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Interaction reserves

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected Interaction reserves
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 14/05/2015 23:54 (9 Years ago)
Good day to those of you that read this I had a idea that might be good for the game the idea is to create a box where pokemon cannot receive interactions I know it may seem weird to ask of this but if you wanna start a full team of shinys from level 1 and up this might be good to have otherwise it's doubtful that you can actually do it
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 1,222
Posted: Thu, 14/05/2015 23:57 (9 Years ago)
There's already a suggestion for turning off box interactions ^^
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"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 134
Posted: Fri, 15/05/2015 00:49 (9 Years ago)
What would this be good for? I don't think we need this because why would we not want someone to feed/interact with our Pokemon

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Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 668
Posted: Fri, 15/05/2015 01:50 (9 Years ago)
I'm not sure I understand you're reasoning, but if it's because you're worried about a Pokemon evolving that you don't want to evolve, there are Everstones you can buy from the store to remedy that.

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 15/05/2015 02:45 (9 Years ago)
The point is that I was wanting to hatch 6 shiny pokemon and put them into my party all at lvl 1 and let them grow together without 1 having to much of an advantage over another

And Dakar I didn't see the other post my apologys
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 267
Posted: Sat, 16/05/2015 20:30 (9 Years ago)
Can't you just buy everstones?

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Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Tue, 19/05/2015 06:08 (9 Years ago)
Everstones doesn't slow down interaction and he wants level 1 pokemon, not no-evolving pokemon

Just put them in a box and when all of them hatched, train all of them the same level them start from there- or buy rare candies to even them