"I don't know who they are i don't even know where i am" he said
crying "one was pink, and very hyper and the other was blue with a
mane that was rainbow and a cowgirl and a fancy pony with jewls on
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
"Hmm pinkie pie , rainbow dash, applejack, and rarity. I don't know
what there up to but come on you need to hide" she said lifting her
wings getting ready to fly.
"I went in the forest before and there were 0 were skunks and
that's not the evergreen forest it's just a forest that's said to
have a scary wolf but there's just a pup."
"The wolf pup has a cave it's safe there"she heard hoves come
toward them. " we have to go but don't speak if they here you speak
they will find you faster come on" she raced towards the forest.
He nodded and ran forward and sat down "its kinda cozy here but
very creepy... Can you visit me please?" he asked seeing the pup
"cool he is so adorable, im more of a dog person" he said petting
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
"Yeah I visit him so very often I met him when I wanted to myth
bust the big scary wolf thing but I met this guy so I said there's
a wolf in the forest but I didn't say scary." She sorta laughed a
She went a little bit further into the cave and looked around "wow
so many thing back here like little crystals and stuff so cool."
She said getting sleepy "it's night time night wolfy" she curled up
like a dog and sleeper.
"what can we do with this little guy?" said a mysterious voice "we
do what we always do with him, but give him a nice warm welcome to
our forest" said another voice he woke up and gasped seeing 2
wareskunk talking he got up and ran be ran into town and had gaurds
to"catche me if you can!" he said running to the cave
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
The wolf pup got up and started tipping waking up clover "what is
it boy she said waking up and she saw the guards she ran to the
wolf pup and grabbed him and galloped to the edge of the cave.
"hello ma'am have you seen this boy?" he asked holding up a poster
of tracy as he watched behind a tree with a wereskunk behind him
ready to snag him he heard her and quickly turned into rainbow dash
" he went that way" he said in rainbow dashes voice transforming
back "c'mon lets juice i am being followed by some pony
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
The wolf pup growled and finally got out of clovers grip "NO WAIT
DON'T GO WOLFY" but he already got away "grrr bark bark bark" he
barked to one of the wereskunks and bit it's tail.
She saw that all the way back in the cave and she found a little
opening about her size see went in there to hide just in case. She
also found a pic axe that was Made for a unicorn, she grabbed it
with her wing and found a gem she mined it and let go of the pic
axe and stared at the gem.