Forum Thread
Super Hero Taisen (CLOSED)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Super Hero Taisen (CLOSED)
The Multiverse is expansive and vast. Any deviations in history can and will occur, and our story begins in one particular world that stands out from your average Earth. For the sake of simplicity, this Earth will be called Hero Prime. Hero Prime was technologically advanced, yet spiritually advanced at the same time. They put a heavy emphasis on your body being a temple, and thus, while ranged weapons and methods did exist, technology dictated an emphasis on hand-to-hand combat as well. This lead to the development of combat armor of all types and applications. Many nations had Elite Soldiers called 'Riders' that could be one-man armies, while at the same time having their squadrons become 'Sentai', people trained specifically to work as a group to overcome challenges no single man could. As the life in Hero Prime progressed so did the greed amongst the planet. Now any organization is guaranteed to be greedy and will want all the power that then can have. The only remaining humans that are left without greed, heroes. The Riders and Sentai were barely able to make a warp portal causing heroes from other dimensions and universes to warp to Hero Prime. They even split the heroes into 2 teams. The Rider team would take care of the villains and the Sentai Team would deal with any sorta kinda of monsters caused by greed and/or power. However they did not expect villains to invade. Hero Prime already had trouble but with more evil in the air Hero Prime might just be destroyed again. Many other planets like Hero Prime were destroyed like this and now it could happen again. Will history repeat itself or will the heroes be able to stop it from happening once and for all?

Hero Name:
Hero Appearance:
Hero Team:
Hero Name:
Hero Appearance:
Hero Team:
My Form

Name: Draco
Hero Name: Masked Rider Ryuki
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Hero Appearance:
Universe: Hero Prime and Masked Rider (Kinda)
Hero Team: Riders (Duh)
Personality: He is quite aggressive at times but he can be likable
History: Draco was just an ordinary rider with almost no powers but he met a dragon that was escaping from the Masked Rider Universe and he befriended Draco. The dragon then entrusted with powers never seen before.
Crush:None yet
Other: His family was instantly killed by a good friend of his from middle school that turned greedy for money and power.
Hero Name: Masked Rider Ryuki
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Hero Appearance:

Universe: Hero Prime and Masked Rider (Kinda)
Hero Team: Riders (Duh)
Personality: He is quite aggressive at times but he can be likable
History: Draco was just an ordinary rider with almost no powers but he met a dragon that was escaping from the Masked Rider Universe and he befriended Draco. The dragon then entrusted with powers never seen before.
Crush:None yet
Other: His family was instantly killed by a good friend of his from middle school that turned greedy for money and power.
Rules (Read before form)

Max of 3 Characters
All your characters have to be from different universes
No multiples of the same character (No 2 Batmans)
No OP powers
All PH rules apply
No God Mode, Power-playing, or Bunny Hoping
Have Fun
Romance is allowed but do not go too far into it
Riders almost always work alone only one in a while when a hard enemy appears is when you can team
Sentai people should be grouped together in a minimum of 2 people.
No descriptive gore
Keep it PG
Try not to be to rude
Act normal do not act weird like all military like
Their are ONLY 2 teams (Riders and Sentai)
Try not to have a crush from the same dimension unless somebody else rp's as them
More to come!
All your characters have to be from different universes
No multiples of the same character (No 2 Batmans)
No OP powers
All PH rules apply
No God Mode, Power-playing, or Bunny Hoping
Have Fun
Romance is allowed but do not go too far into it
Riders almost always work alone only one in a while when a hard enemy appears is when you can team
Sentai people should be grouped together in a minimum of 2 people.
No descriptive gore
Keep it PG
Try not to be to rude
Act normal do not act weird like all military like
Their are ONLY 2 teams (Riders and Sentai)
Try not to have a crush from the same dimension unless somebody else rp's as them
More to come!

Hero Name: Isaac
Age: 17
Gender: male
Appearance:the same thing as hero appearance
Hero Appearance:

Universe: Weyard
Hero Team: None(if i cant have none then sentai)
Personality:Overly protective of his friends,and ambidextrous(both hands usable)
History: huge flood 3 years ago killed his dad
Crush: None
my username :lukesun
ps:[yes this is all on the internets]
Quote from lukesun"Shiny pokemon are like ze vampires. They sparklez in the sun.d

I'll delete the other stuff
ok i edited, can we begin?
Quote from lukesun"Shiny pokemon are like ze vampires. They sparklez in the sun.d

hero team: none
crush :none
personality :is overly protective of his friends and ambidextrous
Quote from lukesun"Shiny pokemon are like ze vampires. They sparklez in the sun.d

Hero Name: Link
Age: idk, I'm using twilight princess link if it helps
Hero Appearance:
Universe: LoZ Twilight Princess
Hero Team: sentai
Personality: courageous
History: used to live in Gorgon Village. He then set out on a quest to save hyrule.
Crush: nobody really
Isaac was in the jupiter lighthouse, his friends and he had all split in seperate directions, and had agreed to meet at the beginning of the lighthouse
but when he casted retreat, he didn't teleport to the beginning of the dungeon! He had teleported to an unknown place!
He read a nearby sign like a boss and saw that the place was known as hero prime.
Quote from lukesun"Shiny pokemon are like ze vampires. They sparklez in the sun.d

Link found his vision again and took a look at his surroundings. definitely not Hyrule, and definitely not the twilight. he thought as he stood up.