To Remember To Forget.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 03/06/2015 21:42 (9 Years ago)
yeah, Nimona and Balderdash! A Tale of Two Witches are some of my favorite webcomics (though I haven't gotten far into Balderdash)
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 20:39 (9 Years ago)
I'll have to check them out, they sound pretty awesome, I've been reading a webcomic called Blackgrass so Nimona and Balderdash will help tide me tide me over while I wait for enough updates so I don't have to read just one page at a time
At the bottom of the ocean
When there is nothing left to take away
When there is nothing more to add
When there is nothing but decay
Carry me away
Like driftwood to the sea - Carry Me Away, Annisokay

I Forgot To Remember To Forget.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 931
Posted: Mon, 08/06/2015 03:37 (9 Years ago)
Yay Homestuck fans! I'm caught up with the newest updates : o
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Mon, 08/06/2015 17:06 (9 Years ago)
Yay! These latest updates have made me so happy (the ones with Calliope, Roxy, Karkat and Kanaya)
At the bottom of the ocean
When there is nothing left to take away
When there is nothing more to add
When there is nothing but decay
Carry me away
Like driftwood to the sea - Carry Me Away, Annisokay

I Forgot To Remember To Forget.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 931
Posted: Mon, 08/06/2015 23:16 (9 Years ago)
Yes yes! And the older one with Vriska and Meenah aaa <3
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2015 16:04 (9 Years ago)
I loved those updates they were so sweet <3 At least it's still canon which is good!
At the bottom of the ocean
When there is nothing left to take away
When there is nothing more to add
When there is nothing but decay
Carry me away
Like driftwood to the sea - Carry Me Away, Annisokay

I Forgot To Remember To Forget.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 931
Posted: Wed, 10/06/2015 05:52 (9 Years ago)
Yup Yup ! They even made my OTP DaveKat practically canon mefhefh
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 1,222
Posted: Wed, 10/06/2015 05:55 (9 Years ago)
Hhhhhhh I support JohnDave so back off *Glares*
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"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 10/06/2015 07:28 (9 Years ago)
calliope's smile was the cutest! I'm super excited to see more of calliope and roxy
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 931
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 01:56 (9 Years ago)
Omg yeahh! Calliope is honestly having a huge role right now which is awesome cause she hasn't gotten much love in the past.
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 11:45 (9 Years ago)
I'm a JohnDave shipper but DaveKat is cool too. I'm super happy to see Calliope alive again and I want to see where it goes with her and Roxy. Calliope and the ancestors need lots of love in my opinion because aside from the Openbound flash we know very little about their session or them and Calliope never really had much development. Although saying that I feel most of the Pre-scratch trolls and the Alpha Kids didn't get much development either.
At the bottom of the ocean
When there is nothing left to take away
When there is nothing more to add
When there is nothing but decay
Carry me away
Like driftwood to the sea - Carry Me Away, Annisokay

I Forgot To Remember To Forget.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 931
Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 03:28 (9 Years ago)
True that but at least the alpha kids have their own act , aha not really. They're all bunched up together with all the other characters in Act 6. The pre-scratch trolls didn't really get a lot of development though I agree , neither did the ancestors , i wish they explained more about them in the webcomic too.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 03:51 (9 Years ago)
elaboration on the ancestor's story would have been nice, but at least with how little its detailed theres a lot of room for imagination.
(warning for alcoholism ahead) I wouldn't say the alpha kids didn't get much development since I loved Roxy's arc. how she was a young alcoholic, she wasn't a sad alcoholic either like you typically see, yknow, those weathered middle-aged men gravely looking down into their cups at a bar. she was lively, happy while drunk, I mean, who would go to drinking if it just made them feel worse? not a lot of people. she realized she had a problem though, she realized it was a problem and dropped drinking. and even her relapse is an important part to her arc, because relapse is an inevitable part of recovery. and shes shameful of her first hangover since she stopped drinking, as in, a couple months. but she realizes that she doesn't stop being an alcoholic when she stops drinking. she realizes is okay to not be strong all the time when you have an addiction. she doesn't give up either. she keeps on going even with the hell that is addiction, through all of that. I'm sorry, I just really, really, really love Roxy a lot and shes a super important character for young alcoholics because you only ever see middle-aged people being sad while staring at their cups in the media.

okay wow, that is a wall of text haha. sorry about that, I just get really really passionate about Roxy
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 14:15 (9 Years ago)
I really liked Roxy's arc as well but I wanted to see more of Dirk aside from his relationship with Jake and Jane as well aside from all the stuff with Calliborn and Jake. I know EmptyFeet on Youtube did a fantastic video called After Us about the ancestors.

I'm really looking forward to these next few updates because (SPOILERS AHEAD) I want to see what happens to Karkat (if he goes into the dreambubbles and sees GO!Vriska) and Kanaya, on the topic of Kanaya is Rosemary still canon?
At the bottom of the ocean
When there is nothing left to take away
When there is nothing more to add
When there is nothing but decay
Carry me away
Like driftwood to the sea - Carry Me Away, Annisokay

I Forgot To Remember To Forget.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 20:08 (9 Years ago)
oh man, I was so so so excited for the release of After Us. I saw a lot of toasty's streams for it and I ended up having to miss the last stream bc it was a school night for me which sucked a lot. I mean, drawing the animation for it had been going on for 2+ years, so it kinda kills your excitement when your mother comes in and says "hey, you gotta go to bed." and yeah, a bit more character development, or at least more shown of dirk and jane would have been nice. I think Rosemary is still around? I mean, we haven't been shown a reason why they would break up or shown any breakup scene.
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Mon, 15/06/2015 19:16 (9 Years ago)
I think Rosemary is still around but I also know that Kanaya was flushed for Vriska and Vriska only returned that because Kanaya punched her in the face. I didn't watch the streams but I frequent the Homestuck forum on Reddit and saw it there, I wish I'd gotten into Homestuck earlier.
At the bottom of the ocean
When there is nothing left to take away
When there is nothing more to add
When there is nothing but decay
Carry me away
Like driftwood to the sea - Carry Me Away, Annisokay

I Forgot To Remember To Forget.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 931
Posted: Mon, 22/06/2015 06:36 (9 Years ago)
I've been into Homestuck for a couple years now. I knew about the Kanaya Vriska thing that was going on before but I don't ship it that much since Rosemary is bae <3. In the newest update [Spoiler] It was so cute how Jasprosprite just cuddled up to Kanaya and made her surprised. So yeah technically its still canon. #OTPmuch