then a voice spoke up "your mom looks better in just a hmilotic"
said joshua as he was grabbed up and choked "a real milotic will be
roaring up the stream any minute" he said before running as tracy
vame back a minute later with a flask of red and a machine "glad i
took your blood now mom?" she said setting ut up to a solar pannel
as she heard it and ginished to fix her vlbut sera eas about to get
attacked sge jumped in and farted the way it was at and made the
water stink,she turned back into a braixen ad continued to work
before getting caught in q bijd by the milotic she duped seras
blood and it WILL turn her back she was losing air and choking to
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
she struggled as she started to see white but was dropped the
milotic was flipping out she was electrifie "if you ever hurt her
again i will thunder fang you again!" she ran to grab sera but
backed upfrom the stink then only had one option,she pulled a
pokeball and captured sera and let her out on land and gave her the
blood and she returned to normal and she broke the pokeball
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
mighty put the water in her gils while Tracy made a water suit to
keep water on her gils until she could make more blood witch would
be next week when the river was clean
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
"mom,let me go!" she yelped but knew it was yseless vecayse sera
was furious for being captured "i had to mom, there was no other
option,you would've fainted if we didn't" she said scared of being
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
"I'm not mad. I just want to be far away from them. I also want to
be home and safe," Sera told her. She wasn't hurting them, just
holding their hands to make sure she had them both safe
"mom,it worked though,you took the stink and didn't die so your
cured and you can breathe stink for when your captured but i intend
on wanting to take a bullet for you" sge said smiling "but your not
gonna spank me for putting you in a pokeball,then darting in your
source of air to choke on that you couldn't hold your breath in?"
she saod expecting a spanking of her life
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd