Name: Sylva
Pokemon: Shiny Umbreon (rings wreathed in flame)
Moves: Dark pulse, shadow ball, shadow sneak, psychic
Type: Dark
Gender: Male
Ability: Dark Aura
Nature: Loyal
Sylva quickly ran out of town. Again he was being chased by Muk and
ghastly, their reason was because Sylva didn't bow down to them
when they passed he needed to be punished.
Turning 120 degrees around he veered into the lane that ran to the
beach hoping to shake them off on the way there.
Name: evo
Pokemon: Flareon (shiny
Moves: fire spin, lava plume, crunch, rock smash
Type: fire
Gender: male
Ability: flash fire
Nature: calm
If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we
win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just
want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas][/url]
I woke up and saw myself in the forest."Weird..."I muttered and
began walking around the forest.But it seems that I'm walking using
paws!"GRAH!I-I'm a Sylveon...?"I questioned myself and tried to
discover my new 'body'.
I heard someone tripping over something from behind, so I looked
back. There was a Blaziken sitting there stretching his legs. His
hair emitted light so I could see around. On the floor, there was a
I rushed to the poor Cubone. He tripped over Blaziken's legs for
"Hey, erm... Hello. Do you hear me?" I asked him "Are you
alright?<<of course not..."
Not Mega-able but kinda rare to hatch a female, huh?...
I had woken up that morning, not as a human but as a Pokémon.
"Please tell me that I haven't had a binge drinking session and I'm
now hallucinating." I slowly got up whilst cracking, or it felt
like, every joint along my spine and in my body. I looked at myself
and saw midnight black fur and slightly glowing rings wreathed in a
black flame. I tried walking forwards and fell on my face.
"If this was a dream I wouldn't feel pain. Same with a
hallucination or a projection of previous mental images onto my
retina." Managing to stumble and weave my way out of the field I
was in I got to a town, well nearly. There seemed to be... guards
almost around the town/village. I continued onwards ignoring them
when they took an interest in me and flew after me. I sped up
slightly but they seemed to have the intention of flying into me
almost. A white glow surrounded one of the creatures wings and it
tried to collide with me. I sidestepped, turned tail and ran.