(Before I joined in, I have no idea, but right now are characters
ware in class waitin for a non existent teacher.)
Hi, I'm a huge anime and love the Yugioh series and Persona series
and obviously Pokemon. Proud owner of the third on site Shiny
This is my lovely Persona Shiranui
Cole growled as he watched Arius leave and said, "If she can leave
why can't we?"
Ateer sighed and said, "Fine, lets just explore the school then."
He shifted to his full form and walked out of the class, Cole
following but splitting from him to explore on his own.
Hi, I'm a huge anime and love the Yugioh series and Persona series
and obviously Pokemon. Proud owner of the third on site Shiny
This is my lovely Persona Shiranui
Ateer panted happily as he wandered around the school, eager to
find new places. He eventually finds his way outside again and
walks over to a group of buildings. He read on a sign that they
were the campus dorms where the students stayed if needed. He
shifted to his half form to take a look around.
Hi, I'm a huge anime and love the Yugioh series and Persona series
and obviously Pokemon. Proud owner of the third on site Shiny
This is my lovely Persona Shiranui
(I'm going to have them stay in an on campus dorm, since they don't
have anywhere to live.)
Ateer walked through the dorms and found that there were room
assignments. He looked for his and Cole's name and saw they had
rooms right next to each other on the second floor. He pulled out
the key he got with the brochure and went up to the second floor.
He found his room and unlocked it. It looked a lot like a college
dorm, but there was only one bed, and a connecting bathroom.
Hi, I'm a huge anime and love the Yugioh series and Persona series
and obviously Pokemon. Proud owner of the third on site Shiny
This is my lovely Persona Shiranui