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Out of the Dark [Active]

Forum-Index Roleplay Out of the Dark [Active]
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Fri, 27/03/2015 18:15 (9 Years ago)
Ethan had been sitting outside all night, the rain pouring from the sky. Every once in a while, he would catch a glimpse of the moon from behind the clouds. Every time that he saw it, it would mesmerise him; it's beauty, it's power, everything about it. He sat there the entire night, watching the moon and feeling the rain, right until the sun broke the skyline.
When Ethan went back inside, his grand-mother had prepared breakfast for him. "Anything interesting happen last night?" She questioned him, already knowing the answer.
"Same as usual, granny." Ethan replied. He did the same most nights. Nothing ever happened. When he his breakfast, he went upstairs to his room and got ready. He had a shower, placed the ring his grand-mother gave to him back onto his finger and then packed everything he needed.
Ethan went down the stairs and walked towards the door, "See you later, granny!" He shouted to her into the kitchen. He opened the door and stepped out onto the street. The skies has cleared, the sun was shining, but it wasn't overly warm. He turned left and began to walk towards another day of misery; school.

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 215
Posted: Mon, 06/04/2015 03:12 (9 Years ago)

All I heard was the clattering of plates. Not really caring anything for it, I continued down the hallway, towards "my master's" room. Not sure why he would summon me there of all places, but who am I to question it? Sighing as I reached his door, I walked in, the shiver that came raked through me like it always did when I was near him. He stood at the window, seeming deep in thought. He smiled, turning his gaze towards me. "Clare, my dear", he greeted. "What is it you want this time, Vincent?", I replied. He chuckled softly, walking towards me with his usual grace. I grimaced, stepping back a little. Reaching me, he began to stroke my cheek, looking into my eyes as if he was searching for something. "There is no need for you to be afraid, Clare. You know I will never harm you." Trying to avert my eyes, I looked down at my feet. He sighed, walking back towards the window. "Clare, the reason I brought you in here was to ask you a question." He turned his back to me, reaching for something on his desk. He then turned back towards me, an envelope in his hand. "Would you care for a day out?"

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Mon, 06/04/2015 03:35 (9 Years ago)
The light brown deer looked up. It's ears twitching as it tried to pick up the sound of the threat. Once it had assured itself it was safe, I stood up and loosed my arrow. The tip of it pierced the kin of it's chest, killing it instantly. I never wanted to hurt animals. It was a part of my upbringing as much as it was my nature. I walked forward and took the arrow out of the deer. I sent a prayer to my gods and thanked the deer for its life. Then I picked it up and began the long journey back to the cabin. Lupin padded next to me, silent as was his trademark. When I reached my cabin, I strung up the deer, draining the blood and removing the organs. I would use almost everything from the body. The hide for clothes or a blanket. The meat I would eat. The organs I would use for bait, or feed to Lupin. I was raised to waste not, want not. When the deer was all fixed up, I stored what needed to be kept cold.
"Ready to fish?" I asked Lupin. He nodded and set out for the stream.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Mon, 06/04/2015 04:11 (9 Years ago)
What was that? A noise, the whistle of an arrow, the sound of life ended! I enjoyed that sound, but who caused it? I watched from behind my tree. A pretty woman and a large wolf stood above a fallen deer. I felt fury course through my veins. How dare she! Who was she, that she thought she could harm this forest? She whispered what sounded like a prayer. How foolish. There were no such things as gods. Only demons. I watched as she carried the carcess away. I followed silently. I had always been good at moving quickly, and without noise. I watched, with sorrow in my heart, as she callously pulled the poor animal apart, feeding its organs to her beast. I almost confronted her there. He didn't deserve this kind of treatment. He was a beutiful part of the forest, and should be treated with respect. After she was finished, she took the pieces of the deer into her house, returning a moment later. "Ready to fish?" She asked her wolf cheerily. So she planned to cause more harm. I wouldn't let her. I quickly ran back to my willow tree, then began walking along the banks of the river towards where they had been headed. I would do whatever it took to protect this forest.

Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Mon, 06/04/2015 12:32 (9 Years ago)
I glanced back as I took several steps out from the house, an uneasy feeling coursing through me. Sure, I sneak out all the time but today I felt like other people had lurked close. I follow the shore of the river, occasionally dipping my foot in with a small smile. I hear a whistle of an arrow and a bit later a voice. Who could that be? Almost no one besides her and her parents were in this part of the woods at this time. I walk a bit faster, hoping to catch up to someone.

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 256
Posted: Mon, 06/04/2015 15:46 (9 Years ago)
I sat on the edge of this rusty bed, occasionally standing up now and then, for I wanted to go outside but thought of the dangers out there. As a reckless person, I then stepped out of the door, which creaked and slammed behind me. I then walked towards the forest, until I heard the thunk of an arrow. But I felt somewhat calm about all this. I walked faster towards the sound of where I heard this weapon, curiosity taking over my paranoia, which was already barely visible to begin with. I then stopped at a river. But where is this? I never went this far into the forest yet, but I was prepared for anything, really. I had never had any experience for surprises to begin with, and I thought this was one. But I never know, as I heard lots of footsteps, coming closer to the river also. I didn't dare to see who they were, for I didn't exactly like taking to others. As I walked faster and faster towards the riverbanks, not wanting to be seen, I then saw a few people up ahead.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Mon, 06/04/2015 15:58 (9 Years ago)
I knew I was being followed. That didn't bother me. What bothered me was I couldn't hide. They would see them! And experience had taught me that man was jealous and curious about what he did not have. I feared they would try to catch me and experiment on me. Staying low, I pulled them in tighter, hoping no one would see them until I was soaring high above their heads.
"Lupin, stay close, you'll need to change fast. Go with Raven. That should help scare them off," I whispered in my peoples native language.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Mon, 06/04/2015 20:28 (9 Years ago)
I walked slowly along the bank of the river, coming closer and closer to the spot where the woman had been headed. I took this time to plan what I would do to her. I didn't have the strength to face her head on, so I would have to use deception. I could here other sets of footsteps coming from behind me, but I wasn't worried. As far as I knew, they hadn't harmed the forest in any way. As long as they stayed away from me, I would be fine. I new the woman was right ahead of me. It was like I could feel her being, tainting my beloved forest. Clam down, I told myself. Anger won't help you right enow. I stepped around a bush, and saw her. She spotted me immediately. I mean, how could she not? My pink dress wasn't exactly camouflage. I did my best to look like a lost little girl, which I guess I was, and spoke. "E-excuse me. Do... Do you know how to get out of here? I-I'm lost, and I don't know how to get home." My voice cracked slightly on the last words. Tears threatened to roll down my cheeks, as I clutched the front of my dress. I had always been a good actor, and who doubted the word of an innocent little girl?

Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Mon, 06/04/2015 21:01 (9 Years ago)
I looked at the girl confused. My eyes were telling me she was lost and innocent. But my inner instinct screamed danger. Maybe if I just scared her off? I'd point her in the direction of the end of the forest and then scare her off.
"Over that way," I pointed behind her. I gave Lupin the signal and he changed, turning into a viscous snarling bear. With him on her left, I took the right. I pulled my bow off of my back and cocked and arrow. Then I let them loose. My snow white angel wings spread out wide to either side of me. I had easily a fifteen foot wing span from one tip to the other. Stretching them out all the way, I slowly inched forward, flapping slightly and prepare to take flight.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 07/04/2015 03:18 (9 Years ago)
I had expected something special from the wolf. No ordinary wolf was that big. But the wings startled me. Where had she been hiding those? I used my reaction to my advantage. I fell to my knees with my hands clasped in front of me. Tear streamed down my face. "Ohh! An angel!" I bowed my head, saying. "Please help me great angel! There are others in the wood, and I think they mean to harm me!" I sobbed even more. "I-I don't know what to do. I'm to small to get away from them." I hoped she would believe my story. Obviously she thought something was wrong, but maybe she would think it was because of the others in the wood. I remained prostrate, hoping she wouldn't just shoot me.

Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Wed, 08/04/2015 23:16 (9 Years ago)
"Little one, I am no angel. The exit is that way," I told her pointing to the exit. "Go, I will follow from above and keep you from harm."
Signaling to Lupin, I asked him to change back into a wolf in my language. He obliged, shaking himself as he completed the change.
"Lupin will lead you on the ground. Do not worry child, he's a teddy bear at heart," I smiled at her. Perhaps she was just lost. I must be spending too much time out here by myself. I'd gotten paranoid!
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Thu, 09/04/2015 18:40 (9 Years ago)
Ethan began his journey to school. He hated school so much, he had no friends and was constantly picked on by everyone; snarky comments here and there, name calling and many other things. It was awful.
Ethan would say where he lived was a rural area. There wasn't any other towns that close by, and this was a town where everyone knew everyone.
To avoid arriving at school any earlier than he had to, Ethan took a detour through the woods. He loved to look at nature, to listen to the animals. The best part though, was the raging river near by. The river lay at the bottom of a small ravine, Ethan wasn't sure how long the river was, but he knew that it went on for a few miles at least. After a while though, the rapids of the river calmed and the ground flattened out; a beautiful scene.
Finally Ethan had reached the river. He stood at the top of the ravine, admiring the water rapids, listening the water crashing against the rocks. He was so dazed he never heard the footsteps behind him. When he heard them, it was too late. The cold blade was already pressed against his neck. Ethan was petrified, too scared to move.
"What do you want?" Ethan managed to say, utter fear deep inside his voice.
"Let's see..." the hooded figure said, a masculine voice, he examined Ethan, "That ring on your finger, it seems valuable. I wonder how much I could get for that..."
"If you want that ring, you'll have to pry from my cold dead hands." Ethan said, his fear had turned to anger. That ring was special to him. And no one was getting.
"Well if that is how you want it to be." The hooded figure said. He removed the knife from Ethan's neck and jabbed it right into Ethan's thigh. Ethan winced in pain, stumbling backwards towards the ravine. Blood was oozing from the wound. The hooded figure went to stab Ethan again, when suddenly as Ethan took another step back, the ground beneath his foot gave way and Ethan tumbled directly down the ravine and into the river. As soon as Ethan went under, the rapids began to carry him away.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Thu, 09/04/2015 18:58 (9 Years ago)
I paused. Someone or something had screamed. I turned away from the little girl and looked over at the rapids. Something big was tumbling down. It looked like a bear or a wolf, and it was in danger!
"Lupin, stay with her. I'm going to help!" I told him, taking flight. My strong, powerful wings caring me quickly. I reached the creature spinning wildly in the rapids. Red was spreading in the water around it. I dove in, hooking my arms around the being and pulled up, using my wings to carry us high above the water.
It was a boy! And he looked hurt! I carried him back to the clearing Lupin and the girl were at. Gently laying him in the ground, I checked to make sure he was breathing. He looked like he'd taken in water. I turned him over and slapped his back, making him cough up water. Lupin whined and set off into the forest.
Once I was satisfied the boy had coughed up all of the water, I laid him back down and looked him over for injuries. A gash on his thigh was bleeding pretty bad. I pulled out some cloth from the bag I always carried with me. Lupin came back to my side. He carried a variety plants in his mouth.
"Good boy," I told him, taking the plants. We'd cared for enough wounded creature that he knew the drill when it came to patching up wounds. I set the plants out and picked up some to stop the bleeding an prevent infection. Then I tied the piece of cloth tightly around his leg, making sure the pressure wound stop the bleeding as well.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Fri, 10/04/2015 13:02 (9 Years ago)
The boys wound was from a knife. That much was plain to see. But what he been in the river? Had someone dumped him there, thinking he would die? A scowl grew on my face. I would not tolerate any more violence in my forest. "I'm going to go upstream and see if I can find who attacked him. I'll be back in a few minutes." I ran off before the woman could stop me. Well she probably knew I wasn't some lost little girl now. Oh well, this was more important. I was going to stop anyone who would dare shed innocent blood in my forest.

After a few minutes I heard a man grumbling to himself. I peeked out from behind a tree to see a tall man in a dark cloak sitting on a log. He held a hunk of half eaten bread in his hand. The man was mumbling somthing about how 'it was a shame to lose that ring' or something like that. He had a long decorative knife in a sheath at his side. The grass near him was soaked in blood, most likely the boys. I tried to think of how I would be able to take the man down, but came up with nothing practical, let alone safe for me. I was too small to fight him head on, so an ambush was my only option. I began to creep up on the man. With out warning, he suddenly turned and grabbed me, pressing my arms to my side. "Thought you could knick something from me did you?" He growled, squeezing my arms till they hurt. He grinned wickedly. "How about I take something from you instead." No. He didn't plan to... He pulled me to his chest, moving an arm down to my leg. I screamed, "Someone help me!" Then everything went dark

When I came to, I found I was propped up against a the tree I had hid behind. I quickly looked around searching for the man. He was no where to be seen. At first I was terrified of what he might have done to me, but I soon realized that I was fine. Something dripped on my face. Wiping it away, I looked at my hand. Blood! My head shot up to see the terrible scene. There hung the man, impaled through the chest on a tree branch. His stomach had been torn open, and his organs removed. I quickly scooted myself away from the tree, fear filling my body. What could have possibly done that? No animal would do that. Was it me?

Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Fri, 10/04/2015 21:23 (9 Years ago)
Ethan slowly opened his eyes. Above him stood a woman. She looked normal, that was until his sight focused and he noticed the wings that she has. The woman looked like an Angel. He was taken aback in shock. Was he dead? or was he just hallucinating?
Ethan wasn't sure what to say. Then he remembered what had happened; the masked figure, getting stabbed, falling into the river. His eyes shot towards his thigh. The wound had been covered with plants and herbs. He had wondered if the woman had done this for him, tried to help him. There was dried blood all over his clothes and the plants.
Ethan broke the silence, "What are you?" He questioned.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 256
Posted: Fri, 10/04/2015 22:47 (9 Years ago)
I was pretty amused as I saw all this commotion around me. I'd like a bit of violence at least every day, and this was one. I've never seen that much blood before, and it was exciting. I then sneaked around the trees, and found a better position to get a better look. Huh. Blood was less realistic than I thought it would be, and that was a sad thought. Then I swiftly went back to my original position, causing leaves and all to crunch loudly under my feet occasionally.
I hoped no one heard me, so I hurried even faster, thinking about blood. I was pretty much smiling by the time I reached my position.
Blood was really not very scary. It was just all those stories that made it sound horrifying.

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 11/04/2015 01:48 (9 Years ago)
The girl had run off. I knew it was wise not to walk with her.
A groan from the boy brought my attention back to him. I looked down at the boy as he slowly opened his eyes. His pupils looked normal to me. When he asked me what I was, I smiled.
"Well, I'm not sure. I know I'm half Native American. But as anyone can see, I'm not fully human. I've never met my dad so we assume these came from him," I said, hooking my thumb back towards my wings. When he tried to stand, I gently pushed him down. "Go slow, I'm not sure if anything else is wrong. So, why were you in the river and what happened to your leg?"
Lupin looked him over, sniffing him.
"Lupin, let the boy breath!" I laughed, gently but firmly pushing Lupin back.
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Sat, 11/04/2015 18:07 (9 Years ago)
Ethan still couldn't believe what he was seeing, but he seemed to trust this woman. There was just something about her.
He began by answering her questions, "A guy jumped out from behind one of the trees and tried to steal my ring. He attacked me, and then I fell into the river."
Suddenly, Ethan's thigh began to ache in pain. He screamed. Then the pain instantly went away and was replaced with a tingling sensation. Ethan tore off the plants wrapped around his wound.
"Oh my God, what is happening?!" He questioned. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. His wound was healing at an impossible speed directly in front of his eyes. Something like he had never seen before.
When the tingling felling disappeared, Ethan began to feel where the wound once was just to make sure it was actually real. His skin was as good as new, like the cut had never happened.
"What just happened?" He said, looking up towards the woman.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 11/04/2015 18:21 (9 Years ago)
I watched, curiously as his wound healed itself. "Well, it appears I'm not the only one not fully human," I told him, clearing away the plants. Then I asked, not unkindly, "But why would you risk your life instead of giving him your ring?"
Lupin was busy sniffing the boys wound.
"Lupin, I'm sure he isn't used to giant wolves sniffing him!" I laughed, gently pushing him back. Lupin rolled his eyes at me and turned into a small dog.
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 215
Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 11:49 (9 Years ago)

I stared at him suspiciously, not expecting him to be serious at all. After a few minutes of silence passed, I sighed. "A day out? When do you ever take anyone but yourself out?", I said in a flat, unamused tone. "Clare, why must you hurt me so?" , he asked, chuckling with one hand over his heart in mocked pain. I began to tap my foot, my impatience kicking in. Vincent then groaned, letting the envelope slip through his fingers over and over. "What are we going to do anyways? On this, well, "day out"?", I raised my eyebrow, soon beginning to bite my lips nervously. "Well, my dear, I was hoping you would be in the mood for some shopping." He smiled, not showing much emotion in it. "And why am I in need of shopping, if I may ask?" He twirled around, taking my hand as he went. He stopped, kneeled, and pulled my hand down to his lips. "Well, you need a gown for a ball, do you not?"