magnolia seen hiro, aimi, and mimi and perked up.
''hey look, more people!'' she said happily, tugging on his arm a
maxwell looked at her then where she had been looking.
''huh... cool'' he said.
"Nah, y'all are wimps" Mimi said. She took a deep breath and stood
for a moment before noticing Maxwell and Magnolia. She screamed.
"AAAH! GHOSTS!" she jumped onto Hiro
Hiro smiles "hi. Who are you? " aimi looks at them "aren't they
familiar? " she thinks and almost growls when sees Mimi with hiro
"are you ok Mimi?" he asks concerned
maxwell snickered, kinda amused that mimi had been scared.
''my name is maxwell'' he said.
magnolia smiled and held her hand out.
''and i'm magnolia, nice to meet you'' she said brightly.