Forum Thread
Pokemon Gijinka high school 2
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon Gijinka high school 2
Missy walked down the hallway, still in a sketching trance.

If it would make you happy,
I'll give my most precious thing to you.
Even if it turns out we can't meet for a second time,
A smile will always bloom in my heart.
-Vana n' Ice, The Last Supper.

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''but a palkia randomly appeared and sent me back on time, if i were the palkia, why didn't I disappear when i see her in the eyes?'' he asked.
marcus looked at the zorua pokemon. ''who was that?'' he asked as he saw him leaving. ''anyways'' he said, grabbing Ryan and slowly carrying him to his room.


selling a male mega pwered ratls for 225000pd

marcus threw Ryan to his bed, and left the room. ''i wonder where claire is'' he thought, walking through the hallway.
The staravia flew up through the clouds, with claire on his back. ''star'' said the staravia, checking if Claire was okay. ''yesh i'm kwind owkay'' she said, ''wait! i have an idea!'' she said, looking downwards. They were 10 miles above the ground. ''perfect'' she thought, focusing her energy. ''let me go'' she said, poking the staravia's head. ''star??'' said the staravia, looking at her. ''trusht in me!'' she said, and let go of the staravia. She started falling to the ground, at high speed, in direction of the volcano. ''focush..'' she thought, redirecting her flight a little to the north. She was now in direction of the lake. ''focush'' she thought, redirecting her flight once again. This time, she was in directon of the forest. ''Now!'' she shouted, using her wings to descend faster. ''TACKLE!!'' she shouted, as she hit the Heatran with brutal force, destroying the ground on its feet. Both of them fainted.
''hey'' replied marcus waving at Aurius ''need some help going somewhere?'' he asked, turning to her.
(The Great Warrior: Claire the B.U.G.)
Claire woke up. She was once again in the staraptor's nest. ''star star!'' said Tom the staravia, as Claire stood up. ''Star'' said an old staraptor, looking at Claire from the back of the nest. ''how did i get here?'' she asked, looking around. She noticed a shiny, red stone below her. ''what'sh thish?'' she mumbled, looking carefully at the stone. Suddenly, flames popped out of it. ''Kya!!'' she said, letting go of the stone. ''what'sh thish??'' she shouted, crawling to the back part of the nest. ''star star!'' said the staraptor, pointing at the forest with his wing. ''it popped out of the heatran?'' she repeated, looking at the forest. ''i should keep it then'' she said