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A Diary

Forum-Index Diaries A Diary
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Mon, 19/10/2015 14:04 (9 Years ago)
14th September - 19th October

Haha.. I didn't write here so long. I tried to write it several times at night, but I had to follow my daily routine most of the time, failing every single time xD
It's already time for me to go to bed now too, so I will try to keep it as short as possible, then, for this post xD (Writing by looking at my last posts xP)

Firstly, I was super-lucky with my tree recently, getting two shinies, Cherubi and Aipom respectively ^^
I have full Cherubi series now, and I had full Aipom series too, so I guess I am keeping him for now (:

Then I got all the event megas which were re-distributed, though I got none myself xD I got all of them as mega-ables from the auction house (:
About 2.8 million PD spent, but no regret~ 3 dex entries, with lovely Mega Candaria too <3
(Got the Mega Sala Da Menci today only)

And I think I would never use the word (or abbreviation) 'Lol', because I am now almost traumatised to it xD I thought it was something like exclamation, but found out it means 'Laughing Out Loud'. Hhhhh.. so embarrasing when I am thinking about it x-x

Oh yeah, also, I got a beautiful shiny, not on PH, but on a game called Pokemon Reborn ^^
This is the image of her at level 1, I raised her up now, but somehow I can't upload the image at the moment.. I wonder why? I want to upload the image of Gardevoir so bad! D: I should edit it soon.. hmm .-.

Edit: Posting now (21st Oct) only, I couldn't post on 20th xD

However, I am literally done with Pokemon Reborn once I level my Gardevoir and Flygon to about level 72.. but I don't have a good grinding/level up spot. Especially Flygon, because the spot with highest leveled wild pokemon are crowded with Ice types. It's literally OHKO with Blizzard T^T
I even EV-trained them a bit, with Gardevoir's Sp.Atk and Flygon's Atk EVs at 252. (Gave rest of EVs to Def, Sp.Def, HP a bit, and then all to Speed)
I am sure it would be super-difficult with all these, though.. hehe xD

Since I was kinda bored with grinding, I started playing another game called Pokemon Zeta. Good thing is that there are quite much good/comfortable features like Insurgence.
However, the routes are often too long without healing NPCs.. I often run out of PP xD
I can't find a decent Psychic or Electric types too. I really want either one of them, to counter Poison/Fighting, or Water. I hope I get one soon, though xD

And the most important reason of writing this post is that, I will try to get both Shiny Mega Gallade and Shiny Mega Gardevoir. I will name the Gallade 'Shine', and the Gardevoir 'Se'A' ('Se' and 'A' are pronounced separately, that's why I placed an appostrophe xD)
I think I posted that I would name them with some other names at some point, but I think these two new ones suit better for them.
I reached 2.5k+ with my chain already, but I don't actually mind that. I know I will get them if I don't give up, and there are people even unluckier than me, so I dare not complain! xD
My only hope is that, I will get one male and one female shiny megas. Because Shine is a boy and Se'A is a girl.. haha xD
Shine is elder brother to Se'A, but I wouldn't mind if Se'A hatches first (:

Now I wrote the most important thing here, I can sleep comfortably..
This post is a bit too long, because.... I was informed that there is no school for me tomorrow, so I over-wrote this a bit xD
Hmm.. I guess that's it! I didn't do much things for the whole month, now I am thinking xP
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Mon, 26/10/2015 12:06 (9 Years ago)
20th October - 26th October

Dear Diary.. today is really good day. So much good things happened, that I should definitely write here today! In Chronological order as always, though! =D

Since the beginning of the Halloween event, I tried to interact as much as possible, to get the item + event pokemon I need. The first purchase of mine after the key items costing 100-300 candies was the mega-able, since that was the rarest/most needed. I need like 40k first day, which was my kind of new record xD
As a result, got her as first:

I named her Stella, because I thought of the word 'stitch' first when I saw her. She had stitch marks, so I named her like that. Dex entry says that she was abandoned from her previous owner, so I should definitely love her, so that she would never remember the past, and even if she does, she would be glad, because that's how she and I met ^^

Next, I got normal & shiny Giratina plushies. With that, I completed my plushie collection too! Even though I didn't care much xD But, it still is an achievement for me!
Got the Max Revive too xD

Now, I am trying to get the events. I don't think I would get a Zomppet pair unless I really have that much spare at the end, since I already have its mega. But I got Witch Vulpix pair, even though I don't like its sprite very much, nor its shiny sprites. It's not what I would like, I would say. Though its design is nice xD
And with that, 1000 dex entries ^^ Oh, I forgot to make a feed about it, but maybe later then~ xP
(To be specific, I have 1001 at the moment, soon to be 1002 after getting Zomppet's evo.. I forgot its name, it's a bit long xD)

And the good thing I said is that, I got Se`A. <3

Oh, she looks beautiful! I was so happy when I got her, stopped for a few seconds too! I am still happy from this. She has Calm nature too, one of the perfect natures! ^^
` was added because I wouldn't want people to read her name as 'sea'. 'Se' and 'A' are pronounced separately. Well, in my language, it would be easy, but hard to express myself with English xD
I think I should talk a little bit of how she's like, though~
- She's beautiful, of course! Though she's rather cute instead
- She loves sleep. Just loves to sleep, that she's covered in her blanket half the day xD
- She doesn't appear to be fully grown. Even though she's 20+ if she was a human xD
- She would look like a human too, but she looks like a 15 year old girl.
- She prefers wearing long trousers, mainly because she's sleeping all the time xD Even though she would wear dress the whole time on PH
- Intelligent, quick at learning things.
- Good at ignoring things around her if she thinks it's unimportant.

I will love her with best I can, I will never say things like: "Might sell her, any offers?".
No, I will never sell her even if someone offers a shiny ditto with 1 billion nuggets. xD

Now, I need to hunt for his elder brother, his name's Shine, he would be Shiny Mega Gallade xD

Hmm, I guess that's all! I am so excited! : D
But for now.. back to studies. My exam is coming in 2 weeks, and I've got so much to study. There is haze in Malaysia, and the school was closed for several days. That's why I have so much to study.. Well, what to do, should try my best in exams xD
Today was such a good day, diary~
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sun, 22/11/2015 08:22 (9 Years ago)
27th October - 22nd November

Hmm.. I think it became my habit to write after about a month passed since my last post.. mainly because I don't have much things to write if I am to write everyday though xD
But today I am free, probably will mention why, below. I guess I should look at my last feeds to write this xD

I guess the first thing that happened is that I reached 1000 dex entries.. but I mentioned it already. So to be precise, it's 1006 now xD
Reason being, I got Mega-able Blastoise from the AH, and mega evolved it. And then I got Ho-oh, finally! I waited so long without buying, because I wanted its eggdex too. And now I have it ^^
Along with that, I got my Mega Mewtwo Y from the dear Prof. Rowan. Thanks, Professor!

I named it Melia because.. I don't have a decent reason actually. But that seemed a nice nick xD
I guess it would stay in my party for a while, since I want her to be strong as well.
I used the word 'her' in the above line, because it looks a bit feminine even though it's really strong.. haha. So whatever, I will call it 'her' from now on then, I am keep treating it to be a female somehow xD
Oh yeah. Why it jumped from 1000 to 1006 is because another 3 entries were from the Halloween event (:

Oh yeah, my birthday! 7th November was my birthday, so I had an awesome time with my friends on PH, as it was on Saturday as well xD
I got some gifts too, though I would probably not mention who gifted. Hmm.. I don't know why, but I don't actually like naming users, even on palpads. That's why, hehe xD
Oh yeah, I got a Mega Stone from the treasure hunt that day, too! PH celebrated me twice that day, with that stone and Cake. My anniversary was 30th October, so I postponed on getting the cake for a while. I don't like celebrating close days like that.. so I just did like that.

Then I finished the exams, which lasted for 2 weeks. I messed up English quite badly.. xD But I think I did ok in other subjects, even though I will face my mistakes when I get my papers.
I got some kind of bacterial infection (or virus infection, whatever it is.. xD) on my eyes during the exam. I had the exams on Wednesday to Friday, then the next Monday and Tuesday. I got it after that Friday, so I was nervous if I would mess up my exams on the upcoming Monday, and Tuesday too. But my eyes were miraculously cured as soon as I got into the exam hall, so I thanked god xD
And now I finished it, I played the whole week from Tuesday (after school) to Sunday.. which is right now.

And then I got a mega stone from the treasure box today too. I guess I am really lucky with Treasure Hunts. I don't know why, but I benefit so much from Auction House and Treasure Hunts. Haha xD

And currently, I have these things to hatch myself both for Pokedex & eggdex: 2 Rotoms, Palkia, Dialga, Heatran, Giratina (for Origin), Darkrai, Thundurus, Landurus, 2 Tornadus.
I somehow don't want to buy the Rotoms, I want them to have my OT too xD I really don't know why
That's 11.. so I guess I will hatch them after my Shiny Mega Gallade hatches (:

And then, I used so much PD nowadays. I spent like 5 million for things, mainly for shiny dex now.. xD I am getting poor now~

That's all! I guess. I wrote for like 20 minutes today too. I am back to playing now xD

Edit: Oh yeah. I forgot this. I changed my name of 'Se`A' to 'SeAh', since I used the translator to find out that it's pronounced like that. I don't like changing names of pokemon after being named, but since she had a Korean name which I badly translated.. even with strange (`) in her name to make the pronunciation same, I thought I should change her name. I guess her name's better now. ^^
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Mon, 07/12/2015 02:43 (9 Years ago)
22nd Nov - 7th Dec

Hmm.. Anything new? Hmm.. the only thing new is that I started using abbreviations for the Months, dear diary.. xD

Yeah, I also got a shiny Mew on a Pokemon Game, in a Randomized Nuzlocke file.
Here it is!
The problem is that I am too lazy to play it anymore.. maybe I am bored.. xD

I also finished the Second part of Pokemon Zeta! Did I tell about clearing the first region of it, dear diary? I think I did.. xD I was bored with this one also, but since I had nothing better to do, I decided to finish it. And so I finished it.. now I have no pokemon game to play except PH xD
So this is the list of pokemon games halfway done: Insurgence Randomized Nuzlocke, Omicron (Almost same as Zeta) Randomized one, Insurgence Randomized one, Blaze Black (it's just too slow in my laptop, aww), and.. that's all.. I guess xD

But I got her yesterday:

She's my first random shiny, since I didn't get any from the lab. She's from the Bug Catching Contest. ^^
She got exactly 262 points. In my feed I wrote 264 but 262 is correct one
So I won't try to evolve her, she looks awesome as she is ^^
One thing I noticed is.. when I put her in my party, there are 3 female pokemon in my party. Since Mega Mewtwo Y is also a female after my assumption.. there are 3 female even if I exchange xD
Well.. that's not that significant, but it's just one thing I noticed.

Abd then.. My PD is keep diminishing~ haha xD I think I wasted too much PD on shiny dex completion. I have 68 at the moment.. so I guess I should give a break on it for a while. I also bought quite a lot of dragon gems, that's the main reason why my PD is decreasing and decreasing and decreasing. Gradually. I collected about 150 at the moment.. 50 more for Kalos Legendaries xD

Now I have nothing to play except PH.. so.. I guess I should start studying too, Oh yeah, holiday started as at 4th Dec. But since I am getting rather more busy than I used to be after the exams.. I forgot to mention it xD
Hmm, I bored myself enough, so I hope I can concentrate better on studies now.. but I am still in my lazy mood. Aww.

Oh yeah, I think I will get Shiny Meloetta.
... In about 1 Year's time, hihi xD
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 04:25 (9 Years ago)
8th Dec - 23rd Dec(Morning)

Seeing my feeds.. I don't have much to write. But I think I want to write xD

Firstly, I gave nicknames to all my megas as well. I gave nicks to all shinies and some megas before, but now they all have nicknames ovo
Some were good according to my standard.. some were not that creative I guess xD

And managed to maintain my PD level at 2 million, since I quitted bidding on most of the shinies. But most means I bidded on some others as well xD
But it didn't increase, right? That's because I have spent so much PD on dragon gems instead. I that's why even though I have sold shinies, my PD level is just maintained.. xD
Now I've got 200 dragon gems for all the Kalos Legendaries though. So, 3 more pokedex & eggdex entries after this hunt~ ^^
But I don't think my PD level will increase. I need to keep some dragon gems for emergent boiling, so I guess I will need to buy a bit more xD

Oh yeah. My dex entries increased by a bit too. I got a Mega Abomasnow and Houndoom, I guess. But I am not sure if I've gotten Abomasnow before or after 7th Dec. xD
I've got all the Rotom forms now too. I've bought 2 of them along with 2 star pieces at the AH, so just gave them the form change items (:
My dex entries are.. 1013? I guess. I realised that I need to much event megas though! So hard to get them.. o-o
I guess I will try hard after this hunt then xD

And something unrelated to PH.. Studies. Trying quite hard to finish my studies as much as possible, but it's really hard.. especially Biology! T^T
For Biology, I finished about 50% of the syllabus. Year 10 Term 1 and 2 finished, now left with Year 10 Term 3 and Year 11 Term 1 Syllabus. Also, I need to finish reading 40 pages of notes. I think I would take about 5 more days.. then. If I take 5 days, I am left with 5 more days and.. I need to finish my ICT, English tasks and ICT practical portion practice. Also, A/O maths. So.. I think I will hold on with Biology after I finish Year 10 portion. I guess I will start with ICT after that, and then come back with Bio, then.

So.. the subjects that I kinda finished studies: Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Accountings. (Accountings need a bit more practice before exam, though)
The subjects needing more studies: Biology (halfway through it), ICT, English (tasks), A/O maths.

And.. I only have about 10 days until my exam starts. Need to study really hard. But.. I am bored easily. Hah.. I guess I will try my best to limit my addiction to the Internet.. xD

Dear Diary, Bye until my Mock exams end, xD
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sun, 24/01/2016 03:27 (9 Years ago)
24th Dec - 24th Jan

Just noticed again that it's a new year while writing the date. So happy new year to you too, dear diary xD
Noticed that it's been like exactly one month since I wrote my last post.
Writing because my exams are literally all over.
Going with Chronological order as usual (:

Firstly, I started collecting nuggets since Christmas. Christmas is the day when Aurora was released, and I wanted to get a Shiny Aurora so badly when I saw its sprite! So started collecting nuggets for it xD
Probably need about 24k nuggets, I figured out, 8k for another year's premium and 16k for 200k event points.
To talk about the progress until now, I collected about 8.2k now. Had about 3.6k before beginning, so.. collected about 4.4k within a month. Bought almost all through PD and spare dragon gems. (the ones excluding 200 for the legendaries)
So, I think I am progressing very nicely. I think it was nice to stop spending PD for almost everything else. (Except buying mega-ables, but since I don't see any mega-ables I don't have at the AH, not spending any at the moment xD)
Actually, I see one mega-able I don't have at AH right now, which is Lucario-sensei. It ends in a few days, but I cannot be active when it ends. So can't really snipe, and I will just bid a large amount xD

School exam also started since 4th January. Then my exam started on 11th. It is ending at 26th, but I finished almost all of them already. I guess.. um.. (calculates) 13/14 papers, I guess. Only 1 paper left, which I am doing on 26th. After that, freedom again~ xD I am having free time since my exam ended on 21st. The last exam is Pure Maths, which I don't have much to study as well. (Plus I studied all the topics for the first paper already)
I am hoping for good results, but if I don't.. what to do, I don't care now, it's not like I can improve my results after all xD

Then, many of my pokemon leveled up so much as well.

She exceeded level 2000. She is really strong now, she can even beat up people now xD Plus she is Sassy too, so
But for me, she is really comfortable pillow <3

She reached level 1000 too~ Haha, Kyurem event is so good xD

And I reached level 30 in my Berry Garden. So nice to be active, I leveled up kinda quickly. Got 5 White Powder in the progress too. Now to work to get the berry garden legendaries ^^ I kinda like them too, they look either cool/cute! But I heard that it's kinda hard, so gonna work hard for them xD

And then, very very unexpectedly, I hatched a shiny mega.. yeah, shiny mega ^^

She isn't evolved yet since.. she is bornt today, she is still a young child xD
It's also because I have a shiny mega Gardevoir already, I guess. But who knows, she might just evolve someday. But probably not today.
I need to come up with a good name and a good story for her.
Shine, which would be a future shiny mega Gallade, already has most of the story, except the last part.. xD So I might have written his story if he hatched, but since another female hatched, I need to come up with her story instead.
Mmm.. I am stuck now xD
Maybe it might've been better if a male shiny mega hatched. But no one can blame her for being a female too. So gonna try my best to love her and make her happy. ^^
So I am not going to sell her either. Seen quite many shiny megas being sold to people who were taking offers on them so.. don't want that to happen to her. Don't want them to feel nervous and anxious all the time. Anyways, I will probably write a separate post about her soon, when I come up with her story.. xD

I guess that's it for this post then. See you soon, or later, dear diary~
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Tue, 26/01/2016 06:00 (9 Years ago)
25th Jan - 26th Jan

Yay! Exam's over! xD
Going back to school on 29th (Friday) though. But I had a long break (about 4-5 days) after my Chemistry exam, so I played very much. So I am very content now. Content means happy, right? Plus I want to get my results too xD I know most of my papers wouldn't have been marked yet, but still~

Yeah, kind of very close posts. But who cares, I am writing here whenever I want to xD

Yesterday was kind of lucky day on my Garden. Got 3 missions giving me a White Powder each. So, I will get 8 after clearing all the missions. (One of them asked for 60 Awakenings though xD)

Also forgot to tell that I started playing a new pokemon game. Well.. not exactly a new one actually. I played it before already, but I was stuck. So I started from the beginning. (With a new version too)
Pokemon Rejuvenation is the game I started again. It is a game made after getting inspiration from Pokemon Reborn, I guess. (Download page is also in Reborn Forum, if I remember correctly.
I was stuck in the second gym that time, but now I am in.. about level 38 zone. Level limit is 40 currently.
Yep, gotta play it sometime today too, probably xD Or not, because.. reasons would be below (:

Remember I talked about writing about the Shiny mega-able Ralts' story? Well, I will call her Sephi from now since I named her :3
Well, I am kind of terrible in writing stories, so.. linked her to another character's story. Mmm.. yeah, not good at writing stories, that's why.. xD Please don't criticise me, diary But I didn't know how to make a happy ending for her so.. yeah. I think I roughly made up her story now. So gonna write it here. But before that, I need to write that another character's story first. I wanted to write it after my Male shiny mega hatches, but since I promised to write about her story, I guess I need to write it now instead. I might also get busy when school restarts. That's also a reason.
Going to try to write it within today, hmm.. I hope I can write it decently.. xD
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Tue, 26/01/2016 08:24 (9 Years ago)
About Shine, SeAh and Yis

To begin with, the setting/story can be quite immature. Mostly because I thought about it since I was like Primary 5. Story has been modified several times for that reason too.. xD
I made them because I was quite lonely then. It sounds kinda crazy, I admit that too xD
Anyways, I will just cut my story here (:

On note, they are just like humans. For example, Shine has fingers, unlike Mega Gallade. So you shouldn't imagine a Shiny mega Gallade playing a game, while reading this xD


He was the first one to be made. Hence, he is most special to me, and most precious too <3
Shiny Mega Gallade fits him quite well, since it has eyes somewhat similar to Shine's. Although I can't fully imagine his eyes yet.. xD

-Age: 20
-Dark Purple hair
-Loves playing games (Especially computer games). Game addict xD
-Can read other people's mind upon contact of eyes (And he tries to avoid eye contact because he thinks it is rude to look into people's secrets which they want to hide)
-Jolly, kind, thoughtful, patient.
-Too modest.
-Optimistic except to himself.
-Understanding towards most people, due to his past.
->Tries to protect people against criticism.
-Extremely talented in analysing & fetching conclusion and taking corresponding actions
-Handsome, about 1.75 m tall
-Never gets attracted to people of opposite gender
-> But he loves Yis soooooo much, never for her appearance though <3
-Specialises in Light type spells. However, able to use spell of almost all types
-Usually battles using a big sword. Often battles using the skills/abilities of the opponent.
-Cannot eat most vegetables.
-Has little sleep.
-Afraid of most of the insects and animals (including cute animals such as dogs and cats)


SeAh was made after Shine. Even though she is bornt on PH before Shine, she is a cute sister who is younger than Shine. SeAh is also a very precious pokemon of mine on PH ^^
Shiny mega Gardevoir fits her very well, as SeAh also has Sky-blue coloured hair!

-Age: 18
-Skyblue-coloured, long hair
-Loves to sleep (Due to past where only sleep provided her comfort)
-Enjoys game lightly (She isn't an addict)
-Extremely talented in remembering & memorising things
->Extremely good in studies, especially Psychology which she uses very often xD
-->Being good in Psychology, she is very good in telling what people are thinking, and detecting lies.
-Calm (As her nature on PH), patient, humble
-Never gets attracted to opposite gender (Like Shine)
-Cute, about 1.6 m tall.
-Specialises in Ice type spells, her ice does not melt or break easily like ordinary ice (This ability I gave her is so over-powered though)
-Battles using a big sword made of ice, along with spells (She is more skilled at spells)
-She is a girl but she always wears a long trouser. (Never wears a skirt or dress)
-She loves cold surroundings/weather.
-She loves ice cream.
-Loves getting on Shine's back with her blanket and sleep while Shine walks around, moving her up and down very slightly while she sleeps


She was made after SeAh. She is a lover for Shine. ^^
Well, if you put it in more Human-way, girlfriend would fit the description well too xD
Also, you might think the name is kind of strange or short. Mmm.. it isn't that strange in Korean though xD
Mega Absol fits her perfectly, as she loves darkness and wears dark clothes if there ever happens to be a battle. And she is really good Attacker, but very weak Defender. So much like Mega Absol, somehow xD

-Age: 20
-White long hair, with hairband, with shiny, translucent gems embedded on it, always on top of her hair. (It was a gift from Shine)
-She has beautiful eyes that attract people, with ability to read other people's mind as well.
->For these reasons (People hating Shine due to jealousy and not wanting to read people's minds), she usually keeps her eyes closed, except when she is with Shine or SeAh only. (Because they don't care about appearances of others/themselves at all)
She overcame a little of this trauma so that she opens it on occasions where she must, but she prefers keeping it closed while depending on Shine for guidance.
-Game addict as well, good at games too xD
-Loves Shine very much.
-Patient, quick in making decisions, too humble as well Shine and she is alike after spending time together
-Beautiful, about 1.65 m tall.
-Specialises in darkening an area, but not actually good in battling with spells. (But synergy with Shine's light to blind the foes is extreme xD)
-Battles with 2 daggers or guns
-Talented in art and learning languages. Often draws too.

Story: Well, I will have to admit that it is childish. But it was far more childish before, since I started thinking about Shine since I was really young.. like Grade 5 xD. And I changed the story a lot, whenever I thought there was a better plot. And yeah, I may change the story in the future, like I change the characteristics of Shine, SeAh and Yis. But this would be the basic frame, I guess (:
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Shine was bornt as 10 (like all other angels), with a devil in him, within a tribe of Angels, after all devils were dead. He was thus hated extremely.
He did not have parents to take care of him. (like all other angels)
He could communicate with devil in him, and he found out that devil wasn't as evil as angels around him thought (the devil felt very sorry for Shine for all the hatred Shine received).
He was extremely intelligent and talented, always being the first in the school. He was hence feared by most other angels. However, other angels did not think of eliminating him because he was a angel after all.
SeAh was Shine's sister (who was younger than Shine), bornt when Shine was 13. Shine loved SeAh dearly, and SeAh was the biggest reason on how Shine stayed sane.
Shine told SeAh to ignore him with her best, as he knew SeAh would be hated if other Angels found out about their relationship. So SeAh did, but she always felt sorry and thought she was useless, because she could not help him. She often cried for that and sleep was her only time for relief.
Yis was Shine's lover. Shine loved Yis because she was the only person to realise that Shine is a kind person without being biased, after SeAh. Yis loved Shine because he loved her, not her appearance. (A lot of people loved Yis because of her appearance, and Yis hated that)
There were many attempts of assassination on Shine, which all failed. The number of attempts increased as Shine got stronger.
When the Angels wanted to rule over other races such as humans, Shine believed that it is right to do whatever he could to protect other weak races. After a deep struggle to find out what he could do, Shine had to kill all the corrupted Angels, which included all the Angels except himself, SeAh and Yis.
Shine collected the souls of dead Angels and created a land of souls in which dead souls of Angels and devils lived in peace, in a way Shine always dreamed of.
The physical part of land broke from the impact of the battle, and Shine, SeAh and Yis fell onto Humans' land. (Where we live)
He now lives in our world, where all of us live, with SeAh and Yis, having a happy life as an ordinary human. (He is currently 20)

Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Tue, 26/01/2016 12:22 (9 Years ago)
About Sephi

To be honest, I wasn't expecting to get Sephi. But since I got her, I will love her with all I can. ^^
Made some description and a simple story about her. I am not good at making up stories.. so I just linked it to Shine. I couldn't find any other way to give her a happy ending though.. so had to do that. You can criticise me if you want xD

-Age: 5
-She has pale purple skin
-She has a psychic ability
-Cannot speak, listen (understand), read or write anything (yet)
-Traumatised to medical instruments
-Black, short hair
-Careful, timid
-Has terrible health; physically very weak

She was an orphan. Not once she saw her parents with her eyes. She was in an orphanage until she was 4 years old, after which she was taken to a laboratory for research, after she was found to have special abilities.

She was enclosed in a large cylindrical tube (about 1 m tall, 0.7 m in diameter), injected with nutrient solutions daily to be kept alive. She was used for the research about her eyes, able to open her eyes but unable to move even her finger while she is conscious, during the research.
After about 18 months, there was an accident in the laboratory. The tube broke, and she could finally move, on her on will. There was no researchers left to stop her, but at the same time, there was no one left to guide or protect her.

When she went out of the building, she was in a dark alley. She could only groan, moving slowly, slower than a snail. Then Shine found her. (Shine is super-sensitive with sound or movements, thanks to games) When he saw her, she looked terrible, with pale purple skin. Reading her minds, Shine knew that she had nowhere to go, and she had to one to take care of her. So Shine took her to his house, thinking that he must. (She couldn't even speak, so he was literally the only one who can at least listen to her)

Shine was really sympathetic on her, so he decided to raise her... with SeAh and Yis of course.
Shine named her Sephi, giving her the same first consonant as his name.
They are now teaching her how to speak, for now. Well, SeAh is doing the most of teaching though. xD
Also, she is getting treatments from SeAh too (without use of medical instruments), so that her health will get better, and her skin will get back its colour for her life as an ordinary person.
Afterwards, Shine would probably teach her to avoid using her ability too.
That's the end of her story. I hope she lives happily from now (:

Kind of personal comment:
I felt really sorry for her to make her go through too harsh time for her. So I really hope that she always remains happy. I really don't want to give her any more difficulties either (Even though I may give her some difficulties later, when she really needs to go through that)
Also, her quiet nature somehow matches with the story. But it's not that she's quiet though, it's that she still needs to learn how to speak. (Turned out to be like that for now, at least) Maybe, when she learns to speak, she will be a jolly baby ^^
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Thu, 07/04/2016 15:01 (8 Years ago)
27th Jan - 7th April

So.. a disaster happened when I finished writing the post and when I clicked the button 'Post'.. all my contents were gone.. T^T
Ahh, lesson learnt, make backups. Especially if you write a long passage and it would most likely lag.
Well, but it's ok. I learnt my lesson with a cheap cost xD
But the problem is that I will probably shorten my writing.

It's been so long time since writing.. xD
I had about 30 minutes to write. But since I wasted 40 mins, it's already time to sleep. So gotta be quick xD

So the first thing is I got a Mega Lucario Sensei, sniped with a huge bid of 2.666 mil PD. Well, that was a huge PD for 1 dex entry xD

Got a shiny Retro Chikorita & Shiny Wurmple. They are so cute! I am so glad wurmple didn't evolve before everstone was given xD So hard, because of Newest Adoption clicklist. But that clicklist is really useful. :3

Then got Terrakion, Cobalion and Virizion. Terrakion and Virizion were Hasty natured, and I was reminded of this news while writing about 2 shinies above, which were Hasty natured also. I didn't make a feed about these 3 so xD
3 more dex entries, I guess :3

Got 2 mega stones from treasure hunt. I am really really lucky with treasure hunt sometimes, and that happens xD 3rd time in my PH life. How lucky am I xD

Then got a Shiny female retro Totodile, whom I named Meloni because she has color of melon xD

Got a Ho-Oh code, which I redeemed. I put that Ho-Oh in my army since I didn't want to sell it.
I thought Celebis and Shaymins would love Sunshine so.. I put it in so that it would bring sunshine xD

Got all 20 Easter eggs, I admit this one was hard and I am kind of proud xD

Did really well with my March Beauty contest.. *^*
3,5,9 and 93 are rankings respectively. And for future reference: 15495, 1567, 15480, 15483.
Messed up Aipom, surely xD
Got 10.5k FP from that.
And got 10k FP from April's bug catching contest!
That got me this beauty:

Named her Amethyst, but I later thought of named Vallet, Valeria, etc. But since I named her already, didn't want to change it. Although they were nice names too ^^

Won the contest of karps. And got a Wailord quest this time, trying my best for Professor as he believed me xD

And lastly.. studies.
Need to study:
Physics: Finished studying, took quite long
Chemistry: 0% done..
Biology: 0% done too xD
Accounting: Need to study as soon as possible now.
ICT: 0%, I wonder if I can study at all.. xD
My holiday ends at 17th, so I guess I have 10 days left only. I guess I will try my best, although I will still play xD

So yeah, that's all. Although they were shortened a lot.. like, I wrote only about 45% of the original contents.. T^T Hah.. that's a nice lesson learnt. I thought of writing later, but I tried to write it now. Took about 15 mins I guess. Time for me to sleep.. I am late by 30 mins already.
Exam starts at May and ends at June or July. I guess I would be busy until it ends.
So.. until then, see you, dear diary~ To make sure this content is not gone because of lag too, I will copy this post to notepad and click on post button xD
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Mon, 18/04/2016 08:52 (8 Years ago)
8th April - 18th April (Afternoon)

Feel like I need to write, so why not write xD
Feel the need since I would forget it otherwise, so.

Chronologically, the first thing is that I got a mega stone from the treasure hunt~
Thank you treasure hunt, I really appreciate your kindness towards me <3
Giving me so much game chips, often dragon gems which I don't actually make feeds about although I appreciate a lot, and even mega stones! xD
You even tend to give me double mega stones too, woah.. I surely have your love.

Oh yeah, speaking of appropriation, I sometimes hope people would appreciate Professor Rowan and Daycare Owner.
Professor Rowan gives one of all users' most precious pokemon which are starter pokemon, a mega-able Charmander, Resolute Stone, and unlimited number of free eggs. If you are lucky, he even gives you random shinies and mega-ables, even ditto and legendary birds. Nevertheless.. people tend to complain if they don't get ditto/legendary birds, no matter what they get. Poor Professor.. you surely have my sympathy xD
And the Daycare Owner gives us 'almost free' service. His service is really cheap xD
Although users are really dependent on him, most users complain about not giving much eggs and accuse him stealing eggs. Yep, daycare owner, you have my sympathy too! Don't mind about those accusations! xD I won't complain even if my pokemon gives little eggs like today, 6 eggs for 18 hours.
Somehow I connected this with the fact that they are close friends. Mmm.. I have too much thoughts somehow xD
Professor Rowan and Daycare Owner, I am your fan :3

Mmm.. I don't know why I am writing this here, but I just wanted to write this random thought on you, dear diary xD

Anyways, back to that chronorogical ordered events: I got a Mega-able winter numel from the auction house ^^ 1.6 million PD spent, hehe.. gotta earn PD hard to recover xD
One more dex entry though~

And~ I got a Full Moon map from the black box opening :3 Feel so lucky! And that was on Full moon day of Emera Town somehow xD
So I sent out Elise, my Aurora to meet her on that day which was yesterday, and she got to Cresselia so fast! xD
So she would return in 12 hours, I guess I would get the yellow lunar wing after like 22 hours then.
And I wanted to keep the link to this amazing art somewhere: Spoiler alert: boss battle scene with Cresselia
<3 The art is so amazing! I wonder who drew this, but I would say this art is an excellent piece!

Mmm, I guess that's it? Oh yeah, another good news is that I got a lot of shiny ralts recently. xD

And today's my first day of the new term, so maybe I would be a little less active from today. Well, I am procrastinating my homework now xD Gotta do it from now.

See you, diary~ ^^
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Tue, 26/04/2016 14:05 (8 Years ago)
19th April - 26th April

Nothing much happened until 25th, annnnnd I am out of time to write since it's already time for me to sleep xD
So, should I go to the point for today, dear diary? :3

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Shine finally hatched! :'D

<3 <3
Well, let me not spam this post with those hearts though xD
I guess it's 2 days lesser than 10 months. Mmm.. should I keep record on when he hatched exactly? Nah. I don't care about those things, too lazy xD 2 shinies hatched at 7111 and 7113, so.. gotta be one of those eggs xD
Mmm.. ok. I will check. I think Shine hatched later, so 7113 :3
Ahh, so happy today! Shine is definitely going to be my most precious pokemon <3
Registered him on Battle team too, now xD
Shine is my OC, I guess. He was my imaginery friend since I was like 11 years old, when I had a lonely time. Now that I have friends, both on real life and online, mostly PH, I am less dependent on him now.
But I still rely on him. I made his story to be sad so that I could consider myself to be lucky. I made him to be so kind so that I wanted to be like him. And when I am bored, I always think of how he lives in his world. Well, he now plays computer games on his life xD
Nowadays I think of his life a lot. Maybe I am bored when I am about to sleep. I love Shine so much <3
Shine's also SeAh's brother. He is older than her. Well, they are so alike in some way xD
And he is Docile natured, quite content with that too! It is not that out of his personality. Well, better than Sassy nature for this extremely humble guy xD

And I need to hunt female mega-able absol of one of desired nature. Well.. I want to procrastinate that for now though xD
So, I will hatch the legendary eggs for now. I guess I have 13 or 16. I don't know exactly xD
And then, I might go for hatching lab eggs. Maybe not, but I think I would want to enjoy some freedom xD
Planned shiny hunts.. mmm.. feel like procrastinating too xP

And a bad news.. I procrastinated my studies too much x-x
Oh yeah, schedule is out. 13th May is first exam, and 17th June is my last exam. I guess I have quite some time, but again! Never underestimate the amount left to study! ><

So.. I guess I am already late. Well, I wrote it so randomly, that the post is so messy. Who cares though. My emotions ruined my writing I guess. xD
So, see you, dear diary, maybe after my exams I will write again. Or maybe when something good happens xD

Edit: Last screenshot of my hunt :3
Thanks to someone who sent me the screenshot, whose name would not be mentioned here but I would probably remember xD
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2016 13:53 (8 Years ago)
27th April - 11th May

Hi, diary~ I feel good nowadays :3 Well, I guess I do most of the time, optimism is the best xD
I guess I am writing here since I will 'try' not to write until my exams end, which is going to start soon. Start date and end dates are..
... going to be revealed in 60 seconds well, that's a joke I heard while I was watching Korean videos in the past xD I will just write them down at like the end of this post I guess.

Sooooooo, I guess the first thing is that I hatched a bunch of legendaries that were waiting for so long to be hatched xD 13 total.
And then I started lab hunt. Summer Mareeps are in the daycare, in the hope to get a mega-able miraculously. Seems like I did not get a mega-able for about 14 days. But hey, that's like only about 10 eggs hatched. That is like toooooo much to expect xD
So yeah, I am not disappointed about that. After all, I will get it someday. Whether I hatch it or I buy it. Plus I got quite a lot of PD from selling the summer mareeps on AH
And I also used that Event Voucher (Uncommon) which people said they lost nuggets because they used it. I just wanted to get rid of it. Although I kind of think I could get an eggdex for that instead, thinking now xD Maybe later.

And lab hunt costs quite a lot I guess. I got a box with capacity 1000, which costed 950k. Oh yeah, I guess I need to add that Trade 5 box's link to my shop. Forgot about it xD
And since they costed too much for me to bear, I just released many of pokemon which I had in excess. Like, I had about 5-25 'Easy' rarity pokemon in my boxes. I guess I had so much of them considering I had 5 boxes and I released each kind of 'easy' rarity pokemon in each box.
Now I have like 2-4 pokemon of each kind of 'Easy' rarity pokemon, I guess.
Yeah, I still have a bit of excess of some pokemon, but since they are of quite high rarity, just keeping them in case xD
Maybe I should put them up on AH.. when I have time xD
And ended up that my boxes were very much cleaned after that. Most of them had 990+ pokemon, but now all of them are about 600-700. Well.. I surely released many pokemon.
I am surely a bad trainer/owner I guess. I don't know how many pokemon I've released while I have been playing PH. But.. well, I just hope they can.. live happily after being released, although they are out from PH already.
Sorry to all those pokemon.

Anyways, I am having lucky days nowadays. 9th of May was a crazy day indeed xD
Got Ditto, 6 dragon gems, 2 white powders, a shiny wurmple, shiny Tangela and mega-able Gastly and Slowpoke. Oh yeah, 3 summer mareep eggs too xD
And on 10th I got a white powder.
And on 11th, which is today, I got 3 white powders. Wow, I guess I should be prepared to face the misfortune soon xD Although.. I hope they don't happen to be my exams. Is that too much to expect already? I don't know, I won't worry. I can't change it anyways xD

I kind of want to start a shiny hunt. I guess I will start one when 10010000th egg is adopted, since 10101010th one is quite far. And yep, trying to aim. Although I know there is not even 0.1% chance for me to get any of that 3 adopts, still trying xD Well, I guess it is quite a while since I am being quite reckless? If I may say. But still, I am not using too much there. Not like I am adopting a ditto egg. (Plus I don't even have 10k normal gems anyways)
I am expecting 10 millionth egg to be tomorrow. Hopefully when I am awake? And I am expecting to miss the 10010000th one because I would be asleep, I guess.
I honestly don't know why I am trying this after writing this xD But hey, no harm from trying.

Annnnd, from a recent conversation with a friend, I was motivated to purchase some egg boxes. I have only 1 at the moment. But I want to get more, probably for future spring mareep hunt :3
I guess it's time to save up that PD xD
Also, I really want to hunt that Gloweon.. *^* It's so cute!!! And its evolutions are so beautiful too :'D
I guess that's another reason to get those handy egg boxes xD
I guess I should not give looks to shinies on AH.. at least for now xP

Mmm.. I guess that's all for PH stuff?
Now about my exams Well, that surely took more than 60 seconds
My Accounting exam starts at 13th. Which is day after tomorrow.
Then I have exams on 17th, 18th and 19th. Well, that would be difficult to study them together.. xD
That's why I studied a bit of Biology, which will be on 17th. But I think I will have to study Accounting for 12th and 13th (Morning). Theory part especially. Although it has little weightage only.
My last exam is 17th July, I guess. You know what? I have exams on 9th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th. Well, that's an upcoming deadly schedule xD
Luckily the exam have kind of break after my exam on 26th May, until 9th.
Ahh.. this exam is really important one. I guess I will feel nervous. But I will try not to :3
I don't know why I am feeling so nervous about Accountings. I really want that to be out of my way. Because I am less nervous about Science subjects.
Well, English is.. always stressing to me, but what to do? xD
So yeah. 17th July, and it all ends, I guess.

But even in exams, I play somehow. I mean, I admit that I get stress from studies. And studies are less interesting than games. So yeah. I guess that's how I relieve my stress. And if you get too much stress, you die
Speaking of games, I started an egg challenge + Nuzlocke in Pokemon Insurgence xD
I am like, about 60% done with that game, but I am too lazy to progress. So far, only 1 pokemon died, which is Finneon. I used Charm at Huntail, but.. critical Sucker Punch.. so yep. I had quite a number of pokemon which evolves quite late, and that happened T-T
At least no others died.
I also continued that Randomized Nuzlocke of Insurgence. You know that game where I had a shiny Mew? Yep, that one xD
I finished it until where the current beta ends at. So yeah, finished with that. I had 4 dead pokemon when I continued, and 2 more are dead now that it's complete. So 6 dead so far.. sorry to all of them T^T Although I kind of forgot how those 4 died.
And when I was catching a wild Meloetta, which was my first encounter, my shiny Mew almost died.. to 3rd Echoed voice which was used in succession. It survived with like 3-4 HP and.. that was almost a heart attack. Aww, I was so scared! I would've been so sad if it died.. hehe.. at least it survived xD
I realised now that I play really really really safe on Nuzlockes. I am so glad that Pokemon Insurgence have the Level trainers xD I don't need to grind in the wild.

And today I started Randomized Nuzlocke in Pokemon Zeta. I am still really early in it. I was planning to play a bit more at this period of time, before going to sleep, but I ended up writing on you, diary. I guess I would still play it during my exam period. Yep, that's me, I can't do anything to change me either. I am a computer addict.

Mmm, I guess that's all. Somehow this is a long post with so little contents. I wasted about 40 minutes to study, but I can just assume that I was distracted. Well, I've been distracted a lot during my study period. But again, what to do. That's me.
I wonder if I can finish another chapter while I am playing PH + watching a video to finish a playlist.. xD
I honestly think I won't.
Well, I guess I won't write here until my exam ends. Unless something really special happens.
But you are hearing it like 3rd time already, right? So yeah. I honestly think I would write again in between. I guess I should've known myself better.
Getting Ditto was definitely special. But somehow I still can't realise it.. xD
I guess that is partly because I was so happy when I got Shine.
Anyways, that's it. See you soon I guess. Maybe after a long time, but I expect it to be soon xD See you, diary.
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Mon, 29/08/2016 14:30 (8 Years ago)
Some of my deep thoughts and some beliefs

12th September

I guess I have some weird thoughts about these things. While I didn't want to disclose these thoughts, I also wanted to reveal it. I am filling in this post quite late (about 13 days after reserving the post), probably because I don't want people to see it. But I guess I want some people to see because anyone can see this diary, ain't I right, diary? Yeah, that's some of my deep thought already. But this is not what I wanted to write in this post. But if I am going to fill this post, why not disclose most of my thoughts anyways? Not like anyone cares for this post being long. But I guess the conclusion is that I want someone to see while I don't want anyone to see this. I don't know why, I am not a psychologist. I know myself the best, more than anyone, but even I don't know why I am being like this. But anyways, I guess I can't answer that question myself. At least for now.

So as the title says, I will post some of the deep thoughts and my beliefs which I got from those deep thoughts. Most of these thoughts came to me while I was trying to sleep, because I can't fall asleep easily. Also when I was thinking about Shine and my other OCs. I might add on my other thoughts later, I guess. And I would probably strike out the beliefs I no longer have instead of erasing them. I guess I kind of want how myself is growing up and changing. So yeah. But for now, I will just write out some thoughts here. Maybe I wanted to speak this out to someone.

So my first belief I always had is that I am the happiest person. Why? Because I think I am the happiest person in the world. That made me the happiest person. I think that, just by thinking that I am the happiest person, I can be the happiest person. What if someone else also says 'I am the happiest person'? It doesn't change anything. For me, myself is the happiest. The definition of being 'happy' is not that clear, isn't it? If you ask the definition of being happy, it would differ from people to people. And my opinion about that is, you are happy if you think you are happy. And if I am given the question: 'are you happy or unhappy?', whether I am happy or not depends on my answer, following my logic. So that means I am given the choice: 'will you be happy or unhappy?', according to my logic. So I decided to be a happy person. In fact, the happiest person in the world. Who doesn't want to be the happiest person in the world? So I am the happiest person in the world.

I think the most important thing in one's life is happiness. I thought about this question: Why do I live? And apparently my answer is: I don't have any reason to live.
So yeah, I am just living on with my life. After all, I don't want to die. I once heard this from a psychologist (from somewhere I don't remember), human beings are naturally afraid of death. So yeah, people will live on. Maybe their reason is because they are afraid of death. I guess that can also mean that people want to live? But I am not sure. Some people don't want to live because their life is so hard. Some people suffer depression. And some people even commit suicide. So yeah, I guess that doesn't apply to everyone. So I won't say all people want to live. And I believe people who commit suicide are afraid of their life more than death. So there are such people in the world. There are so many people who die from diseases because they are poor. People who have disabilities. People who don't even have all 4 limbs. People who die miserably from hunger and thirst. People who don't have parents since birth.
And so much more. This is why I think: all people on PH are very lucky people. They have money to support themselves with food, drinks and shelter. They have money left after that, which is why tey even get to experience the luxury of using computer and even internet. They probably have at least one parent too. That itself make me think that they are lucky. But those people you mentioned are extremely unlucky people, and people on PH are those with average luck. Yeah, someone might say this. But I would rather think on my way. People on PH are lucky, extremely lucky because they didn't end up like people I mentioned above. But I think people I mentioned are unlucky. But if you are not unlucky, you are lucky, isn't it? Even more because people on PH all get education, and that luxury of internet. They don't even worry about food, do they? So yeah, I think they are lucky.
However, the luckiest person would be me again. Because as I said before, I think happiness is the most important thing in one's life. And the happiest person is the luckiest person too.

The way I got lucky is because I appreciate things, in my opinion. I was immature before, and I didn't appreciate much things. I never used to appreciate food, drinks, shelter, education, etc. But I later realised that there are so many people who don't get those things. And then I started to appreciate things. And then, there were so many things that were given to me, when I thought about it. Food, shelter, education, wonderful parents, and so many more.
But many people do not appreciate those things. Especially education and their parents. I agree that education can be boring and even stressful. But if people didn't go to school, they would've never learned about the language they speak, they would've never got their friends in real life, they would've never learned to behave, and how to socialise. Yeah, some people may say that you don't need school for education now that technology is so advanced. We can learn English with computer too, isn't it? But I disagree. Teachers helped me greatly with my studies. I asked a great amount of questions to teachers, and they always made me understand the lessons in the book. Yeah, you can ask those questions to your parents and through online. But I still disagree. I once typed the word 'Philosophy' online, and I never understood its meaning. But if I asked my English teacher about that word, I am sure she would've made me understand. I will cut this here I guess. And school also helped me with being disciplined. So yeah, I think school should be appreciated. There were so many people who wanted to study, or go to school, when I saw a TV program. So I appreciate it since then.
And parents, yeah, people often get into arguments with them. Some of them often get serious. Some people say, I hate my parents. But I think, they never imagine a life without them, and what they do for them. They do all the work including earning money, cleaning, laundry, cooking, and all the housework. Yeah, some parents let their children to do some of those work. While it might be because they think it is too much for them to do by themselves, it is also a good experience for children. And I never understand those who say, I hate my parents. Most parents love their children. Even if they might say 'I hate you', they love them. Why would they work for someone who they don't love? They can just abandon them. And they can live on with easier life. So if you get abandoned, you would probably go to orphanage and.. I can't assure you that there will be someone that loves you as much as your parents. Probably not, in my opinion. Anyways, I guess that is it for why I think people should appreciate things.
Oh yeah, talking about appreciation, I pity Professor Rowan and other NPCs of PH so much. Especially Professor Rowan. When people get their starters, they never thank him. When they get a Mega-able Charmander, they never appreciate him. I think less than 10% of people do.
And what happens when people make feeds saying, 'I hate it when I gift someone something and they never say thanks'? So many people agree with him/her. While they don't appreciate Professor Rowan. After all, he gifts us so many things.
And then he even cares about us all, doesn't he? Like, he wishes you happy birthday, congratulates you when you hatch a shiny, and now he even calls you 'awesome' when you collect a lot of dex pokemon. But all I hear about him is.. 'he is lazy, why can't he raise pokemon on his own?' while he clearly gives you a choice of not accepting the quest, and even if he explains that he is too busy. And some people complain to him about not giving him legendary birds/ditto. Although he just supplies eggs and it is they who grab the eggs.
Anyways, I will stop about Professor Rowan. That is briefly why I pity him and like him.

Also, I hate bad words/swear. I think they are useless words which can be easily replaced with, and good for nothing except hurting people. Yeah, like, what are they good for, except insulting someone or making that person feel bad? So I quitted using it when I was in primary school. I used to swear, just like other immature kids. And when I realised that I was swearing at someone who I don't even know of while playing a game, I just felt like I am so pathetic. So I quitted swearing. Now, I just use the word 'trash' at some people, which I think, have terrible personalities. Used it like twice or thrice on some cartoon/game characters I guess. But I hate swearing anyways.
Why I hate swearing so much is also because people don't consider the feeling of the person hearing it. Yeah, I do not like people who do not consider about their actions before carrying out the action. Switch the positions and think about it. Wouldn't the person getting sweared at, feel bad? But yeah, there are exceptions. If someone has terrible personality, I am not going to protect that person. That person deserves to be sweared at, I feel like. But terrible personalities aren't that easily seen, in my opinion. It is really rare. Being immature or greedy isn't terrible I guess.

So, kind of continuation. I don't think being greedy 'itself' is bad. I thought of this situation to persuade myself.
A child scored 80% in an exam to make his mother happy. And as he wanted, his mother was so happy and proud of him. After he saw his mother being happy, he got greedy and wanted his mother to be even happier. So he studied harder and got 90% in the next exam. And he made his mother even happier.
When I thought of this, I realised that being greedy isn't bad. I even heard one of my favourite commentator saying (in Korean, translated to English by myself): Greed is a good source of motivation. And now, I definitely think being greedy isn't bad. After all, isn't every human being greedy? I think it is just natural. Although, I was quite surprised on PH. People gifted so many things which were valuable/expensive. Even though they could definitely sell it and get a huge sum of money/etc. So yeah, some people on PH impressed me. Quite a lot actually. Maybe they aren't greedy for money. If I may say, I think they are kind. If I am to tell from what I know only.

But another continuation from the last point. Even if you think you know so much about someone else, you don't know so much of that person too. Especially for person like me. I've been friend with some people for a long time, if I may say 1 year is long. I even chatted with that person. And that person calls me nice. But I think people don't know much about me. Only a few people who read this diary on a random post in page 2 would know that Shine is my OC, right? Same with that, people would rarely know about those things of mine. And some of the things, I never disclose it. Even on my diary. So how would they know that I am nice? They know like less than 20% of me probably. Probably the worst quality of mine is that I often get jealous of people. I hate that about myself. Not about PH stuff though. But when.. like.. someone gets a lot of love, I get jealous. When it is one of my friend, it is often worse. Why is that so, I wonder? So I wondered and found some of the conclusion. Maybe I unconsciously think that if someone becomes closer with someone, they become further with me in terms of how close we are. Honestly, I think that is ridiculous. So I always say 'no' to that unconscious part of mine. But feelings are weird I guess. I couldn't control myself until now. Trying so hard to do that, but so far, there hasn't been success. Yeah.. I surely have a long way to be mature. I am still, an immature child. This is why I never think myself to be mature, I guess. Every time I think that I am mature, I turn out to be immature. So I will try to be more mature and control myself even more. Maybe one day, I will not be jealous about anyone. One day. I feel so good to write this on you, diary. I knew this terrible part of me, and I could not tell this to anyone. I never imagined that I would tell you this, either. But I wrote it now, and I will never erase it. It was a good idea to write here. Thanks diary, as always.. ^^

Anyways, I have more to write. So the conclusion is that I will try to change.
Talking about changes, I heard some people saying things like,
'Everyone hates me because I am whiny and I am always depressed..'
'Everyone hates me because I am greedy, and terrible..'
But why is it that they don't change, even when they know they are disliked for that? I realised one thing. When someone is hated, there is a reason. Definitely. Even though that reason can be ridiculous like, 'I hate him because he is ugly and I feel so disgusted every time I see him'. And I kind of hate those people. But in most cases, such as given examples, they aren't hated for those ridiculous things, isn't it? If you are whiny and depressed, you can change. You can try not to whine, and you can try to be cheerful.
I was hated at one point in my life, too. When I was in like Grade 5-6, I used to cry a lot in school, for literally nothing. Even though I was not a baby. I was a child then, I guess. And then I used to be arrogant, and noisy, troublesome, etc. I didn't get good grades either. I used to try to get involved in so many things. So yeah, I was kind of hated. I had no friends either, and that time was like nightmare for me. But thinking now, I deserved that kind of behaviour. Why would people like such an immature kid? I think I would've hated myself too. And since then, I unconsciously began to change, probably because people hated me. I began to grow up as a quiet kid. At Grade 7, people kind of hated me, still. Probably because some of them hated me when I was in Grade 6. But at Term 3 (of 3 terms of the year) of Grade 7, I don't think people hated me then. Just that they didn't approach me because I was quiet. Also, I began to get good grades since then. I guess that was another reason why people didn't approach me. However, I don't think I was hated, since then.
So yeah, that's my story on how I changed. So why aren't people trying to change even though they know that people dislike them for something? In case of being whiny, it is annoying to many people. Isn't it better to change themselves so that they won't annoy other people, and they won't get hated anymore, for that quality? Yeah, I agree that it is very difficult to change themselves. As for my jealousy I talked about in the last paragraph too, it is really difficult to change and I haven't changed until yet. But it is worth a try, I would say. Yeah, it is difficult to change. But it would be so much better to change.

Another opinion of mine is that optimism is really really good. I love optimism. Meanwhile, I kind of dislike pessimism. Why I like optimism is because it makes my life so much happier, and prevents me from feeling bad/sad. Example would be me thinking that I will get a Shiny mega someday, instead of thinking 'Will the shiny mega ever come? I feel like I will never get it....' I will get it if I continue to try, even though that can take long. Another would be that 'Nice, I got a shiny' instead of thinking, 'why couldn't you be mega-able shiny?' So yeah, I think optimism can never be bad, except that I have hard time understanding pessimistic people. You know what? The worst pessimism I heard was: 'I got Zapdos.. Ugh! I already have a Zapdos! Why couldn't I get an Articuno or Moltres -.-' And yeah, like, not a trace of happiness from getting a Zapdos from the lab. I even wondered if that person deserves such luck. So yeah, I kind of dislike pessimism. Because pessimism is just the opposite of optimism, isn't it? It makes your life sadder and prevents you from feeling good/happy. I wonder if they thought what pessimism does to them. But I guess they most probably didn't consider that. So yeah, I like optimistic people more than pessimistic people, of course. Too bad that pessimistic people won't get persuaded easily to be optimistic. But anyways, I guess that is it for optimism/pessimism.

And another belief came to me when I was thinking about Shine, my OC. I gave him an ability to read other people's mind, upon looking at their eyes. Looks like a cool ability, right? That's what I thought when I was a child. But turns out it's terrible. You know why? Because no one wants to go near him. Same with anyone who has this ability, isn't it? If someone can read my mind, I would be afraid of that person. I have my secrets, and most people would want to keep their secrets. So if your secrets would be read on contacting your eye, you would want to avoid that person. Yeah, you can keep your ability as secret. Just that it is rude to do so. I made Shine as a kind person. So he ended up disclosing his eyes' ability. So yeah, he suffered a lot from that. Because no one wanted to go near him.
I honestly think it would be same for any ability. If someone can teleport, that person is scary. If someone can be invisible, you will be in fear every time you imagine that person being near you. Reading other people's mind? Stated above. So yeah. Being an ordinary, normal person is the best thing. No need to be special, or different from others. We are all unique individuals anyways.

I don't read news at all. This started because news was boring to me. And then I later realised: All the news is so sad. All these news is about people getting injured/dying. And that makes me/people to feel sad. Not like it is a matter to laugh about. So why is there a need to see/read news?
So yeah. I never read or watch news because it is all about sad news. I think the most important thing is happiness, so I would rather be happy than watch news. Plus, I can do other happier things in the meanwhile. Some people will call me ignorant, and I admit that I am ignorant. But I would rather be ignorant and happy than knowledgeable and unhappy. I would rather play games than watch news. Not like watching news benefits me. Oh yes, I almost forgot to say this. I also realised that I can't change anything even if I watch news. I don't even have the control of my bank account to donate. So since I can't even change anything, I would rather avoid the sadness. Some people may say that we should all share our sadness. But I realised one thing. Even if I watch news and get sad, no one feels less sad. People watching news don't even know my existence. No one will be like: Oh, this 375839485th person is also sad, I will feel less sad then. So even if I watch news, it just increases the amount of sadness obtained from that news. And news is boring too. So I don't watch news.

I guess that is all that I can remember, for now. I am sure there are more things to write, but I guess I can't remember everything. So I would probably come back when I remember more thoughts I have, or I get more thoughts.
And thanks again, diary. I am so glad that I wrote on you. Feels really good after writing. I feel like I ranted, kind of. Especially my jealousy thing. I promise you, I will try to change. Because that part of mine is so terrible in my opinion. I hope I will be a better person when I write about my new thoughts next time. And thanks for the third time, diary. I feel like you deserve a hundred thanks from me, for hearing from me. So thanks ^^

13th September

So I thought about that 'change' part I wrote yesterday. I wrote that people should try to change. But am I actually trying to change? I say I am shy, but I don't think I tried to change. But when I thought more about it, I realised that I am kind of scared of not being added after adding someone on my friendlist, I guess. That would be why I don't add people first. Why I do not talk to people first is because I am not good in making conversations. You know, I have like nothing to talk about. I never go out, so nothing much happens in my life everyday too. I don't want to go and say 'hi, how are you' because people don't like it much, either. So yeah, I guess that is the reason why I am staying shy. I also realised that I am scared of making friends. Once, I made a friend in Grade 7. I thought he was my friend. But I later realised that he wasn't. He considered me a friend and I did too. But later when I entered Grade 10, I realised that I could never rely on him. I wanted to stay away from him, too. I didn't like him much, either. And trying to stop being a friend with him was.. quite scary I guess. Because like, if you end a relationship badly, the person becomes an enemy of yours, isn't it? So yeah, that is my excuse I guess. I don't think I can change easily on that part. But I will try, I guess. Although another reason I found is that since people don't hate people for being shy, I don't need to change. But I think I should try not to be so shy.
I also hate art. But if I want to draw my OCs, I should change. But I don't think I would change for that. I don't think it is wrong to hate 'doing' art. Not like I hate seeing art too. People hate Maths, Science, History, etc. because they are hard for them. Same with me, art is too hard for me. And like, being 'good' in art would be so hard too. Because the definition of 'being good in art' is different for all people, isn't it? Someone may say someone's art is bad while other person says it is good. But conclusion is that I don't think I will change on that.
The last thing I am not changing on is that I hate eating vegetables. And I think this one is quite serious one. My mother faces a lot of challenges because I don't eat vegetables. Yeah, people won't hate me for that, but I think I am being a bad son for that. So I think I should change. However, chewing on vegetables just take away all my appetite. Especially ones like onion and cucumber. I hate the textures a lot, although I don't know why. I don't think I tried to change, actually. I think I should change someday, though. But.. oh well, I don't know what to do I guess. I hate vegetables so much to try eating them. My mother used to say: 'You will change when you enter the military service.' I hope I change then. But until then? Do I need to try and change? Oh well. I don't know about that. I will just drop this topic here. I guess I have not come to conclusion on this yet.

Oh yeah, I also forgot to tell this yesterday. I think all people are selfish naturally. If someone was given a choice: 'Will you make your friend happy or a nice stranger happy?' I think most of people would say that they will make their friend happy. I think that is because they want their friend to be happy more than a stranger to be happy, because their friend being happy would make them feel happier than a stranger being happy. Someone might say: 'My friend is amazing and deserves love'. But you don't know if the stranger will be even nicer. So yeah, I don't think that matters at all. Because he/she wants his/her friend to be happy.
Well, I guess I can give more examples, but I will just cut it here. I don't think that example above was good, by the way.
And then I thought of this question when I was thinking about examples: If your parent or someone else's mother has to die, who will you choose to live? I think most people would choose their parent. Unless they hate their parent. Yeah, even if someone else's parent dies and that someone will cry for days and even commit suicide. Even if that person's life will be miserable. And you know what I realised? This question is just made to make people feel guilty. Yeah, you are most likely going to choose your parent to live and end up making someone's life miserable anyways. And my conclusion about this question? This question is unworthy to spend time thinking about the answer. You won't face this situation in real life, our lives aren't dramas, movies or fantasies. You don't need to consider the answer to this question and feel guilty.
I also remembered someone asking this question: Will you choose to be unhappy while everyone else is happy, or you being happy while everyone else is unhappy? I heard this from someone's feed on PH. Many people chose to be unhappy while everyone else is happy. But when I thought of what I will choose, I didn't know what to choose. Because you know, I want to be happy. But I don't want to make others unhappy for that. I don't live to make others happy, after all. If someone asks: why do you live? Some people may say they live to make others' life happy or to save others from illnesses, etc. But I don't think I live with those reasons. I just live to be happy myself. I don't live for others, I live for myself. And you know what, I feel like 'I live to make others happy' is kind of absurd. If you like to make others happy, you feel happy from that. And ultimately, you want your happiness from that. Whether you are conscious or unconscious about that. Although I think most people are unconscious about that. But you know, choosing the second option of being happy while everyone else is unhappy make you feel like you are a terrible, selfish person. And then I realised, this question is unworthy of thinking, too. Firstly, you don't have the power to make everyone else happy anyways. No one will ask you this question unless it is for fun/curiosity. I wonder if people who choose the first option of 'being unhappy while everyone else is happy' will actually choose that option if asked anonymously and that answer will actually have effect. Because as I said, I think everyone is selfish to some extent. But the second reason why I think this question is unworthy to think of: You won't be unhappy if everyone else is happy. You won't be happy if everyone else is unhappy. Because some people feel happiness from others being happy. And some people probably choose that option because of that. But you suddenly won't feel happiness from that? Well, that seems quite ridiculous. Yeah, that's the reason anyways.

Oh, and I almost forgot about this one. I used to hate myself before. I thought I was terrible person. Even now, I don't think I am good person, to be honest. But I love myself a lot. I thought I should love myself. So yeah, now I don't have that much of self-hate. Although I hate many parts of mine, including that jealousy part I wrote about yesterday. I thought about that part, too, after I wrote that. And I think I still haven't overcome it because that doesn't come often. Yeah, I don't get jealous that often. If it was, I would've changed already. So yeah, I will just think this way: Who cares. Although I think I was already doing it. So I guess I should try not to get jealous in the first place. I will definitely try.

I think that's all. But I may come back today. I am kind of forgetful and often forgets the points I thought of. The last point was added some time after I wrote the first two points, too (about 30 minutes before I wrote the last point). But anyways, I guess I wrote everything for now. Thanks again and see you again :3

21st September

(I had this thought since like 5 days ago)
So I thought of this, what if I die? Will people on PH know? Because my family doesn't even know that I would play this game. So if I die, people would wonder, why is this person not coming online? Actually, not much people. Only some people who consider me as a close friend. But anyways, they wouldn't know. So should I write something like, 'If I am not online for a few weeks/months, assume that something happened to me?' Then I started to wonder, is telling people those things good? Because you know, if I die, my friends would be sad. So is it better for them to wonder forever? I don't know. But even after I realised that they would be sad with that news, I kind of wanted them to know. Maybe I want attention. And this made me to bring back the belief I had: Everyone needs attention to live. I think someone would go crazy if they don't get attention. Maybe they will suffer depression and end up committing a suicide. But there are people called 'attention seekers', aren't there? Well, actually, maybe it's not their fault to be attention seekers. Because as I said, we all need attention to live, in my opinion. They don't need to think that they want attention, to do something attention-seeking. You know, I realised that we do some of the things instinctively. Some of them are called 'protective actions', too. And those things touched my heart thrice, which is every time I realised that someone's action was a protective action. Because you know, they weren't protecting themselves physically, but emotionally. Coming back to the original topic, if someone is seeking for attention because no one, including their parents, don't give attention to them, I think the major fault is with the parents, not the child which became an attention seeker. I believe that parents have the responsibility to care for their children. However, this is not to be taken for granted either, in my opinion. We should all thank our parents for being responsible. They could abandon us any time and live an easier life without us. Well, I am speaking without considering the emotions, such as love, for this one though.

Anyways, I guess this is it. I think I forgot something, but I will come back when I remember it. See you diary ^^

10th November

So, long time no see. I guess I didn't think much about things deep recently, or I just didn't write them here because they were small things. Like my mother being a bit inconsiderate when she had guests, I guess. But you know, that's a small thing. I hope she was considerate then, but not a big deal. Since I wrote that here, guess I will forget about that already.

The reason why I am writing here again is because of something I really hate, the use of offensive language towards certain nations or people of certain nation. Not really related to that US politics that was an issue yesterday and today though. I have been seeing words that were insulting towards certain countries, on Korean sites. Not going to specify the words or the nations' names, since people might feel bad when they see that it is their country and its people which are being insulted. Honestly, I think use of those languages are close to racism, because people are insulting a huge number of people just because some people from that nation are bad. But don't they know that all nations have some bad people, or should I say, some weird people that seem uneducated? I am sure all countries have them. But they still use it. And no one actually cares about using those insulting words. Rather, if one Korean says "why do you have to use that word?", others are like, "Are you from this country? lol". So yeah, there goes my hope of speaking my opinion. What's funny though, is that people think racism is bad. They say "Racists are trash." And there are rarely people who disagree with them, while they actually show racism. Well, according to my logic at least, because those words seem really insulting. Do they not know that those words are insulting? I don't think so. And I thought for a while, am I being too serious? Actually, probably yes. No people from other countries see those comments. That probably means that there is no one that will feel bad, except for people like me. But I thought it was better to not be insulting for all the time. Like, I thought not being insulting only when people from other countries are with you was similar to being two-sided. And it's easy to not be insulting, isn't it? In Korean language, you need to type 3 blocks of characters to not be offensive, but the offensive word is 2 blocks of characters. I don't think it is that hard. That is why I do not understand why people have to use the offensive word.
But.. I guess I can't do anything, right? I learnt that a long time ago with swears already. People don't care if I hate it or not, they probably don't even know my existence. At least most people wouldn't. So yeah, nothing will change, so I just have to accept it and live on. That's probably what people will have to do with US politics too? But enough with that, I think I have heard enough of it already that I just want it to stop. People are just spamming things on chat about that when it's totally unrelated with the stream. So yeah, let us stop about that between us, ok? Ok.

I guess I will still hate to hear those insulting words. But I guess this ranting got a bit of frustration out of me. Nothing will change for me, so I will have to change. Well, not like I will also use it or like it, but at least I will have to adapt to listening to those words. Yes, I would still hate it, but.. well, yeah. World is a pretty hard to place to live on, isn't it? Sad but can't do anything.
Anyways, see you, diary. Always nice to rant here. And thanks.
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 04:45 (8 Years ago)
12th May - 11th September

Very very long long time no see my dear diary. I have been busy with Exam studies and after my exams ended, I had to move. And then I got a new internet which is really slow. It's telephone line internet connection which is the slowest from what I know xD But I have no alternative so what to do. Anyways, that's the reason I couldn't write for exactly 4 months xD Let me start writing now.

I usually write in chronological order, but I will just finish off with Emera Beach shinies before anything. Mostly because there are quite a lot of them xD
I will just write them in the order of their dex number. And probably write why I gave them such names.
Capsule because it looks like capsule xD
Berrie because it looks berry much like berry. Learned this joke yesterday xD
It is a star that looks like star.
Caught yesterday only, I don't know how the colour 'Aquamarine' appears, but I guess it isn't a bad name. I used to have Starmie in Psychic mono type run for Pokemon Reborn, and it was so OP. Surf, Psychic, Minimize and Confuse Ray for its moveset. It is fast and hit hard and it's not that weak defensive either. So good xD Don't have Ice Beam because Reborn doesn't give good TMs so easily. Starmie carried the Ground Type Gym too xD So I like Starmie quite a lot.
Rodnia because its hidden ability is Lightning Rod xD
It kind of has the pattern of tiger.
Serious natured Male Gyarados, so perfect :'D Although I don't like Gyarados specifically xD Named it Rager because it is Atrocious and often used the move Thrash often. I actually had another shiny Gyarados, but I replaced her. I don't usually do that, but I did that for her. Aww, hope she found a good home.

So, they are both Rash natured female. Aww, I love them both <3 I kind of prefer female gender for Marill evo line xD They have the same nature too, so I guess I can consider them as sisters.
'Secret' and 'Hidden' part of their name comes from the ability Huge Power, they appear to be weak but they are super strong xD So yeah, they have Secret/Hidden Power, definitely. 'air' part comes from 'Fairy'. Names are kind of strange, but they have meanings in their name I guess. Also, Hiddenair was my first beach shiny :3
Riana because she calls rain with drizzle ability. Rain, rearrange it and you get Rian. Add a and you get Riana xD
Jumper because it jumps for Mantyke/Mantine I guess.
I have bad memory of Huntail killing my Finneon in Pokemon Insurgence egglocke. I used Charm twice and it got critical hit on Sucker Punch. Oh well. Her name was Lumi (Given from the state of egg already, not made by me), and she was the only dead pokemon from that run until now (I am too lazy to finish it). They all have 31 IVs on all the stats so they are super strong. Plus they have egg moves too. So yeah. But anyways, I named the Huntail Venon because it did a fatal damage to poor Finneon which died before it evolved. T^T
I named her Amelia which I corrected to Amaria afterwards xD I named her Amaria after a character in Pokemon Reborn. Amaria is a Water-type Gym leader which is kind in my opinion. However, she isn't that strong mentally so.. well.. yep, I won't spoil the story too much xD But anyways, Piplup is a water type too, and that light-blue colour fits Amaria who also has light-blue coloured hair. So yep, I like her name :3
Camouny because I think she will be good in camouflage. xD
Foamey because it is related to foams if I am correct.
Thriclaw from 'Thrice' and 'claw'. It has two claws and its head looks like a claw too, so 3 claws xD
It looks like Q, so yeah. And I thought of naming it PULSE, like the one in Pokemon Reborn, since there is PULSE Clawitzer (I haven't encountered it yet though). But PULSE pokemon suffer a lot, so nah.

And that's all for beach shinies. Ah, that's a lot of work already xD
Let me refer to my feeds and write the diary now.

Mhm, I guess the earliest one is that I reached Dream Level 7. Yay :'D
I get 7 DP every hour and so much as bonus if I do other things. Talking about DP, I started collecting DP. Kind of desperately xD I will get a shiny Mew in the next year, definitely *^* Shiny Mew is so cute <3 Oh yes, I had a shiny Mew in Pokemon Insurgence Randomizer. xD I don't know if I will name the shiny Mew after her though. If I get it. But not sure if I can give a better name xD
And I need to collect much more. There would probably be shiny plushie events meanwhile, and I probably should try to get all those too. So yeah, trying hard for that xD Although there is internet lag + PH lag.

And then my exams finished and I moved my house. And I didn't tell this in a feed, but I am satisfied with my exam results ^^ Won't specify the grades though. I know some people read the diary so yep. But I am happy, hehe xD
Exam results were out on 25th August only, took about 2 months since the exams ended (at 17th August was my last exam, Physics)
I guess studies paid off :3

Oh yes, Graduation ceremony! It was amazing! I had a wonderful time with my friends and teachers. Took pictures, got a lot of good wishes and did the same to many other people. I think I will kind of miss my teachers too. I loved them. I think I will miss my friends too, since we are all going to different colleges/courses. But oh well, trying to keep in touch. Although.. I don't think I will have topic to approach them xD But anyways, that is it for school I guess.

And then I got another year of premium. Woohoo, so nice that I had the nuggets beforehand. No stress at all. The benefit of planning & preparing beforehand.jpg xD

And then I caught the Strange Ornament at the beach myself after quite a long time. Didn't want to buy it because I wanted to get it myself. Maybe because I didn't want to sell one when I get my first one, I am not sure. But anyways, that's like 2 months ago xD

And then for the Shaymin event, I think I did a decent job. Got about 4-5 Shaymin encounters I guess? 1 of them was a Shiny plushie too, I was lucky with that xD Shiny Shaymin plushie is so cute <3 One day, I want to get a Shiny Shaymin myself. But I don't have that high hope on it. So yeah, I will probably go crazy if I get it, but if I don't, nah, no disappointment :3 I don't even interact much compared to others xD

And then I caught this cutie <3 Teddiursa is so cute xD Named her Mintna because she has the colour of mint I guess.

Oh yes, I got a Ho-oh code about a month ago. Maybe I could've sold the code instead of redeeming it but I think there is a chance to get a shiny, so wynaut try it xD Again, even if I don't get it, I am ok with it. But since there is chance, wynaut. I also realised that I am on the ranklist for WT. Wow, I surely did a lot of WT xD

Then another Mega stone from the Treasure Hunt. Yep, that's right, Treasure Hunt loves me xD
I got an Enigma stone yesterday too. And I get dragon gems from it quite often too. I surely have Treasure Hunt luck.

And then, yay, all puzzles completed xD
Maybe it's good for nothing. But I felt good from it. So now, it is good for something :3 Logic xD
I don't know when the new puzzles will be added if they do, but if they ever come out, I guess I will have fun again then.

I guess that is all I can write from my feeds. So let me talk about something I didn't write in a feed. Actually there's one thing only. (Actually there is many, such as getting white powders, but let me just skip those things xD)
I changed one of my OC's name, from Ys -> Yis. Her name, which is in Korean, didn't change. But like, her name is so hard to translate to English. Ahhh xD But I guess Yis can't be pronounced the other way, right? Pronounce 'Yi' first and then 's'. No other way I guess.
Well, SeAh's name was changed for better pronounciation too, from SeA -> SeAh, a long time ago xD But I guess that doesn't really matter too much. Their Korean names stay the same.
And I realised that I've come quite a long way in my shiny chain. Actually, 2500 isn't that long it seems. People got to chain 8000 with no shiny mega, so I won't complain anyways. Also, it is Yis I am hunting for, so I need to get a female Shiny Mega xD Well, it's a greedy goal, so I am ready to go all the way until I get her. Mmm, prepared for about 10000.. or 20000 since it is 50/50 for Absol's gender.
But I don't really mind, I love Yis that much. As an OC of course. Well, she is a beautiful girl, but her only lover is Shine xD So yeah, I need to get Shine his lover too, right? Not giving up on that. Actually she was there for like years. Even before I planned this hunt. So he got his lover already but I am going to get Yis on PH too.
Actually I am not sure if I can call her a 'girl' because she is like 20-21 and she is an adult already. And she is older than me too so I don't know how to address her xD But who cares, she is still a girl. Maybe I am being rude but what to do. I am kind of hesitant to call her a 'woman'.

But anyways, I guess that is all. Ahh, that was a lot of work xD
It was good writing on you, dear diary, as always. Thanks a lot :3
See you again~ Maybe soon since I am free most of the time now xD
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Tue, 27/09/2016 13:37 (8 Years ago)
12th September - 27th September

Wow, it's been quite long since I last wrote, already. 16 days gone already, I guess xD Maybe I should write more often. But again, I don't have much things to write, do I xD But I will start up for today.

Sooooo the first thing of course is that I got my new internet, ahhhh! 1 Mbps -> 30 Mbps :3
30 times faster! And I feel like I can do anything with this internet <3
So it's like I can interact quite easily. I can watch Youtube videos with 720p, while interacting on my laptop. I can even interact on my laptop while watching a stream that takes quite a lot of speed on computer. Yeah, they share the internet connection, so using one of them usually slows down the other one. Twitch streams used to lag a lot, but now, I have no problem in watching it with Medium.. quality. I just searched for the translated English word on my computer but it seems like I can't find it xD But Video Quality seems ok, since that's how it's displayed on Twitch. Also, I can watch with High quality too, it seems. Maybe I will try that later.
And downloading speed is quite fast too. I tried downloading a game, and it downloaded with like 4Mbps. I don't know why it's not like 30Mbps while I was not using that much of laptop, but who cares xD

The game I downloaded is StarCraft 2, by the way. It's like 30 GB, but I downloaded it and am enjoying it quite much :3 Ladder seems to be needed to be purchased, so I can't play it. Not like I want to, since I am terrible in it xD I never did ladder on SC1 either. So yeah, I am just playing Arcade modes, but they are fun ^^ I am not trying those maps with so much control required though. I am a newbie in SC2, and.. yep, terrible with controls xD I would try if it was SC1, but SC2 is quite different so yeah.

I also started playing Pokemon Uranium. I heard that its official download link is no longer available. However, I downloaded it from Uranium Wikia. Seems like Uranium fans put a lot of work there. There was even an unofficial server available, to make GTS, Wonder Trades and Mystery Gifts available. I only used Mystery Gift function so far, but maybe I would use those two other features later, too. Although I will probably never use the Mystery gift Pokemon on my first run, either xD But it's quite fun until now. I finished the second gym and am on my way to the third gym. I finished until the 6th Gym when I played Beta 4.2 before, so yeah, I kind of know how the story goes, but there are new pokemon added too, it seems. So yep, having fun on it xD

Although those are like only 2 games I found yet. Maybe I should try to find more. Ahh, having no phone means I can't sign in to many sites, so it's quite hard to play online games xD But I guess that's ok because.. continued in the next paragraph xD

Ahhh, LoL World Championship is about to begin! It was so hard waiting for it to begin :'D It was less than a month but I was so bored, had nothing to watch! So I found a few streams on Twitch and watched them. But of course, I want LoL Worlds more than anything else to watch now xD LoL Worlds is starting at 29th of US time, but it's 30th at Korea/Malaysia. So yeah, 2 more days to wait for, since today is almost over. Luckily, I had some SC2 matches going on at 25th, and another one that started today. 27th - 30th. I would probably try to watch both LoL and SC2 matches, since their times don't seem to be overlapping. Although it implies that LoL Worlds are starting from really early at Malaysia. Matches at first day (30th) start from 7 AM, and at one day, they start at 4 AM. Well, I am actually prepared to watch many of the matches through Youtube videos. Drawback would be that I am kind of spoiled on which team won from the middle of the game, since the length of the video is already shown from the beginning. But I won't complain. Mmm, thinking again, maybe I should try to change my sleep schedule. Hehe xD Although it would be hard. But hey, no school. For like 6 more months still. So better try now or I will never try :3
Hope all Korean teams perform good on LoL Worlds. Especially ROX Tigers, the team I love, and then SKT, which is getting a lot of worries from Korean fans, and last but not least, Samsung which is in what you call 'Deadly Group' xD Hope they all advance to Round of 8 as 1st place of each group, since they wouldn't meet each other at RO8 that way.

And about PH, I have been hoarding DP like crazy. I haven't even returned the last 2 plushies I got xD I probably should return them on the next plushie event. Yep, they don't even worth 100 DP, but if you collect those small small DPs, you would get rich with DP :3
But it's probably a bad practice xD
Although I am not sure if I will return one of them, probably not because that person demanded it to be sent back (even though it was probably a random plushie), and that person palpadded me (before sending me a plushie) asking if I wanted Dragon gems, and when I said no, that person replied that 'if you want dragon gems, visit this link' with link being a direct interaction link for a pokemon. So yeah, I think I don't want to return it. I don't know why I don't want to give something to someone who wants it and begs, and gives things to someone who never begs. Maybe begging has negative effect, but I am not a Psychology student. SeAh is a pro Psychology student though, maybe she would know the answer xD
So back to DP talks, I hoarded a lot of DP in my opinion. A lot. Nah, not gonna reveal it here because, top secret xD But I think I can get 41k DP for next August at this rate, even with these plushie events going on :3
Dream Level 7 + Do all tasks except Gem Exchanging task and exploring 150 levels of Royal Tunnel. That's what I am doing. And hey, that seems quite good xD Not doing 150 level task because even though it gives me a lot of DP, it would probably take my interest on Royal Tunnel away very quickly.
So yep. And I plan on hoarding more than 41k DP actually. I think it would probably be 41k or even higher. Ahh, hope it won't be of different system next year. xD But it's ok, I will get a Shiny Mew nevertheless, right? If I am unlucky next year and can't get one because of system change, I have next next year then.
That's it about DP hoarding I guess.

And I think that's it about all the things for today's post too. Mmm, I don't think there's anything else to say xD
//Checks Town tab//
Oh yeah, I think there's something more. Emera Beach. I think I caught a Shiny Tynamo, and.. what is it, I can't find it easily on my box xD //Checks Storage box again// Oh yeah, Shiny.... forgot its name. That crab pokemon which evolves into Water/Dark type and has ability Adaptability when it evolves. Oh yeah, Crawdaunt is its evo. So its name is.. oh well I give up. //Checks Pokedex// Corphish~ Oh yeah, I am so bad in memorizing names. It was a good decision to drop History a few years ago xD
And yeah, I have caught a few more shinies, but I didn't adopt them yet. Mostly because I already have the shinies and their evo shinies. Mmm, maybe I should save them as gifts xD
Although I don't know if that's a good idea or not, since I think it's good to gift something valuable, not something useless to me. But.. are they actually useless? I don't think so. So yeah, I might gift some of them away on people's special days.
Wow, I changed a lot since I joined xD I never gifted things when I first joined.

Also, I noticed that I have been saving up quite some PD. But I am actually using them a lot too. But I am trying to escape the temptation of shinies on AH xD That's hard, but necessary. I am saving up PD for egg boxes. Apparently about 15 million is needed to get 20 boxes according to my calculation, so yeah, I can get 20 boxes with my current PD, but I hate being broke, so I guess I should save up a lot more before I buy them. And I think they are quite useless until this hunt ends xD So good luck to me for saving PD.

I guess that's really all for now. Ayyy, so excited for LoL Worlds, can't wait, ahhh xD I am sure some other LoL fans are like me too. But anyways, that's it. Off to get DP for this hour within 20 minutes. xD See you diary :3
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sun, 16/10/2016 05:16 (8 Years ago)
28th September - 16th October (afternoon)

Not that long ago I wrote my last post, but I guess it's not bad to keep you updated, diary. Maybe I should write Dear Diary, at each beginning of the post, but I guess it's ok, why do I need a format for a conversation with you xD Let me keep things updated because I kind of posted a lot compared to the past. Maybe it means many good things happened? So yay xD

So I am going to finish with things that I made feeds about first, ok? Ok then :3 According to chronological order of course.

So I finished the Pro Path finally. I practised a lot with DP tasks already, so I could probably finish 100 levels easily with a few tries. I do 130 levels of Royal Tunnel Exploration every 3 hours, so yeah, I know a lot of Pokedex descriptions/etc. now xD Although I have no idea about many of Egg group questions, I can always get lucky and get little questions about that so yeah.
I finished it in my 3rd try, 89 and 93 being the levels at my 1st and 2nd tries. (Might have mixed up the orders but who cares)
Now I have Registeel Eggdex and Regigigas, so 2 more eggdexes and 1 more Pokedex, yay xD
Talking about Pokedex, I probably have to get Volcanion and Diancie when I finish this hunt. I feel like I said this already though, so press that skip button, let's go to the next feed x3

Guess I caught two shinies from Honey tree then, them being female Budew and female Pachirisu. I like them both a lot, because as you might know, I care about the genders and natures a lot now xD And I prefer female gender for Pachirisu, Roselia and Roserade. Pachirisu is really cute and Roselia/Roserade are rather beautiful, so maybe that's why I prefer female for them. So yeah, that's probably why I evolved Budew to Roselia. I don't really mind gender for Budew I guess. xD
Talking about Honey tree shinies, I also caught a female Wurmple and a male Aipom. Sadly, Wurmple evolved into a Cascoon while I am only missing Silcoon from the evo line, so I guess I can't keep her. Probably same with Aipom, I have both Aipom and.. its evo Omg forgot the pokemon name again shinies already, so I guess I am keeping her away from the shiny box for now. Maybe I will find her a good home. But that will probably take long xD
Actually I have about 4 extra shiny Aipoms. I caught about 3 before.
Well, I didn't post a feed when I caught them though, because.. mmm.. I don't know, but maybe it's because I am not going to keep them.
Pachirisu and Aipom sprites on the tree is kind of scary btw xD

I found a mega stone from the treasure Hunt again too, I am not sure how many I've found now xD Probably 5+ though.

And then I hatched a lovely shiny retro Sentret <3 He is jolly natured too, perfect! As you might know, I adore Jolly natured pokemon, especially for cute pokemon :3
Named him Golden Cookie because of a Sentret lover who says Sentret is the strongest and cutest pokemon ever. Mmm, not a bad name I guess, I thought of naming him food because it will be fun, but people might make fun of his name, so yeah, I need to consider things twice before naming my pokemon xD
Talking about names, I should probably add what the names of honey tree shinies I caught are.
But this is a diary and if you imagine a diary, you can't add something so easily. So I guess I am just writing them here instead of inserting that above.
Named my Roselia Alroa because I wanted to relate her name with Aroma because of Roselia's pokedex description, so yeah, I guess I included all the letters except m. I kind of wanted to not use m so I guess brain-storming for more than an hour helped xD
Named my Pachirisu Pochy because of Pachirisu's ability Cheek Pouch. And its Pokedex description is something like 'A pair might be seen rubbing their Cheeks to each other to energise each other' or something like that, so yeah, Cheek -> Cheek Pouch ability -> Pouch -> Pochy. How I usually name my pokemon nowadays xD

Also, this thing happened just now only, but I guess I will write it here because it's the last thing about shinies.
I hatched a second shiny retro Chikorita :3 Male, Serious natured. But I guess I don't mind much of that, since I have one already. I guess that's why I didn't post a feed about that, I don't think he will stay with me. I don't know what to do with her as yet though. Maybe I will keep him, for a reason I will not reveal here because I know some people will read this xD

Done with PH stuffs, something off-topic from PH from here.

I started Pokemon Uranium Nuzlocke run like yesterday only. I've been doing the regular run until then, but you know, I usually play a game until I am bored with it. Bad practice, definitely xD But yeah, I finished until where I did on 4.2 beta, so I won't know what will happen from now on (In that regular run). But there were a lot of new pokemon, or fakemon, added to the game, so I had fun redoing xD
And I figured out on many fakemon games, people (or developers) usually make most of the fakemon useful, so like, most of Ice type pokemon learns Ice Beam via leveling up, and most pokemon have good base stat total unless it is from really early game.
And fakemons from Pokemon Uranium hit super hard OTL I wonder if I can finish that Nuzlocke run. My fakemons are fainting so often on my regular run xD It will be super tough anyways. I guess I should be nervous every moment.

And then, about LoL Worlds I guess
I thought all Korean teams would perform very well before Worlds began. And at the first week of group stage, 3 teams had 6 wins and 3 losses, 3 x 2 wins and 1 loss. I was like, wow, foreign teams are good too, I guess they can even compete with Korean teams now.
And then at the second week Korean teams had 9 wins and 1 loss. They showed what Korean fans probably expected :3
Rox Tigers had 1 loss and was almost out of the group stage, so yeah, I was really worried about them then xD 2 losses would have got them back to Korea, out of the tournament. And then the situation turned out to need a tie breaker match, which they won. So 3 wins and 1 loss, and they advanced as 1st place (or seed) from the group. They were expected to win 6 times without a loss, but I guess they didn't have the best conditions for those 2 weeks
SKT and Samsung on the other hand, had 3 wins for the second week, with really good performance in the game. I don't think I was worried about them, they performed so good xD
And this week, it was Round of 8 (RO8), and 3 Korean teams.. battled(?) against 3 foreign teams. And all 3 teams did very well job! So yeah, 3 Korean teams (which is maximum) in RO4.. xD I guess Korea is still the first with LoL. Maybe it will be different next year, I thought it would be different for this year actually.
And tomorrow will be the last day of RO8, Europe vs International Wild Card (IWC). No one expected IWC to advance to RO8 I think (And that's what I heard from so many commentators too). They performed really well on Group stages though. I guess I will enjoy while watching that match too xD
So yeah, good job to all 3 Korean teams. I guess Korea is really strong at the moment.
Mmm.. and a bad news is that ROX and SKT met at RO4 I guess. Well, bad for a ROX fan like me at least. ROX almost always lost to SKT whenever they met. Well, I hope they can overcome that this time. Although I hoped that they would meet at the finals, RO4 would be fun xD
But I guess worries about LCK (Korean teams) were useless indeed, as some people said. I was worried about ROX a lot actually, but they performed very well today :3 Although they might lose to SKT at RO4, they performed very well already. But hope they can perform even better, by going to finals xD

That's it until today I guess. See you diary ^^
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sun, 23/10/2016 11:11 (8 Years ago)
17th October - 23rd October

Sooooo yeah, short time no see, dear diary xD I just wanted to write on you again. Possibly because of some rants? Kind of. I don't know what word to use there, but I guess I wanted to write some of my thoughts here. Not exactly rants, there weren't even things that made me angry. Not that I get angry easily anyways. But I will start writing.

So since the Halloween event started, I interacted a lot since then (20th October if I remember correctly). So.. I guess I interacted about 25k - 33k on average each day. However, I think I will probably make lesser interactions today. Probably because of lag I experienced during afternoon (in Malaysia time), and me being lazy. xD So anyways, I got a lot of candies from interactions. Got a Mimikyu, Giratina orb and Misdreavus cosplay for myself already. Mmm, I guess Mintna, my shiny Teddiursa, will probably get the cosplay xD And I guess I can look for Giratina slowly. Maybe even summon it myself when my hunt ends. No hurry, right?
I actually thought I needed to get some of the old event pokemon for eggdexes, but it turns out I already have them all. So yeah, I guess I already got the eggdexes the previous Halloween xD
But why not interact a lot more although I got all the items? Events are kind of easy method to earn PD too. I need to save as much PD as possible anyways. So yeah, I guess I will interact as much as possible. Not going to overwork myself, obviously xD Games are for fun only, not harm.

And then I extended my premium for another year. Well, I actually saved a lot of nuggets, waiting for the sale. I expected it to be on Christmas because there was one last year, but I guess it doesn't matter too much. I got it anyways xD I always use flutes every month, so yeah, 2320 nuggets saved. Almost 3 month worth premium. I guess I won't have to worry about losing a bit of premium by being away for a bit, probably next July. For like 3 weeks from what I heard. I was going to think about that, but I guess it's not even finalised, so it's quite unworthy to worry about. But you know, I usually worry about those things xD But trying my best to forget about that.
Got 6k free candies too, but nah, I didn't buy premium for that anyways xD
And then the event pass sales are kind of tempting too, but according to my calculation, they seem really unworthy. So yeah, gonna ignore them as usual.
Common event passes: 3 million PD -> assume 80 normal ones hatching -> sell them for 10k each -> 1 shiny worths 2.2 million.
Rare: 5.25 million PD -> same step 2 and 3 as above -> Shiny worths 4.45 million.
Mmm, maybe I should consider premium and flute being used, perhaps about 2 months. That is 2320 nuggets I guess? But nah, I would rather hunt them when I have a lot of egg boxes. I like Gloweon a lot, so I am planning to hunt it, but no need of event pass I guess.

And then.. well, LoL Worlds again?
ROX lost to SKT again.. ah well, I thought ROX got this BO5, but lost again. I guess ROX should improve a bit more to beat SKT. Maybe they will beat SKT next time.
After the BO5 ended, I cried a bit when I saw Peanut crying and dropping his head. Guess I got a bit emotional then. But nah, it wasn't like, sobbing for 10 minutes. I just cried for about a minute. Well, I guess I like ROX a lot now. But the crowd chanted 'Peanut!' after the match to cheer him up, so it was a good sight to see that.
I heard a rumor that ROX might disband. Well.. hope it is a false rumor. I would be really sad to see them breaking down.
So yeah, ROX fighting (kind of Korean cheer) xD
The series was really amazing though. Even went to the 5th set of BO5. Maybe that's why I think it was really close game.
So.. yeah, that's it with LoL Worlds I guess. There is a final remaining and I am going to watch it, but I don't think I will write it here. But who knows, maybe I will. xD

And I ran out of games nowadays OTL
Hearthstone is getting kind of boring since I played it too much lately, haha.. xD
And then I am bored with Pokemon Uranium too, I have like no will to start it again.
PH is technically a game, but I think I need to play another game while playing PH. Soooo yeah, I am talking about 'a game I am playing along with PH'.
I am usually watching streams on Twitch nowadays to spend my time off. Annnnnd a streamer recommended a game called Shadowverse actually. It's a phone CCG (Collecting Card Game) apparently, but its PC version is coming out on 26th. Maybe I will try out although, I might be discouraged to start it. You know, I hate making accounts, etc. Mostly because I don't have a phone that I can't type in the phone number if they require me to do so. The streamer says it can be played with Steam, but I don't even have Steam account xD I thought all games had to be purchased on Steam, but turns out there are free to play games. Shadowverse seems like a free to play game too, so yeah, if it actually is, I will try it. That game seems fun, and it seems like there is more 'skill aspect' than Hearthstone where most of the users say "it is a luck game". Well, I actually agree with them now, although I thought there were skills like an year ago. I mean, it was a luck game before, but now the 'luck aspect' is too great. Like a card called Yoggsaron. Omg, total luck card. So yeah, I will try to play Shadowverse if I can. Although the card images are.. kind of.. um.. I don't know what word that is, but some cards seem to have exposed too much of people/person in the card. Well, as you might expect, most of them I am pointing out with this 'exposed too much' are female cards. Mm.. I guess I can't give example here, I know many of them are definitely not suitable for children/kids xD But hey, that game seems good. Well, I am looking forward to it because of this streamer I am watching is like: "Shadowverse is a really good card game". Well, I might leave the game if I feel that it is boring, though.
Hope I can enjoy it, I have no games to play right now except PH //struggles because of game addiction// :'D

And lastly, I feel like I am feeling a lot of social anxiety right now. At least today. I was so scared to post a feed about extending my premium that I purposefully posted it on a quiet hour (PH server time 6:00 - 10:00 approximately). I thought I overcame quite a lot of it, but I guess that wasn't true, I felt so much anxiety to post a feed. Well, I should definitely change more. In a good way of course xD But well, changing is a difficult thing to do. I will try hard, though.

Well, that's it, diary. Hope that this post took out all these thoughts out of my mind, which is what I wanted to get by writing this post. I feel like I have become attached to you a lot more than before, because you know, I wouldn't have written about other games that I am playing xD I never wrote about HearthStone when I restarted playing it. Anyways, thanks a lot, diary. I owe you a lot :3
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Fri, 17/02/2017 13:29 (8 Years ago)
24th October - 17th February

Good evening diary, long long time no see xD I thought it would be nice to keep you updated when I have time (there are no LCK matches today, so I have a lot of free time :3)
Why I didn't write for a long time is.. well, because a lot of things happened. So I was lazyyyy xD But also because I started to have more things to do in my free(?) times. Well, all these days until April are free times though. Let me get started. However, I will probably not gonna write most of the PH stuff that happened, including what gifts I got, what shinies I got, etc. I think I will be too unmotivated to write this post if I have to write that. Hhhh, 4 months without post, so yeah xD
But there are a lot of things to write.

So where was I the last post, LOL Worlds? Probably. Soon after that, ROX won the Kespa Cup, and I was happy that they finally got another trophy <3
However, soon after that, all the old members of ROX left. I was really sad then. But I decided that I should let them go. I do not make any comments on articles or anything like that, so I want to write here that I really loved ROX and I would like to thank ROX and all the members for being such an amazing, awesome, cheerful and good team.
The good thing though, is that most of the old ROX members decided to remain in LCK (Korea). I still love all of them, although I lost the team I love the most. Now, I don't actually have a favourite team xD That's a sad thing.
Also, LCK started on January. I am really enjoying LCK, like last year. So yeah, you would probably know why I didn't write for a while, because I love watching LCK xD
Guess I will stop talking about LCK on this post for now, that's enough :3

Also about the games I play nowadays, Hearthstone, Shadowverse and Pokemon games.
I don't have much to sad about Shadowverse actually. I got a lot of cards by playing arena a lot + their generous free packs xD
About Hearthstone, the new expansion MSOG really rekt the ranked games. Pirates decks are so 'cancerous' according to people. I too think that way, so I can't really say that they are wrong. Also, Shamans are so strong that HS is called Shamanstone. So many broken cards. //sigh//
They say Arena is ok, but I don't play it too much. I only do quests at the low rank. And there are still some pirate decks at my low rank. Unbelievable xD
However, patches are coming pretty soon. So looking forward for that.
And pokemon games, I probably have the most to say about.
So the beginning of restarting them was Pokemon Uranium, inspired someone on my friendlist's feeds. So although I was lazy to grind for levels, I finished the game. Maybe more contents will be out, but I am pretty much done with Uranium already.
So I read this Uranium breeding guide. And I was kind of inspired to breed mons.
And then I thought I wanted to restart Pokemon Insurgence because my team wasn't that 'competitive'. Also, there is an item called IV stone in Insurgence, that makes 'one IV' of a pokemon to 31 IV. Basically means 6 IV stones makes a pokemon 6 IV pokemon (pokemon with 6 31 IVs).
So I was playing Insurgence to get Dittos of perfect IV on each stats, because I didn't have much IV stones, and that's basically what Uranium guide told me to do. And then I got a shiny Ditto, omg. Although I will never use in competitively, I made it 6 IV Ditto when I learned from someone that it's faster to use IV stones xD
So my team right now is Typhlosion, Milotic, Serperior (contrary), Garchomp, Delta Gardevoir and Delta Venusaur, my lovely starter xD
They are either 5 IV or 6 IV, but they are probably perfect competitively.
Delta Gardevoir is Electric/Ice.
Delta Venusaur is Psychic/Fairy.
So I am just waiting for the next version, since Insurgence is an incomplete game for now xD But it is a fun game.
And then Pokemon Reborn Episode (version) 16 came out. And I really enjoyed it. Actually, I would say Reborn is the favourite pokemon game of me. Extreme difficulty, interesting field effects and nice story. However, the story is so so sad. Episode 16 story was so so so sad. I think it was the saddest story part. I almost cried even though I never cry usually.
I honestly think children should not play Reborn. Pokemon is a game for children and adults, but Reborn definitely isn't for children.
Spoilers, there are many deaths. I won't say who dies, but many of them were ones I was quite attached to. Well, maybe because I easily get to like game characters. Maybe because of optimism.
I also started a version called CoM version. I don't know what it stands for, but it has many modes, including a Randomizer which I loooove xD However, this time I limited myself quite a bit. There was an option of randomizing enemy pokemon, which I didn't. You know, I wanted the game to be hard. And Reborn's difficulty is already on extreme xD
I also didn't catch any legendaries until now, they are soooo hard to catch, but also they just breaks the difficulty. Well, Arceus probably just solos the gyms, doesn't it xD Maybe not though. It actually is that difficult, which it why I love it.
So I beat Aya and I am on my way to Serra. Hehe, people who doesn't play it won't know what it is xD
My team is extremely good though. Blaziken, Greninja, Crobat, Scyther, Gengar and Krookodile. I am probably going to replace Crobat when I get a Paras to pass on Energy Ball to Galvantula, since CoM version allows me for TM breeding. Greninja has Ice Beam and Gengar has Sludge Bomb + Thunderbolt via breeding. Because you know, Reborn never gives me those extremely good TMs, until the end of episode 16 where my mons are level 80 xD
So yeah, enjoying Pokemon Reborn randomizer.
That's basically it for Pokemon games talk though :3

Also, my monitor broke, so I had to repair it. It took a long time because of Chinese New year, but it's good now xD

My school starts at about 20th April, so I guess I have about 2 more months to play. Guess I will enjoy my time, hehe xD

I am also watching many Twitch Streams and enjoying my life.

Oh yeah, there was my bday and anniversary and Christmas and New year and Valentine's day. Well, I don't actually celebrate them. But I would like to thank all my PH friends that made my day on my bday. Many of them won't even read this but it's ok. xD

Oh, also, I used up quite a lot of DP. I was lazy for a while, but I guess I will start collecting really hard from now. I spent about 1 h 15 mins writing this, but I still haven't missed my DP for this hour, yay xD

Guess that's basically it for this post though. I don't know what more to write. See you, diary. Smiley face.
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sat, 15/04/2017 13:44 (7 Years ago)
18th February - 15th April

Soooo, good evening diary ^^ Decided to write on you because I hatched a female shiny mega today, what a lovely day <3 Well, I could just hold off my happiness for other posts, but I will just write about the shiny mega today I guess, forgive me xD

Yis finally hatched <3 Since she dislikes being called 'beautiful' for reasons, I won't call her beautiful at least on this post xD I am really really glad that the first shiny mega I hatched is a female. Hatched her at chain 7068, but I am just happy :'D 11 months of the hunt was definitely worth it. Now I have all my OCs as shiny megas <3 I guess it's time for me to level her up quite a bit xD
Lonely nature. She would feel lonely without Shine and SeAh, but never, since they will forever be together. Yessss, I will give them a happy life.
I got a palpad message and saw that I have hatched a shiny, so I thought like, is it a shiny mega? Maybe. And then it turns out she is indeed one *^* Actually the palpad message was an unrelated message xD
Gave her a dusk stone since she just loves darkness. Well, she doesn't love dark things, she just likes being in a dark place. And I can't find an item that gives more dark feels than dusk stone. Well, she loves art too, but there is no item for artists so what to do xD

Also, I am breaking my chain now I guess. I was actually unsure of what to do after I hatched my shiny mega, but I just adopted my Volcanion egg after that. And then a Missing No. egg. And then a mega-able Diancie egg while Volcanion isn't hatched yet, because PH allows me to do that xD Waiting for the Diancie to mega evolve meanwhile too. I don't know whether I should adopt eggs from the lab or something, but whatever. I guess I will decide it when I hatch these eggs. Have all the time xD

I collected a lot of PD meanwhile, 31 million right now. But I guess about 15 million is already used when I buy until I have 20 egg storages xD Gonna do that later when I feel like it.
Currently filled my daycare with Cuddlithe x2, for its eggdex. I will probably repeat it for a while for eggdexes.

Also, for DP, I suppose 150k is enough for the Mew event even though the DP requirement might increase xD Well, if it's not enough, rip other people's sanity too. Starting my college course soon which means my DP income will probably decrease, but I guess I don't need to be too worried about that. xD

Not much things happened other than those things on PH, which is why I didn't post much feeds. I hatched some shiny retros meanwhile, but I didn't think I would keep them, so yeah. Caught some shinies on beach too. :3

Oh yeah, I found all the Easter eggs. Just that I didn't want to post it xD

I guess that's it for PH things.

I am starting my college course at 27th April, so I think I will be a bit more inactive since then. However, I will still be very much active compared to other users xD I am online for like 12 hours a day, maybe it will decrease to like 6 hours a day. But the schedule would vary so not sure.

Speaking about that, I don't think I will visit Korea at July. Not 100% sure, but seems like I won't xD I guess I can comfortably participate in the Mew event in that case. But the schedule might change so yeah, although I would prefer not to visit Korea. Not like I dislike Korea, I actually feel more comfortable there. But I hate traveling xD

About pokemon games I play now, I played some randomized games, and I got bored while playing an extremely randomized Black 2 xD Now I am playing Sacred Gold (Heart Gold ROM hack). It's a slightly modified hack which is a bit harder basically. Seems like the game is crashing some times. Had a crash yesterday and had to re-battle a lot of rocket grunts, which was quite annoying. But that was the first time I couldn't save while the game, so yeah, I will just play it xD Team seems pretty ok, except that I don't have a dark type. I don't have a fighting type too, but I gave Focus blast to Typhlosion and Ampharos so I guess that is bearable. xD Gotta play it later, but probably not anymore today because it's late at night for today.

Also, LCK is a ton of fun to watch xD Not gonna go in detail though.

I don't know why I took so long to write this, took 50 minutes to write these things somehow. I was watching something while writing and I was like 'what do I write here' quite several times while writing, so I guess that is understandable. But short post for today xD Super happy that I hatched Yis <3 Have a nice day diary, maybe I will write on you when things happen. Can't promise you another post before 27th, but yeah xD About 40 minutes early good night then ^^