holly seen the badge and picked it up, letting go of bolt's shirt
she put the laser sword hilt back into her armor and handed the
badge back to him.
there was a flash and she was back in her normal clothing.
''sorry...'' she muttered, crossing her arm's.
willow watched and kept quiet so she wasn't caught.
willow sighed, suddenly bored and went out of the game and was back
out into the hallway.
she went out to go walk around the city again, straightening out
her t-shirt.
holly smiled.
''nice to meet you'' she said, holding her hand out.
willow was now in the park, looking at a rose she had picked.
holly looked around and sighed.
''i need to go find my sister.... she usually wander's around
town.. i'll see you later'' she said, walking back towards town.
willow started running and there was a flash as she changed into
her armor.
she ran past draco and leaped into the air, disappearing as she
went inside the robotic bear's mainframe.
willow skidded to a stop and looked at the robotic bear, eye's wide
in shock.
''okay, that's a new form for these viruses...'' she grumbled.
holly transformed and started to attack the top of the robot bear
while willow shut down all the main power sources and attack the
virus at the source.