Tracy fell to the ground hurt not only because she was spanked for
no reaseon but her mom didn't save her and she fainted from
injuries it wasn't clear wgen she would wake uo,but she would
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
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But she had no right.
"Tracy...Sera...she was beaten and abused by that man. She thought
she had gotten free of him. He did terrible things to her and her
mind didn't know how to respond so it did what it had always done:
hide and stay away from people. It was self preservation. In her
head, she was back in his control. He was able to hurt her like he
had. Tracy, every bad thing he'd done to her, she had to relive it
just then," Kale told her
she still couldn't sit the spanking was so bad "i can't sit and you
just expect me to be nice? moms are supposed to protect their
children,not ket them get spanked for no reason,j hate my life!"she
said running to her room and putting her blanket back on to feel
safe and she kept the dokr open to make sure he didn't come back
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
Kale pulled the angry Tracy away. "You can't do that! She's fragile
right now! Your anger? It is only keeping her trapped there. What
does shouting sound like? What about slapping? Abuse, right? Sera
will only be more afraid and retreat farther! You have to be gentle
and kind. Being sweet will go miles. Now, if you are still angry,
fine. Go into the living room and watch whatever. But let me get
Sera. If you want to help, you have to be soft and gentle."
"Have you seen her scars?" Kale asked, saddened that all Tracy
could think about was herself. She had had less then an hour with
this man. Sera had survived eighteen years of torture and abuse.
"If you see her back, you'll see that he carved 'Slave' on it. Try
having to live with that."
Then he closed the door and turned back to help Sera.
"Please! Don't go! I don't want him hurting you!" Kale called,
leaving the room. But by the time he got to the front door, Tracy
was gone. He couldn't leave Sera and the twins alone. He called
Mighty and asked him to find Tracy
she was grabbed up from behind by her grandfather and she kicked
him back and started glowing and screamed,her heart sped up and her
eyes narrowed as she transformed i to a zoroark and laid so many
swift attacks and and defeated him then carved in hus back TRACYS
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd