she screamed in a panic and bolted to lily and niko and ran them
out of the house but the boxes in tracy's room blocked the window
for her un-lucky parrents and mighty paniced in the smell and ran
outside gaurdind the babies
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she screamed and ran into the stink that wsa killing her and threw
the boxes out of the way and carried them both out and cried over
them and did C.P.R.
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
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Tracy had no other choice,she put on a robe and pulled something
out, it was a ritulal book she wrote a note and put it on her body
and she brouht back sera and kale....but at the cost of her own
life {Dear mom and dad, it is because of me that you died,now it is
because of me that you live but the cpst to brign you back was
another life,mine,now you won't have to deal with the bad smells
that come from my but anymore i always love you,Tracy P.S. i ripped
the relive ritual so you can't bring me back,have a happy life} she
said as she died and sera and kale shot up like a rocket and mighty
came in with lily and niko and put them down and cried
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
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"WAKE UP PLEASE!!!" he said using a max revive and salpping her
crying as she opened her eyes but soemthing was wrong,seriously
wrong,she had no pupils and she hit mighty back and was dropped and
she rubbed her eyes and woke up "h-how?" she asked looking around
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she went away for a while but came back and she put stuff on her
tail to make her look like a skunk.
"mom,before Mighty found me somebody grabbed me and forced me to
eat 5 gallons of berries that were pink,but had a green cloud on it
then she gassed me,i think thats whats making me gassy,what are
those berries called?" she said before engulfing her and sera in a
stink cloud
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
Sera couldn't breath and she couldn't run away. She'd taken off her
amulets to enjoy the beach. She died once more, this time, nothing
would revive her.
she cried and cried she did it again and brought her back to
swap,the spellbook was a demon spell book and only things from
mortals couldn't bring Tracy back
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
But Sera couldn't be brought back. She was dead and gone. Nothing
could bring her back. No magic spell, no cursed fruit, not even the
kiss of her beloved.