Once pokemon X and Y came out,I was REALLY excited.For my
starter,this time,(I always pick fire type as a starter)I picked
Froakie.Just because one reason:-He evolves into Greninja.After
having my second badge,I looked up on Google and saw how Espurr
really looked like.I looked at both shiny and non-shiny and
tought;"It'd be cool if I had an Espurr,whatever,Let's go to the
GTS"And went trough the GTS.I saw only ONE Espurr;which is a
shiny.I traded for my Simisear(which had been transfered from
black/white)And received the shiny Espurr.But the thing that bugged
me was the name.It was named"EeRiE"I felt a little eerie feeling in
my mind but shrugged it off.A few minutes passed.I went to another
town and the text box said;"EeRiE wants to know where it is.Tell
him?"The Yes/No answer popped into another small box.I picked No
and went to train my pokemon.I had put Froakie in first.Finally,I
got a wild pokemon battle;Instead of my Froakie being first,EeRiE
was first.And my Froakie was replaced as a wild pokemon.I tapped on
run,but a text box appeared saying;"No,You can't run,EeRiE wants to
fight"in red bloodlike writing.Then I picked items;another text box
saying"Let EeRiE be your one and only..."and the text box was cut
off,and replaced with a 3 min black out.On the 2 minutes,I heard a
faint cry of a Froakie's.And then faded to normal.What a shock I've
seen.The Froakie had an X on his cheek and loads of scars.Then he
was silently standing on the pool of blood.A text box
appeared;"Foakie had died!"Died?I tought and looked at froakie's
stats;Its hp is 0,infact,EVERYTHING 0.I then closed the power
After 2 months,I went back on my pokemon X.I saw the intro
normally.After I skipped the intro,What I saw on the top
screen...It wasn't pokemon X anymore...But it wrote;"Pokemon
X:Espurr's curse"I went on my save file was....awful....The npc's
were laying on a pool of blood.And each step I took,the same text
box appeared which is;"EeRiE will haunt you.........."In a
bloodlike writing
Some notes:
1.NO,I don't have pokemon X and Y
2.No,I don't have pokemon black and white
Something that feels as good
as this, there is nothing else like it,