Forum Thread
Evolution wiewing
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Evolution wiewingTo see what im talking about i sugguest Pokeheroe team to take example from this PokemonVortex, very simply to ad this i think.
Hope to see soon inplemented.
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Like i sugguested before this can be very easy applied automaticaly if Pokeheroe team put some work for their players. Would be great to see the level requirment for evolution, an what stone needed. The only thing i don't like about Pokeheroes, that game guides are set quit confusing and game creators think that there are every people who knows all about the Pokemon evolutions and items needed for them.
This should be applied for people so everything goes smooth and why the heck we need bulbapedia if same thing can be applied seperate on each pokemon here.
How much more time does it take to open a new tab and type the name of the Pokémon and the word 'Bulbapedia' then click the very first search result? And the evolution information is RIGHT at the top of the Bulbapedia article.See?
Honestly, I think this is completely unnecessary, all it would do is create more work for Riako.
No support.

As for me open new tab search the the pokemon i need that takes around 1-2 min max and have to repeat every time when i adopt and hatch new pokemon.
So by checking each time those pokemons i have to waste around 300min at the end wich i could enjoy interacting.
"...if Pokeheroe team put some work for their players." Implying Riako (and whoever else helps with the coding) doesn't work for this site so we can enjoy it :I
And as stated above, when you use a stone it lists all the Pokemon you can use it on, and there's a guide for Pokemon that evolve in a different manner than the normal games.
Game creators try to make game play as much confortable as they can and as unic they can and offer as much gameplay experience on same site as can.
I simply find quit stupid to go and visit some kind bulgapedia every time i need to check at what level pokemon transform or what stones or other requirments needed. Have been playing other FAN made pokemon games wich aren't affiliated to the legal right owners.
Most of those games had automatic and easy Pokemon evolution tree to be checked and requirments needed. Some of smartest way was in Pokedex all info included.
It's not about if im lazy to check but about the quality and experience wile i am playing. Same thing you can compare when you go to shop and buy a product without any description and then the seller can simply say go to their webpage or contact with them to know all the info.
Sometimes, Riako doesn't want the way a Pokemon is evolved to be known to people until they do it (or maybe ask people) *cough*EmotionMimes*cough*. This would defeat the purpose of that.
This site exists to hatch and collect Pokemon, not give information about every single thing.
I don't know how old you are, but I remember myself playing the old Pokemon Red in elementary school, with no access to Internet, so I had to figure out how to evolve my Pokemon myself.
It's not that hard to check bulbapedia or serebii - especially because the evolution info is right on top of the page and is not hidden.
You have a topic in Guides for those Pokemon that have evolutions changed on here.
It's really not that hard to find the info you need and while it takes one or two minutes for you it would take Riako much more time to code everything in because you and maybe one or two other people don't want to take time and check Bulbapedia.
Besides - as far as I remember I saw evolution info only on one of the other sites - the others didn't show it for same reason - because you can find it on Bulbapedia/Serebii- ton of other Pokemon-related sites - or if you are still unsure ask one of the other members.