Now, we all know the little weather system right? The castform in
the corner? Well, all it has are positive effects and just type
effects (As far as I know.)
Now, real life weather doesn't have just positive effects (Well,
mostly.). As weel as not just one effect. So, I thought about this:
More and negative effects.
More effects would have a 25% EXP gain. For example, Rainy weather
boots Water by 50% EXP gain, but also boosts Grass by 25%.
Negative effects would have a -25% EXP gain, like Hail on dragon
has -25% EXP gain.
Hmm I think... to be more challenging? I don't know but I think
it's so interesting to me like first time negative thing here. Or
so that we can make people interact more so they're pokémons will
be interact with more peoples like in the unreturned favors
clicklist? And please explain it more.
I don't like the idea of a negative effect. As it is right now, 1
type gets a boost whenever the weather changes, then everything
else has the same chance to level up. This is nice when you're
doing a task where you need to gain levels *coughraylongcough* to
not make it really hard to do.
However, if you're adding in negative effects and the weather holds
in one that is negative to what you're trying to level up, then now
it's greatly unbalanced between the hindered type and the bonus