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A Diary

Forum-Index Diaries A Diary
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sun, 12/04/2015 08:53 (9 Years ago)
About myself

I think I am writing this because I want to write something I haven't written on my About Me. But it's ok. I will write a lot of bad things about myself on this diary. And not much people will see it anyway. (Though I will put a link of this page on my contact link)

This will be kind of book whose page's length is infinite. But my writing skill is terrible so I will just write random things in random order. Probably xD
Also please refrain from posting here. This diary is mine after all xD

Firstly, my name would be kinda strange. Not to me, but to others on this site (except to people from my nation). So I think I would not reveal it. People can just call me User :b (Or you can make nicknames for me yourself, as long as they are not insulting xD).

I am Korean, but I live in Malaysia. (Currently studying abroad)

Actually, I believe I am not that good person. I am greedy, selfish person. But I will try to remove those natures. Though I don't know when I will achieve it. (I wanted to rant on this diary about this thing soooooooo much! hehe xD)

I am 17, and I still need to grow up. So yeah I am not that mature. I am just telling this info because I think it might help people understand better about me.

I am still trying to be friendly. But I am not used to it since I didn't get along with much people since I was a kid, though I got better on this area recently.

I am actually scared of approaching people first. Especially high-leveled users, old users on this site and well-known users, because I feel like they are some kind of seniors and when I offend them once, I will have to leave this site and whatsoever.. I don't exactly know why. OMG, what was I thinking when I wrote this line?! Of course not.. haha xD
Though I am still too shiny to approach people first cx (This line was edited at 21st Sept 2015)

But I try to add people to my friendlist when they add me. Unless they beg too much on their feeds, or I don't like their behaviour. This means I look at their userpage and decide whether I add them or not. (But I try to add people back. So don't be afraid.. if possible.. xD)

I remove people from my friendlist for several reasons:
1) They are inactive
2) They removed me from my friendlist.
3) I don't like their behaviour
4) I think that person and I cannot get along well anymore
I might add but for now that's all.

I have my close friends whom I am especially close with. But I wouldn't list them because if I put them here, people who are not in that list will think like: "He doesn't even consider me as his friend".

I don't usually get stressed in the game because I believe games are meant to be enjoyed. So I don't get stressed even if someone posts what people are calling 'attention seeking hashtags', because I usually ignore them (and I never get annoyed or angry at them. Just ignore. Although that affects my view on them, I would need to admit)

I try to be easy-going. You can feel free to palpad or PM me about asking questions (about game, not personal), and I don't mind people saying hi or hello, provided that they begin the conversation. But if they say that daily.. I might start to ignore them.
And surely, you can start a chat with me through palpad. Feel free to do that.

I am terrible in doing art and designing myself. So I don't think I will design this diary or include any art. Why, I would never do that in my real life too. Actually I am too lazy to write a diary on real life.
And my signature is empty for the same reason.
And this avi I am currently using was taken from a website, but I just included my username there to prevent people from taking my avi from my profile. Actually I don't like this avi that much..

I don't watch much of animes or cartoons and so I don't know much about those characters. I don't have a favourite pokemon for that reason too I guess. I will try to find one though.

It is really unusual for me to give free things, even to my best friends.

I try to treat my pokemons the best I can. These include:
>Not trading them for anything. Not even for a ditto or whatsoever. (Hence, not taking any offers)
>Not borrowing them, since they wouldn't like their owner changing multiple times.
>Treating them as if they really exist.

I feel like people would hate reading them xD So I tried shortening them, considering that this diary is open to others for reading (I didn't consider them at first. Who will let their diary to be read by others in real life xD)

Shortened version
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-You can call me User, or nicks.
-Korean, but currently living in Malaysia
-I believe I am not good.
-16. Still immature.
-Trying to be friendly.
-Add people back on friendlist as long as they don't beg.
-Sometimes remove people from the list.
-Don't get stressed easily.
-Trying to be easy-going.
-Terrible in arts and designing.
-Don't know anything about animes.
-Don't usually give free things.. xD
-Treat my pokemons with all the love I can give them.

(Added on 17th May)

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Summer - By Fahad_Ali

By Fahad_Ali also ^^

By mgmg. Picture of gardevoir getting a valentine card from gallade. xD

By Xstarhero.

By Fahad_Ali, as a birthday gift <3

Yeah I think that's all. But I might change the contents of this diary, of course without warning or permission.
Maybe I might write some accounts about what happened since I joined, but my introduction ends here.

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F: 30-8+23-11 = 34
Si: 12-9+17-4 = 16
C: 15-6+6-10 = 5
Li: 12-11+3-10 = -6
V: 14-10+30-7 = 27
Ar: 2-12+8-5 = -7
I: 1-2+30-4= 25
CH : 17-8+9-9= 9
Fluorine, Silicon, Carbon, Lithium, Vanadium, Argon, Iodine, Carbon+Hydrogen. Total = 103

Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sun, 12/04/2015 10:05 (9 Years ago)
Since I first joined - 12-04-15

(Actually I wouldn't recommend anyone to read this because it would be really long..)

It was quite hard to read the rules. Since then I had been cautious to post on forum because there was so much rules to regulate. (And I didn't understand the tutorial instructing me to say 'hi' on the forum because I thought I was not allowed to post simply :p)

I would say I interacted to get most items from the item shop. And my first post was 'Exchange Interactions?' I guess. Then I got my pokeradar and started my first hunt which was Solosis hunt. It was a long hunt and I sold the shiny... because it was so weak in battles.

I liked battles at the beginning. And I learned that natures matter so I started collecting right natured pokemons.

And I liked using Auction house. I used so much money sniping at pokemons to get pokedex entries, and getting rare items at low price, etc. and somehow that prevented me from collecting PD.

And I was getting along like that, collecting pokemons for my pokedex, entering so much raffles, etc.

When I got my premium, I hunted mareep, because it got the highest vote in my poll. And that way I got my cotton pillow and Rey. I think I will never sell them now.

At some point, I quitted raffles, because I realised that I couldn't love pokemons I got from the raffles as much as pokemons I got myself.
And eventually, the number of feeds from me decreased. And at some point no one commented on my feeds. So yeah I felt some kind of loneliness though I am used to that feeling.

And so.. I started to fear that I will lose all my friends if I am inactive. So I always tried to comment on other people's feeds.. making as many feeds as possible.. and so on. (I was so foolish that I can't keep on writing without laughing xD)

And for some time I did that. But now I don't care, because I know I have my friends. So I will not do that anymore. I will leave out everything to my feelings now.

And I started collecting gems since I was like 2-3 months old on this site (I am not sure exactly). Then I exchanged gems to get the gems I wanted. So yeah I am some kind of gem collector. I don't usually sell gems for that reason, because I use them for GEs.
So I am still buying gems from the forum shops.

And I am still sniping at pokemons at auctions sometimes. (Actually, quite often) And as a result, I got many mega-ables at cheap prices, though I can't love them as much as Rey. But yeah I will just mega evolve them for pokedex entries.
I actually thought of breeding all of them by myself.. but since I have them already, I don't think I would.

I quitted battles because I needed to spend so much money on them. I found the right nature, but I can't afford to feed vitamins to pokemons and so.. my team ended up very weak. And now I don't battle even with weak trainers. Actually, I was too lazy to battle because they took too much time.

I never lent pokemons from a certain point not because I could not believe my friends, but because I loved my pokemons and I felt really sorry for them when their owner changed several times. And so.. I think I would never lend my pokemons from now on too. (The cases where the owners never got their pokemons back helped to make this decision too -.-)

I would say that I was a cold person before I joined this site. I always had this thought: 'People are greedy and selfish and they don't really care about others. They care for themselves only'.
But on this site, many people did not follow that logic. Instead, they cared for their dear friends, offering free things even before they actually asked. So I thought this was a nice friendly site.

But yeah there were some other kind of people apart from them. Some people were trying to trick new users, saying that it is there fault to have the trade in the first place. So.. yeah I just came to know that not all people on this site are nice.

I was sometimes bored with this site, so I tried many other games too. But now I think this site is the best xD

I am enjoying this game very much.
And that's the end of the story until the date I am writing at the moment I guess. I might write if there are some events to write about in the future. But no one would want to read this kind of long boring account xD
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Mon, 13/04/2015 07:17 (9 Years ago)

Recently, I am addicted to interactions. I feel like understanding mass-clickers. xD

I bought a male mega-able Easter Buneary at 400k PD from the auction. Though I regretted a bit

But I still recovered my PD through interactions and Golden Slot Basic Mode.
Result of using 6.3k Golden Game Chips.
I have done like 60k+ interactions to earn this much xD

And Yay! My Mega-able Easter Buneary was female! I was so much relieved at this <3

Though.. I haven't given it a nickname since I am terrible at giving names.. I will have to think of one from now.. xD
Edit: I have named it lily to mean it is as beautiful and lovely as a flower. :)

And I am writing this at ST 7 a.m., but I can foresee that for the whole day I will continue my interactions. So yeah. Nothing more special to write about xD
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Thu, 16/04/2015 03:09 (9 Years ago)
14th-15th April 2015

Since someone posted on my pokemon shop which was nearly dead.. there was a Chaos.
I received so much orders from people and somehow earned so much money from it :o I am not boasting this though xD
I didn't actually expected this.. but since I had to extend my second storage box, 250k PD was gone.
I don't know how to achieve that goal of completing pokedex D:

And now, I kinda want some of the megas with my OT. So I have made a plan to get them myself.. though I have some terrible luck on that area.

They include:
1) Gardevoir (It's appearance is wonderful :o)
2) Gallade (Added because of Gardevoir. Lol No it's because it's cool)
3) Absol (I hope it can fly?)
4) Beedrill (I want it to be male though. I don't want a queen bee. Because it is kinda cool)

Oh, I almost forgot about server breakdown. When I woke up yesterday (15th), palpad and avatars weren't working. It was fun though. And I received so much interactions during that period. Maybe people interacted because of boredom.

And I am planning to put some mega-ables in the auction house. I got 2 pidgeot, 1 Gengar and 1 Gardevoir (Because I will hunt myself) to put there. Since no one is willing to sell their mega stone in exchange with them.. I would have to sell them. Now I need to look for some mega stone for my mega-ables.. but with PD. I doubt if I can get them.

My Deoxys and Ditto isn't giving eggs recently.. I guess I need to breed 2 more Deoxys + More than 10 Arceus + 4 Genosect.. Oh, I just need 1 Mewtwo so it would be ok though.

So my hunts will be greatly delayed thanks to those legendaries. I also need to get Mr. Moody series but no one wants to breed them :o
And where is that Rainbow.. I think I will see Riako's Video soon. -.-

That's all for those two days I think.
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 13:06 (9 Years ago)
19th April 2015

Nothing special happened from 16th-18th I guess.

I slept 2 hours before the update and woke up at 2.00 a.m Server time. And I got a spoiler about the update even before I saw the news.. but anyway, it doesn't matter much.

Box Opening
I opened all my boxes which I collected before and got a Green Orb, a Sky Pillar map and a light stone.
I didn't have the sky pillar map while I needed one more Rayquaza, so me getting that map was lucky for me :) I have already sent my Mega Charizard Y on the mission. (I just realised that I should give a decent name for it too. It's current name is Burning Tail.. I will change it soon)

And so.. hopefully day after tomorrow I will get my Rayquaza egg and I will take so much time to hatch it too.

I got so much palpad about people telling me to sell the boxes/keys and the green orb. Of course I didn't but I don't actually feel good when people do that.

I don't actually agree with people buying the orbs with megas. I think the price will go down from the price written on the price check thread. So buying now would be kind of Over-paying I think. So.. yeah I want Primal Groudon and Mega Latios/Latias so much but I am bearing myself. Lemme be a bit patient with it xD

Dex Completion
And today, I completed my Kanto Dex! Yay! :D
I feel even better since I completed it with my own pokemons only.

I got an Articuno from the auction house bidding 1.01 million PD at the last second. I was lucky to get it at a low price, even though I only had 1.3 million PD at the moment.
And I got my Zapdos from the Gem Collector, thanks to Dcasom who lent his Zapdos for me to get the egg. (I hate borrowing pokemons, but I had no choice over this.. T^T)

And the Zapdos is still an egg. But Prof. Rowan gave me the Mewtwo egg even before it hatched. Same thing experienced on Hoenn dex completion too, but this is a minor bug.. so yeah I don't feel the need to complain it actually.

I would eventually need to get my eggdex for Moltres and Articuno. Furthermore, I also want them to be my OT. So I am still collecting them. But I also hope I get their egg from the lab!! >_<

Safari / Berry Garden
I just adopted 6 Vivillions from the safari today. Oh yeah, I also got a Light Rock from the boxes and I saw a legendary of Electric/Flying type on the Safari. (I forgot its name spelling) But couldn't catch it, due to ball lackage.
That's all about Safari. Simple xD

Started it, spent so much money on it. I did so much but nothing special to tell actually..
Except that I think the first and second Seed Maker is better than the Last one. So convenient xD

So to conclude I am broke. Spent so much PD on Articuno, and Berry Garden. But who cares. I will interact harder to earn PD now. xD
I can't wait to get my own Mega Rayquaza.. It would be so cool... *_*

Oh yeah I almost forgot that I start going to school from Tuesday. So I will be busy from that time I guess. I think I need to tell my friends tomorrow, I just hope that I won't forget to tell though..
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Mon, 20/04/2015 12:46 (9 Years ago)
20th April 2015

Zapdos hatched today. Named him Sharpey since he looks sharp and electric attacks feel sharp (to me only)

I was so random today. Sent plushies to my friends for no reason. I don't usually feel good easily but I somehow got happy after sending them : ) Though I was happy even before sending them. I don't know why though. So random

One of my friend was offline for about 5 days. I just hope that he did not leave PH. If he left, I hope he comes back.

My berry garden missions are getting harder and harder. I needed Belue and Raputa berries for my missions and they grow up slowly. To make it even worse, they rarely give me a seed which is of higher level. (I need level 5 Raputa seeds for the mission ._.)

And today is the last day of my school holiday. Since I would be busy with homeworks and revisions, I am not sure if I can manage my berry garden works and this diary thing. This diary isn't much of a problem, but that berry garden is a problem. I am not sure how to even manage it xD

And.. yeah I used to play Pokefarm Q while I played PH. But now I am considering to quit it since I would be really busy with my education. Just thinking of continuing online chain. Actually pokefarm is too hard to adopt to.

Recently I played Pokemon Insurgence too. Its current version is 1.012, and it's quite fun and interesting. But the problem is that only 3 gyms are available now and I defeated those gyms already. I am fully ready for the next update now! So I am just waiting for it. I completed what I could do (Except EV training), so I am not much concerned about that.

And so.. that is the end of this page. This page's length is infinite but I will cut this page here :)
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sat, 25/04/2015 13:31 (9 Years ago)
21st-24th April 2015

Nothing special actually, since I was really busy with my school works. But I reached 1 million interactions on Friday. :) Though I don't even know when I reached it exactly.
Yeah that's all. I made barely 100 interactions from the exchanges.

25th April

I got an Enigma Pearl from the auction with 400k. Bidded at the last second, as always xD
But when I tested, Mega Latios and Mega Latias sprites were exactly the same. I just realised that only their genders are different xD
But yeah I gave it to my Jolly natured Latias! This is mainly because Latias's appearance is quite jolly and Jolly nature is one of my favourite nature.
And I just remembered that I haven't given it a nickname. So I stopped writing this post for a while and gave it a nickname now :)

Here comes Sally!

And Rayquaza hatched today, I remember it as Lax natured, I don't actually know what it means.. poor english. ._.
But it doesn't matter much. I kinda wanted a serious natured one but anyway xD

I named it Draky. Don't know why. xD

And.. nothing else again. I am not doing my berry garden work now. So busy to do that.
Now I need to go and study so much English words. I am terrible in English so that is gonna take me some time to do that. But I need to sleep already.. and I have 1 more homework with all the revision to do. I doubt I can do my garden work with these things xD
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sun, 03/05/2015 12:56 (9 Years ago)
Until 3rd May 2015

I think.. about 26th April? I got a beautiful, wonderful pokemon from the auction :D
Well, here she is!

Her name is LeA :)

I bidded like 666669 so my friends called me a devil.. But yeah I am a devil! Who cares? xD

And then I finished the game I was playing. It is called Pokemon Uranium. It's interesting though. I would have recommended my friends to try it if it had lesser bugs.. I had to refer to its wiki page a lot though I did not want to get any spoiler.
There are more than about 90 pokemons. So I had fun there :) But since it is still a beta, I could only get 7 badges. Hoping for more updates though :)
And during the period I was playing, I was literally dead. No activities on PH xD

And yesterday, which is 2nd May, I opened some of my boxes. And what a Jackpot!
I got an Enigma stone, Cold Rock, 5 Dragon gems and 5 normal gems! Yay! Hey, why the normal gems? xD

And today, I got Latias egg. Finally. After 20+ tries which took place over about 5 days. Hehe xD
Oh yeah. I forgot to give my Latios that Pearl! I gave him at this moment. Yeah the moment I am writing this! With another tab xD

I took like 10 minutes to give it a name. Yeah at the moment I am writing as well. xD
I was struggling of a good name of a boy beginning with 'S'.
But I named it, Tally!

And He looks the same with Sally here xD

They are adorable twins <3

And now I just need the Red Orb to get all Hoenn Legendary Megas. I guess?
I need so much items to get legendaries from Safari. And I am not even getting them easily -.-

That's all for today, I guess :)
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sun, 17/05/2015 13:17 (9 Years ago)
Until 17th May 2015

I am really busy recently, of course for studies. Hopefully, this would end around July though xD

I don't remember the exact dates, but I got a lovely mega lopunny recently from the auction house ^^

She is Iris. I love everything of her <3 (Though I am not her father. By that, I mean its OT is not me. Don't get me wrong please xD

And I got Latias/Latios from the tall grass, with some hardship xD

Here they are, they look really nice together : D
I named them Serah and Terah respectively. I wanted to name them similar to their megas, and I did. ^_^

And today, I got a blue orb from the auction, and I am now looking to swap it with Red orb, since that is the only orb left for the Mega Hoenn dex :)
I now need to get a Groudon myself. It wouldn't be hard though. I have just sent my Mega Charizard Y for the mission. So I would get one soon.

And I have about 11 more Arceus to go for my complete series. I want to get to my hunts as soon as possible.. but let me relax :)
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2015 06:05 (9 Years ago)
18th May - 30th June

Hmm.. I was writing and I pressed backspace key accidently. And my whole story is gone. Now I need to rewrite it T^T

It was so long since my last post.. I wanted to feel up the gap, so now I need to write for 1 whole month's story xD

I wasn't able to write anything more since my last post, mainly because I was busy with my exams. I still have my last exam upcoming on 2nd July though.
But I am too lazy to study xD

So, to begin, I have filled up much more of my dex. My number of entries are about 960 now. Most of them I got in this period were megas. Most mega-ables were obtained from AH, and stones from Gem Cauldron. (I had so good luck there)

I tried so much to get some safari legendaries. But with a fail. I tried like 40+ times, only got Landorus xD

And I got 1 Year Premium! Yay! :D I totally can't tell that I got 8000 nuggets 2 months ago from today and forgot to make a feed on it
I got it now only because I don't think premium is much needed except for shiny hunts. So I saved up like 2 months of premium, I guess xD

I got the premium, because I wanted to shiny hunt Ralts and many other pokemon I like, on my own. But first, I would go for Ralts :) And I decided to shiny-mega hunt it actually. I guess I need to be prepared for about half year xD
I would prefer female, but I would love to get shiny mega Gallade too! It's just that I don't want a male one to evolve into Gardevoir xD
And I would probably mega evolve non-shiny mega-able Gardevoir and Gallade too. But I would still want shiny mega :)
Now I am on chain 41, I guess. I didn't expect to reach here within 3 days actually. Flute power is truly amazing O-O

And finally.. a sad news. One of my best friend is leaving PH. He gave me a shiny Espurr, and I would treasure him as I would have done if he remained on PH. I have been such a terrible friend, but he still treated me as his brother.. aww I regret so much now. Yeah that was the first gift I received on PH. I want to give him back tons of things, but I guess I can't.. Phew.. I thought letting go of a person would be easy, but I guess it isn't so. I felt like crying, even though I knew nothing would change from that. Aww.. I just feel so bad.

But I guess that's it for 1 month's story. Nothing much to write compared to the period, but now I have done filling in the story. Maybe I would write here again when I would feel like to.. o-o
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sun, 12/07/2015 12:12 (9 Years ago)
1st July - 12th July

Nothing special happened, but I just wanted to post here xD

Firstly, my hunt is going well. I got 9 shinies until now. Gonna keep 5, and I am selling others through the Auction House xD
And 1 male mega-able, which I evolved into Gallade.
Here he is!

And I will name the Mega Gardevoir 'White' after him xD
I can't give a decent nicks for my shiny family though. I lack in imagination x)

Also, I got a Voltex of Time Map to get Dialga. Though I wouldn't be able to get it until my shiny mega hunt ends at about chain 5,000
So I am gonna give my Mega Ampharos the Orb until the hunt ends xD Hope he feels good

And I sniped Mega Swampert from AH. At 555k I guess.
But at the same time, I lost 333k on a female Relicanth. It was a mis-bid, but what can I do for it. I have forgotten about it already xD
So yeah AH is an interesting place xD

I guess I would also need some update on the first post of this diary. That's too long to be.. xD Let me erase the contents with an eraser first

And I again realised interacting is such a nice way to earn PD. But I will probably spend it all on something. I need to interact again after that

Hmm.. so.. I will have to correct my first page of my diary. But I don't think I will add colors on the texts or even images I don't have any to add xD

Edit: I think my first page of my diary is perfect as it is. xD
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Fri, 17/07/2015 03:58 (9 Years ago)
13th July - 17th July

So.. to begin with, I was collecting PD to get the Mega Winter Camerupt from the AH. I bidded 2.5 million PD for it, but I was quite sure to get outbidded xD And I did get outbidded. What to do (:
But I got a Mega Autumn Alakazam, paying 2.5 million and a mega stone. So yeah 1 more dex entry obtained. I was broke since then xD

So I sold some of the items I had to recover.. but it's kinda hard to earn PD xD

And now I am too lazy to interact after doing 33,333 interactions on x2 day. Aww this laziness xD When will you earn PD back, User?!

Then I started playing a new Fanmade Pokemon Game, called Pokemon Solar Light And Lunar Dark. Fanmade pokemon is there, similar to those in Uranium version. But it's still a Beta version. So I guess I would complete the game soon xD

And yay! My school holiday started after my school on Tuesday! :D
But from today (Thursday), I guess I am starting to do my holiday homework, which is reading books. I don't much like reading books actually.. but what to do, I can't neglect work xD

And today morning, at about 2:00 a.m. Server Time (17th July), a beautiful girl hatched from one of my eggs <3

She is White. She is younger sister of Gray which I hatched 9 Days ago xD
She is 49 at the moment I am writing.. just 1 more level haha xD

And I am indeed terrible in designing xD But here are the two photos I took:
Photo 1
Photo 2
I know I should improve and I need to get more accessories, but those Hangmen! Aww Dx

That's all until now, I guess (: White Mega evolved, so now I can click Post xD
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 14:35 (9 Years ago)
18th July - 20th July

Nothing much special happened haha xD But I have something to write about since I did played PH for 3 days x)

To begin with, I will get that Shiny Mew plushie. Nothing will stop me *-*
So far I've got 4 Mew plushies, and the next one is shiny. Hopefully xD
I've spent 815/2500 DP for now, and have 221. Basically, I need 1.5 k DP more to get it (:
I am glad I collected quite much DP for it before this event. Special thanks to Riako for warning the whole PH! xD

Also, I got 3 shinies and a mega-able girl. Probably gonna sell them though, hope they get a good new home. (: (Like.. they get some love with nicknames and so on xD)
I don't know why, but I am keep getting male shinies. I don't actually mind. However, I got 10 male and 3 female shinies. This is really odd, so I am writing here xD

And hello trainer level 50 (:
I know it's literally useless xD Oh no, the daily rewards are upgraded! Not at all useless!

And I thought I wouldn't get 5 sign-ups for the beauty contest, but now I did.
But I guess I shouldn't tell anyone else which photo is mine though. For complete fairness (:
However, I am really satisfied with the photos xD
Oh, BTW, I deleted the photos in my previous post and made new ones (:

I almost forgot, that I am stuck with Dex Completion. Mmm.. maybe I will get some more entries when I complete this dex?
I can't blame Riako for making Shiny Safari Legendary hunts available though xD

Hehe that's all for today. I wish I hatch a Shiny Mega-able Baby soon (:
When I hatch a female, I will evolve her to Gardevoir and name her Angel Cleir.
When I hatch a male, I will evolve him to Gallade and name him Angel Cayil.
And love him/her as much as I can! xD
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2015 12:46 (9 Years ago)
21st July - 23rd July

Not much as usual, but for update xD

I got quite much of DP until now. I am planning to send some limited plushies to one of my close friend. And then, I would have almost gotten the shiny Mew plushie at that time xD

I also got another shiny. It was female, so I guess it was about 4th from my chain.
Also got a male mega-able. I guess I would sell it too, but haven't set it up for auction yet :o I would probably set it up soon, or set it up on GTS for sale for nuggets.

And I think I should probably try to complete more of my dex entries. I am stuck in 970 - 972 for like 1 month. Or about 3 weeks at least xD
Got an electric fan for Rotom too. Got all items for Rotom's different forms, so I guess I can get 3 more for my dex entries after I finish this hunt and breed 3 rotoms. That will be a long time later though xD

I was doing Safari shiny hunt also, I am in like chain 49 on Vivillion (Polar). I would probably proceed later :o

And today, I got a mega-able Sceptile from the Auction House. Evolved it by now, and in my box now xD
Got it with 222k PD.
Also, I think I want to get the female mega-able Audino in the Auction House. I am not sure if I am only me, but I want a female mega Audino xD
So I will bid on that. Though I am not sure if I will get that or not, for now.

And like that 3 ordinary days passed. Hope some next days would be luckier
Nah, I would be really grateful of my luck as long as I get a shiny mega. I don't mind if I get it on a chain like 4000. xD
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sat, 25/07/2015 14:38 (9 Years ago)
24th July - 25th July

Not a great deal of things happened, but things did happen xD

Firstly, I got the mega-able Audino that I wanted to get. It's kind of continuation from the last post, but yeah I am just writing here xD

I named her Fluffy because she's cute ^-^

I also got a female mega-able ralts. But the one I was going to hatch was reserved for someone. She can't buy it for now, so I am reserving it for now (:
And heh, no shiny since the last one, but who cares xD
I don't mind much. I just want the shiny mega-able from the hunt and that's all (: Though, of course, it would be nicer if there were more shinies, but this hunt is really nice until now. So I can never complain xD Also, this is a nice mental training for my patience. I am kinda impatient occasionally, so it's quite nice. There are a LOT of people having a chain much worse than me. Since I am aware of them, I can never complain, again xD

Annnnnnd I was in Safari Chain 49 in my last post xD Now I came to chain 105.
And a nice surprise came to me <3

Shiny Vivillion of my favourite pattern, finally xD I know I did like 75 tries and spent like 150k or even more. However, I was quite lucky in my chain considering that I met a lot of Vivillion (Polar).
So yeah. I met a lot of safari legendaries that I need to catch too, but I wasn't shaken! I am glad I wasn't
I named him Flower since he is as beautiful and he resembles of one. I know only I think like that xD

//Thinks if there are anything more to write about//
Oh yeah, I almost forgot that I got a Shiny Mew plushie, and also a Pikachu plushie at the same time, for spending 50k DP! :'D
Hmm.. but I can't erase the whole contents above if it was in real life. So here the Chronological order is broken down xD I think I am kinda crazy to assume this as a diary in real life

Oh, also, this should have been the earliest thing in the diary but anyways... forgive me xD
Photo #1 - Rank 14 (Rating: 7.44)
Photo #2 - Rank 18 (Rating: 7.41)
Photo #3 - Rank 19 (Rating: 7.40)
Photo #4 - Rank 36 (Rating: 7.07)
Photo #5 - Rank 85 (Rating: 6.75)

You won 4000 Festival Points!

Mmm. I guess the contents being in this order is also ok, since this photos can be kind of memories xD
I liked the 5th photo very much too and 4th one the least.. but I guess people liked the 4th one better than the 5th xD

That's really it, I guess. I checked my feeds for last 2 days and can't find anything else. (:
They were nice days to me~ xD
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Wed, 29/07/2015 14:45 (9 Years ago)
26th July - 29th July

Even lesser things happened than what happened during 24th to 25th xD

Firstly, I hatched one or two more shinies, I guess. I just looked my previous feeds xD
But I guess I would make no more feeds about it. I feel like I am spamming with too much of those feeds. I would just write it in my diary, if I happen to remember (:
Of course, I would record it in my about me too. Only if I remember xD
My forgetfulness lol

Then I decided to do something with my Ralts Army. I thought I could hoard them, but yeah I can't handle them anymore.. buying boxes are too expensive x_x
So.. yeah I am putting them on wondertrades and auctions. (At 0 starting bid, at auctions)
About 80 of them are gone from my box now. Hope they get a good home afterwards D:
I am not putting them on GTS for free. Because I think some people might offer for like 100 of them and resell them. And I kinda hate that .-. I don't usually hate things, but yeah I don't actually like that. But I can't say people doing that're wrong. So I won't do that, I guess.

Hmm.. also, I managed my friendlist after such a long time. It has been like months. Since I found people who left like 4 months ago, I guess about that much time passed since I last managed.
But I guess there's nothing to be worried about that. I just removed the following people from my friendlist:
1) People who I thought left (not active for more than 1 month). I didn't remove certain friends of mine though :o
2) People who were permanently locked.
3) People who removed me from their friendlist.
I usually removed people who were not active for 10 or more days. But I didn't, this time xD
I didn't remove people who didn't make any feed for like 3 months, if their last action was within a month (:

Also, my flutes are deactivated now. I am considering whether I should reactivate them, since I would be free for the next 1 month. (My school holiday <3)
But I don't know if I really should, since sometimes flutes are not that effective.
And today I tested for the no. of eggs hatched too. Got 18 eggs today.
Now I need to compare the average no. of eggs hatched while flutes were active.
So.. my chain is 727 now. 17 hatched so far, (1 is still in my party, so not yet hatched) so 710 eggs hatched for 30 days. (Hunt started 28-06)
710/30 = 23.7, I guess :o
So 5.7 lesser. I am not sure if I am lucky today, so gonna continue for at least 2 days until I decide whether or not to activate them again.
Because Bug-Hatching contest has not yet began xD
But yeah most probably, I would. Hmm.. so.. I need to get my nuggets again, soon xD
Actually, flute should double the breeding rate, meaning 36 eggs a day
Nah, maybe I am lucky today xD

That's it, I guess (:
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Wed, 05/08/2015 14:55 (9 Years ago)
30th July - 5th August

7 days, so quite much to write. But I didn't have time to write, since I was always busy at night trying to finish each day's portion of pages of my books. (My holiday homework, I have to read 4 books in total for 1.5 months xD)

I guess about 3 shinies hatched. 2 male, 1 female. I guess.

I encountered 3 Shaymins so far. Got 1 plushie and 2 eggs. I think I did like 100k interactions or even more. Because I am doing even more each day as days are passing. I did 25k+ today, but probably lesser tomorrow xD
And with interactions I am earning so much money. I need to use all my GGCs, but I am too lazy to use them lol xD I would probably use them in the future when I am short of PD though. I have 18.8k. That also means I got about 2.8k from 25k interactions, so yeah on average, I get 1 from each 10 interactions.

And my Pillow is now level 1000+ xD
Now I can sleep with even better static massages xD

And today, I finally finished another book. Second book of four, 2 more to go for my holiday homework. (:

Oh, also, I got 2 more dex entries, from Mega Gyarados and Cherrim (Sunny). Lol I just realised that it was my 37th mega. While it's the easiest and cheapest mega on PH xD Somehow I kept losing mega-able karp auctions, so yeah I always lost my chance of getting it x)
Cherrim Sunny is of normal form. I have Shiny Cherubi and I once thought of evolving her, but I don't want to evolve her since I already gave her the name xD
And I got like 4k Festival Points from the Contest now. Oh, I just realised that it's ending soon :o
I have about 3.8k right now, so still a loooooooooong way to get the Shiny Meloetta. I don't actually have anything more to buy with FP actually, since I got 2 Meloetta + Shell Bell + Energy Root. Other things are not interesting me, so gonna save FP from now :o

Hmm.. I guess that's all? I thought I had a lot to write about, but almost all my days were interacting on quiet time of PH xD
Don't know why, but somehow this post is shorter than the last one :0
Someone might question me why I write these useless things at the end of each post.
And it's because I have to write something if this was my real diary if I had one irl xD

Edit (Actually adding on): And I received so much sky gifts unexpectedly. I don't know why people are sending, some people say they are sending to random people so I wondered if there is such a feature but anyway.. I think I am done sending one to each of the person I wanted to send, so I am trying to return them starting from the earliest ones. And again.. I am not sure why people are sending them x_x
I am grateful on them of course, though xD
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sun, 09/08/2015 12:10 (9 Years ago)
6th August - 9th August

Hmm.. not much happened actually, but I have about 5 minutes until DP hourly tasks reset. So I am writing this now instead of night. Because I always end up sleeping so late if I do that x_x

I guess I hatched 2 shinies in the meanwhile. I think it's 1 male and 1 female. Or was it 3? I don't know xD

Hmm.. I think I got 1 more Shaymin also. I was doing about 20k interactions on average each day. However, from about 7th, I became a bit inactive in terms of interactions. I am doing about 9k interactions each day I guess. I will write the reason in the next paragraph xD

So, the new version of Pokemon Insurgence came out! So I am playing it again, and that made me a bit inactive on PH xP
The version 1.012 -> 1.1
And there are like 3 more gyms, many changes, change in sprites of many deltas (Some special, modified pokemon in Pokemon Insurgence). So I was enjoying playing it and.. I was stuck with a bug x.x
Then the version was updated: 1.1 -> 1.12
And I guess many bugs are fixed now. I am continuing to play it now xD
And I finished the 5th gym now. 6th gym is the last gym available for the current version now. And once I finish posting, make 500 interactions, get more DP, I am going to play it again xD (I finished reading 30 pages of the book today already too.)

Also, I got a random Mega Stone from the Treasure hunt xD

Then I lost my Mew while I was releasing and re-adopting. But somehow I didn't get angry much. I was just thought: 'Yeah, it's ok though'. xD
I wanted to get the Quirky one as my first one was, but I guess I was a bit too greedy xD
It's completely ok though, people learn from mistakes (Y) <- One of my belief

I guess that's all. I took about 15 minutes to write these. I should go back interacting, and playing Insurgence again now xD
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sat, 15/08/2015 14:00 (9 Years ago)
10th August - 15th August

Quite much happened. Though I wasn't much active on PH xD

Um.. I don't know if I wrote this before, but I got a mega stone from a treasure box. I think it's about 9-10 days ago, since I made a feed about that time.
And you know what, I got another mega stone 6 days after that day xD
I didn't get any mega stone from the treasure box for months, and now I got 2 more. So, I got 4 mega stones from the treasure box in total. LOL

Also, I got sooooo much luck nowadays. I think I hatched about 4-5 shinies within these 6 days. Also, I got 2 more mega-ables. Both were female.
I had not had mega-ables for like 400 Ralts. I found that out when I looked at the record in my About me xD So, yeah I am feeling lucky. I think I can even gamble now?

Oh, I also almost forgot, that I reached Chain 1000! //Throws Confetti//
Something to celebrate, though xD

And.. I am too lazy to interact nowadays.. I didn't even make 5k today. Until yesterday, I made at least 9k, but yeah.. so.. Shaymin event is literally over for me. I probably won't get anymore.
Actually, I didn't get it for last 100k interactions I think. xD But It's kind of my own rule to be optimistic and never get stressed from games. So, I am quite calm on this too xD

And.. I finished Pokemon Reborn! Hooray!
That is, until Episode 15. I need to wait for 16 to come out now xD
Episode 15 contained 13 gyms. There are 18 gyms actually, 1 for each type.
And every single one was extremely hard, except for the ice typed one. (I beat the gym on Episode 14, so it might be harder now :o)
On my diary, I will write how hard it is since I can't write everything on my feed ._.
Show hidden content

-Firstly, all gym leaders have 6 pokemon. Even the first gym. Yeah.. this is quite understandable.

-Then all the gym leaders except the first (Electric gym) had like competitive battle teams.
- I still remember how absurd the second gym was. It is a Grass type gym, all pokemon were ok. But the Cradily was crazy. It had the moves: Sandstorm, Stockpile, Recover, Smack Down.
I mean, how are players supposed to beat that with level cap of 25 -.- Pokemon are not even fully evolved. And yet, people beat it. With Confusion mostly. But I beat it by making it to use up all its PP lol
-And there was one Sharpedo using Earthquake to my Magneton .-.

Field Effect Referances
-Then there are so many fields. There are 30 in total. I guess all of them were used. Almost all gyms had fields, except for ice gym in Episode 14. Some examples are:
:Fire gym had Super Heated Field, that powers up Fire attacks and lowers Water type attack powers.
:Fighting and flying type gyms (Two leaders use same gym) had fields (Big Top Arena) where all fighting moves and certain other moves are powered up by it's power being multiplied by 0.8 to 2.5 . And most of my pokemon were one-hit-KOed when hit by a fighting move if they didn't resist it. -.-

-And they didn't even give me decent healing items. At last, I got shops to sell a potion called Ultra Potion, which heals up by 120 HP. Even when my pokemon's max HP were like 200, they didn't sell the Hyper Potion from the shop. Phew.. And before buying Ultra Potions, I had only Super Potions and some Ice Creams which I had to buy from Machines, one by one. The best one healed by 90 HP. Used them until most of pokemon's HP was like 140.

-And with field effects, most of the moves from strong trainers fainted my pokemon with 2 hits. So.. yeah x-x There were several one hit KOs too. Dx

And.. I still remember the last battle with the Flying gym leader. I couldn't Mega Evolve my pokemon yet.
Then a mega Altaria came. It used Hyper Voice with it's Pixilate ability, with x1.5 bonus from the field. So.. 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.3.. I guess? It literally sweeped through my team. It was level 78 too, when my pokemon were like 71-72.
And yeah I had to do like 10 retries. Other pokemon were also strong, they sweeped my team too xD
Her full team was: Togekiss, Noivern, Altaria (Mega), Archeops (Really didn't do anything), Talonflame, Gliscor

And yeah it was a tough time playing it haha xD

Also, I finished another book for my holiday homework. I try to avoid using offensive words but.. yeah the leading character was a villain. And he turned out to be a crazy person enjoy killing people and so.. yeah. I don't care much now. I just need to read another book and that's it (:

And that's it. I guess xD I would download another pokemon game tomorrow, as hard as this game I just finished. Heh, I guess I would suffer and have fun with it too xD
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sun, 13/09/2015 12:43 (9 Years ago)
16th August - 13th September

So.. where am I.. I feel so lost because I am writing this after nearly a whole month x_x

Nothing much I remember particularly, I got quite much Shaymins.. hmm.. I encountered about 6-7? I guess. Got a plushie, and then got eggs for the rest.

Then, of course, I got many shinies and mega-ables. Most of them were sold though, hope they got a good home :o

And then.. there was a event distribution, right? I got.. um.. about 6, I guess? It was 2 weeks only, so I got about 64000 AP from that period. Sorry if this info is not at all needed.. haha xD

And then.. my school holiday ended. Then, about 2 weeks passed. I thought I wrote this info in my diary, but meh.. I didn't .-.

Oh yeah, I got him:

from the Bug Contest. He won 17th place, And got me 200 FP. I realised that I don't get much FP from getting into top 20, so I don't think I would concentrate on that much xD
But I am just happy that I got him~

Oh yeah, I got 2-3 more mega entries too. Glalie, Salamence, and.. I don't know if there was one more :o

Then I reached 2 million interactions! I was stuck in about 1994500 for quite a time, but I managed to reach 2 million this Saturday (12th Sept) xD It's just a number, but that's what I was, and am writing on my diary, so yeah.. xD

I guess I just summarised the things. I don't actually remember everything that happened in a whole month.. haha.
I don't think I would be active too, since I would be busy with my schoolworks now.
I guess this post is quite short.. but since I am having a headache from this afternoon (13th Sept), I don't know what to write more.. I am glad I don't have an essay to write for my weekend, because I would have surely messed up with this condition.. hehe xD
I am done with homeworks and studies for the weekend, so I guess I should rest from it now.
It's good to write here though~ I just wanted to update this diary after a long time =D