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|| The Shadows ||

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP || The Shadows ||
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:04 (9 Years ago)
For many years it has been peaceful...... Pokémon roamed the land and could be seen everywhere.... but now that will change... A mysterious team has created a special virus but is still testing it.... They are planning to take over......taking trainers and pokemon to create a army.....Some have found out about it and are trying to stop them but none have succeded..... Will you try to save the world or join the mysterious team?

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Good Or Evil:
Theme Song:(Optional.)

My Form
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Level is 50.
She is nice and friendly and has a temper but sometimes changes because of the "Special" Virus.
A lugia with a steel like left leg. Has a collar with a special crystal on it and her tail looks like a stinger that is metal since scientist did something.... She has shadow like blotches on her body.
Dragon Rush,Shadow Ball,Hyper Beam,Steel Wing.
Good Or Evil:
Theme Song:
First Day Of The Year.
She used to be a normal lugia that had a trainer but the trainer passed away a few years ago. She traveled around before being captured and been tested on by scientists with this virus ever since.
She is one of the few pokemon being tested on with the "Shadow Virus" to create shadow pokemon and don't mess with her in.... "Shadow" Mode.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:11 (9 Years ago)
Username: Aperture-Raika
Name: Raika
Age/Level: Level: 52, Age (if it is) 18
Gender: female
Personality: Normally calm and peaceful, unless the virus activates, or you annoy her.
Appearance: A Gardevoir, but with a blood covered tip (the thing in her chest), black/white, instead of green/white and one modified Gardevoirite, making her only capable of Mega-Evolution, when the virus is on.
Moveset: Psyshock, Energy Ball, Hyper Voice and Thunderbolt
Team: ---
Good Or Evil: Both.
Theme Song: None.
History: She was a normal Gardevoir, until scientists found her. She volunteered, because she loves science and testing. When she saw the result of it, she tried to break out. It didn't work.
Never try to get her mad, and then shadow evolve her.
My feign ran out. Now it's time to reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my kindess.

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Dead Ringer: Cloak Type: Feign Death
Leave a fake corpse on taking damage

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:12 (9 Years ago)
Username: glotilde2

Name: Lily

Age/level: as nidoran 12, now 122

Gender: F

appearance: a nidoqueen that wears a black cape and Hood

moveset: tackle, attract, and poison

team: none

Good or evil: good

Theme song: Cherry delicate skulls

History: to be told

Other: based on a real pokemon i have in my party
Avatar by Crypt

Bought in jack n Bryce's cafe, art by nearclear

Don't starve >:3

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:14 (9 Years ago)
(Both Accepted. Lets start!)
Auraora slowly woke up before noticing bubbles and yellow like water. "What the...."Auraora though before noticing a scientist staring at her. "I must be still in here...."Auraora said sighing.
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:16 (9 Years ago)
Lily went into the room with her Hood down, covering her face. She knocked out the scientist

"you ok?" said Lily
Avatar by Crypt

Bought in jack n Bryce's cafe, art by nearclear

Don't starve >:3

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:16 (9 Years ago)
Raika woke up in a cage. "Same as usual... for a long time now."
My feign ran out. Now it's time to reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my kindess.

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Dead Ringer: Cloak Type: Feign Death
Leave a fake corpse on taking damage

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:18 (9 Years ago)
"Who are you...?"Auraora said wondering how she even knocked out the scientist since they where usally strong but then got a idea.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:19 (9 Years ago)
A scientist appears. "It's you. The failed experiment." She throws her some food and goes away.

"I hate it here..."
My feign ran out. Now it's time to reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my kindess.

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Dead Ringer: Cloak Type: Feign Death
Leave a fake corpse on taking damage

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:22 (9 Years ago)
"If I can get that nidoqueen to press the release button..... I can escape....."Auraora though as her eyes glowed red but then a alarm went off.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:23 (9 Years ago)
"Let me out!" She punches in the cages. They are attack-prove.
My feign ran out. Now it's time to reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my kindess.

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Dead Ringer: Cloak Type: Feign Death
Leave a fake corpse on taking damage

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:25 (9 Years ago)
Username: Sylvia
Name: Jupiter
Age/Level: Lvl. 50
Gender: Female
Personaility: Jupiter has a hard outer shell consisting of her temper, know-it-all-eness, and sarcasm. If you can make it past that you'd discover she's observant and normally quiet, despite the occasional infuriated outburst and she's actually quite caring towards others even if she doesn't make it apparent.
Apperance: (This picture isn't very accurate/it's dark so I'll let you know when I get a better picture on here.)

-Dragon Claw
-Rock Slide
Good Or Evil: Neutral
History: Jupiter was originally his trainers beloved Flygon, despite her being without the natural eye covers of a Flygon. They were the perfect team, winning countless battles and helping others. And then they were seperated. Jupiter had madly searched for him, only to find him caught by the scientists as bait for her. They'd let him go, but took her. She'd been fused and thrown in the cage, being tested on ever since.

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:28 (9 Years ago)
Auraora wondered why a alarm was going off when she heard yelling then a loud screech. 'I guess the hydregion escaped...."Auraora though sighing.
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:30 (9 Years ago)
"my name is....Lily" said lily
Avatar by Crypt

Bought in jack n Bryce's cafe, art by nearclear

Don't starve >:3

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:30 (9 Years ago)
Another scientist comes and sets the cage under electricity. Raika yells in pain.
My feign ran out. Now it's time to reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my kindess.

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Dead Ringer: Cloak Type: Feign Death
Leave a fake corpse on taking damage

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:31 (9 Years ago)
"I'm Auraora....."Auraora said staring at the "realease" button. "Can you press that button to let me out?"Auraora asked Lily.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:34 (9 Years ago)
Jupiter opened her eyes to the realization her goggles weren't snugly fit over her eyes. She spotted them just outside her cage and she scrambled to the wall and feebly reached out, just managing to grab them. She pulled them into her cage and put the orange goggles back on. Jupiter glanced around, spotting a scientist scribbling down notes. She fired a flamethrower in his direction, a stray ember catching his coat.

He yelled and ran out to extinguish the flames. "Let me out!" Jupiter shrieked.

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:34 (9 Years ago)
"ok" Lily pressed the release button
Avatar by Crypt

Bought in jack n Bryce's cafe, art by nearclear

Don't starve >:3

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:36 (9 Years ago)
Auraora grinned and jump down to the floor as her eyes glowed red. "Now to-"Auraora said before a alarm went off. "WHO LET OUT THE LUGIA?!"yelled a scientist.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:37 (9 Years ago)
Jupiter spotted movement ahead. "Hey you! Lemme out!" she yelled.

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 16:37 (9 Years ago)
Raika yells in pain. The scientist heard the other and stops. Raika breaths in relief. "I'm not done with you." He runs away.
My feign ran out. Now it's time to reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my kindess.

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Dead Ringer: Cloak Type: Feign Death
Leave a fake corpse on taking damage