(oh o3o)
"Not exactly.. Im just bored and looking around.. It seems you're
busy.. So I don't want to waste your time," -I say looking at the
ground with no expression-
''not really busy'' replied marcus, putting his hand on his neck.
''i was just wondering where my nephew could go'' he said.
(The Great Warrior: Claire the B.U.G.)
Claire grabbed some straw and made a makeshift necklace with the
newly acquired gem. ''yush'' she said, and put it around her neck.
''bye, hope we shee again!'' she said, waving at the staravia and
staraptor. She then flew back home
Valkyries sighed and walked off out of the school, she texted
Marcus; I'm going out for a walk, I need to get some fresh air..
See ya when I get back. she walked off heading towards the
Lucifer heard scratching noises coming from the door, he opened it
and looked at the Zorua and tilted his head in confusion. "What in
the world..." he muttered to himself and picked the Zorua up.
Zorua looked at Lucifer and smiled and brought him into a illusion
of Tracy and his final momments before dying then took a peice of
paper and wrote (He was my trainer before he died, can you take
care of me?)
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
"Thanks. Don't feel bad, I know how it feels to lose someone you
know. Sometimes you need to let go." Lucifer said to the Zoura and
said "Want something to eat?" he asked the Zoura, rummaging through
his sister's mini fridge.
He nodded for a yes because he would like to eat with his new
trainer and hoped for better times not having to run for your live
from adventures evert day like he did with Tracy but they both
laughed at the end of the day
People say i'm Crazy,That's because I am
selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd
''sure, why not'' replied marcus, grabbing his phone and replying
to valkyries. ''no problem, see ya later. Peace! he typed,
and sent it to valkyries. ''i don't have any ideas where to search
though'' he said.
(The Great Warrior: Claire the B.U.G. Finale)
Claire landed gracefully in the fountain in front of the school's
entrance. ''here i am'' she thought, and flew to the entrance. She
opened the door and entered the school, flying through the
hallways, looking for her family