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Rise of the dragons.. (A HTTYD RP. Open and accepting!)
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Endy OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 48
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 01:25 (9 Years ago)
(Marionette, yep!)
Avery crawled out of the corner as well, but she was still very
Forum Posts: 599
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 01:40 (9 Years ago)
Ember ran up to Fireball and stood up tall. He spread his wings and
hissed again, and this time a puff of smoke came out. Ember growled
a high-pitched "rrrr-RR" at Fireball.
Endy OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 48
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 01:41 (9 Years ago)
Avery perked up at Embers puff of smoke, and began to cry.
Forum Posts: 599
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 01:44 (9 Years ago)
Ember was trying to scare Fireball away. He stepped back and walked
over to the other baby hatchlings. "RR-rr-rrrr!" he growled again
and spread his wings to protect the others. He glared at Fireball
and puffed smoke. When he puffed smoke, a small orange ember flew
out of his mouth.
Endy OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 48
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 01:46 (9 Years ago)
Avery ran out from under Embers wings, then ran out of the cave,
still crying, unaware of what was out there.
Forum Posts: 599
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 01:48 (9 Years ago)
Ember decided that the cave was not territory worth fighting for.
He tugged on Nina's wing and poked Bannette's unnamed hatchling.
Then he ran out to follow Avery
Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 01:53 (9 Years ago)
Fireball growled at Ember igniting himself with a fiery blaze. He
let out a big huge roar and started spewing large flames.
Banner created by Pokemonlover28.
Forum Posts: 599
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 02:01 (9 Years ago)
When he saw the flames licking the edge of the cave, Ember tugged
on his sibling's tails to tell them to hurry as they ran off and
hid in a bush.
Endy OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 48
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 02:04 (9 Years ago)
(is the cave on a cliff or on the ground?)
Forum Posts: 599
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 02:13 (9 Years ago)
In a mountain, but on the cliff that the cave is on, there is some
dirt and plants. The ground isn't too far down from the cave
Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 02:19 (9 Years ago)
Nina got really worriedly, and started to sort of hug ember.
Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 02:22 (9 Years ago)
Fireball started acting all calm again and flew off towards his
Banner created by Pokemonlover28.
Endy OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 48
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 02:23 (9 Years ago)
Avery tripped and rolled down the mountain side, although it was a
short distance, to a baby, it was still very long, she screamed and
began to flap her wings, but to no effect.
Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 02:25 (9 Years ago)
Nina dove after Avery immedeatly.
Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 02:30 (9 Years ago)
As Fireball was flying he hits a cliff and starts falling towards
the ground. He hit the ground hard and started limping
Banner created by Pokemonlover28.
Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 08:49 (9 Years ago)
Title: ugly c
Doc IFC oidium
Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 10:57 (9 Years ago)
Title: Rise of the dragons.. (A HTTYD RP. Open and accepting!)
Rise of the dragons.. (A HTTYD RP. Open and accepting!)
Lapiss OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 13
Forum Posts: 493
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 13:04 (9 Years ago)
"Hmm.. I'll name the oldest one... Thunder." Winter said. (Please
do NOT post here if you are not in the RP! That is SPAM.)
Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 21:07 (9 Years ago)
Nina fell, and hit the ground. "MRAOW!!" "Rr...."
Endy OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 48
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2015 21:09 (9 Years ago)
Avery landed on the ground with a loud thud, and immediately fell
unconscious, for her baby scales were not developed enough to
protect her from such fall.