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Heroes of Light and Dark { Invite Only}

Forum-Index Roleplay Heroes of Light and Dark { Invite Only}
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Wed, 18/03/2015 22:44 (9 Years ago)
Violet's eyes scanned the room around her. The gold coloring seemed a little too much, but she felt comfortable here. Her green eyes stopped on who she assumed was Terminus. This city definitely isn't normal, she thought, a small smile slipping onto her face. Then again, neither as we. Violet found herself losing transparency and she remained visible as a bit more than a mere outline.

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Wed, 18/03/2015 22:50 (9 Years ago)
Walking through the golden foyer, Aroura felt much more at ease. She noticed that Locklear had tensed though. Then when the golden glowing Terminus walked out, Aroura felt a peace she hadn't felt before.
"Hey," She bumped shoulders with Locklear on purpose. "You okay? You never did say what you found out when you where hunting. Anything useful?"

Gabriel had to keep himself from punching that kid, Locklear. Why was Aroura so interested in him anyway? The guy was a classic Nox! Aroura belonged to the Lux.
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Wed, 18/03/2015 22:54 (9 Years ago)
Ethan peered at his surroundings, he had never seen anything like this place. Everything was golden. He watched Gabriel go get the guy they called 'Terminus'.
When Terminus appeared, the first thing that struck Ethan was the skin, he glowed a pale gold colour.
Ethan was getting the same 'vibe' of of this Terminus guy as he was off of Gabriel. He was unsure whether to trust anything this guy was about to say.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Wed, 18/03/2015 23:15 (9 Years ago)
Evander hesitated before answering, "I mostly found out what we already new." 'I hope she didn't notice that pause' He thought to himself, giving her a small smile. She was making an honest effort at friendship. it was only fair that he do the same.

"Welcome friends!" Terminus said with a smile.
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Wed, 18/03/2015 23:56 (9 Years ago)
Aroura felt there was more that he wasn't saying but wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Last time she pushed him, it hadn't ended well. "Hey, I don't think I apologized for thinking you would hurt Synthia and for attacking you. So...um...yeah, sorry."
She quickly looked forward again. She wasn't use to this and felt weird around him. She didn't remember feeling like this ever before.

"Aroura, I want you to meet Terminus," Gabriel said, trying to get her attention away from the kid. "Terminus, this is Aroura, Violet and Ethen. Oh! And the kid there is Locklear."
Gabriel couldn't resist mocking him.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 00:38 (9 Years ago)
"It's ok" Evander replied. He still didn't understand why people kept calling him 'kid'. He was just as old as everyone else here, bar Terminus. He used his power to pluck one of Gabriel's feathers. 'Glad he doesn't really know what my powers are' He then stepped forward reaching out his had. "Pleasure to meet you Mr. Terminus." He said as they shook. "Nice to meet you all." He said smiling. He quickly explained to them what John had told him earlier, though he left out the part about being okay with them joining the other faction. "So if you would like we can set you up in your rooms now or-" Evander spoke up, "Well you see sir, I don't plan on staying here so I won't needing a room." Terminus looked surprised. "If your not staying here where will you be staying?" Evander paused for a moment thinking. Finally he spoke. "I've decided to join the Nox faction with my sister. I do appreciate your offer though."
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 00:47 (9 Years ago)
"What?!" Aroura nearly shouted, turning Locklear to face her. "You can't be serious! The Nox punish all criminals the same way, regardless of the crime! Killers and petty thief's don't deserve the same punishment! No way would Synthia agree to that!"

Gabriel pulled Aroura back, "let him go, he never wanted to be here anyway. He'll be just as bad a his thug boss by this time next week."
Gabriel glared at Locklear.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 01:39 (9 Years ago)
"I understand not all criminals deserve the same punishment. Synthia and I have already discussed it, and she also wants to join Nox. I've seen both sides of the story now, and I believe Nox is where I belong. So many in that faction are just senseless killers. I want to help make it what John wanted it to be. Not darkness, but justice. Safety for the innocent, judgement for the wicked." he gave her a soft smile. "You may not approve of my decision, but I hope you can respect it. Even if we fight on opposing sides, I will still think of you as my friend." Gabriel pulled Aroura back, "Let him go, he never wanted to be here anyway. He'll be just as bad a his thug boss by this time next week." He gave a scornful look at him. Evander could feel his blood boiling in his veins. How dare this pompous feather duster try to turn one of his only friends against him. This was the last straw.
As Evanders microbes gently pushed Aroura away from Gabriel, Terminus said angrily, "Gabriel, I would appreciate it if you did not refer to my brother with such a derogatory term!"
"I'm sick and tired of your shit, Pigeon. I held myself back until now." Evander growled. "But trying to get my friends to hate me? You'll pay for that." Gabriel laughed. "You can't hope to beat me kid. Why don't run on back to calcium face like a good little boy?" Evander sneered at him. "You obviously don't understand the power you're dealing with here." "Prove me wrong then." Gabriel took a fighting stance.
Terminus had tryed to stop this, but it was to late now. Better to get the others out of the way. He ported the three to a safer distance.
"Why don't you just go away." Evander said with a grin. Holding out his arm, he had the microbes take the winged boy apart cell by cell before scatering them.
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 01:46 (9 Years ago)
"Locklear!" Aroura shouted, running back to the fighting boys. She jumped in between them, hoping to stop him from destroying Gabriel. As much as he had provoked Locklear, she wouldn't let Locklear become a killer. She grabbed ahold of Locklear's hands, hoping he would stop. Suddenly, the microbes began to take her apart!
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 01:54 (9 Years ago)
Realizing what he had just done, and what was currently happening, he stopped the dissolving process. He quickly reformed the terrified Gabriel, who slid himself backwards with his wings. He then began to reform the few parts of Aroura that had dissolved. When he was finished he whispered, "I'm so sorry." before bolting out of the building. He quickly flew towards the Mansion. Evan in his atomized state, grief ripped through him. "WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!" He thought. "How would I be able to live with myself..."
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 02:00 (9 Years ago)
"Locklear!" Aroura shouted after him. She started to run after him, but Terminus stopped her.

"Let him go, he needs space." Terminus told her.

"No! I need to let him know it wasn't his fault!" She screamed, frustrated. She pushed past Terminus and raced to the doors. A pair of guards tried to stop her, but she just put on a boost of speed, slipping past them with the help of the wind. Once outside, she searched up and down the street. Aroura couldn't see him. "Locklear!"
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 02:14 (9 Years ago)
Violet had vanished completely as she felt as if a fight would start. She trailed Aroura, though the others were oblivious to it. Don't notice me, she silently willed. After a moment she noticed Aroura couldn't find Locklear. She became visible, and solid, again and simply stood behind her.

(Could I make another character?)

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 02:20 (9 Years ago)
(I say go for it!)

"Where are you!" Aroura cursed him under her breath. She felt lost. How could losing this guy she literally had known less then a day make her feel so uncertain?
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 02:37 (9 Years ago)
(Alright then~)
Show hidden content
Name: Opal Jones
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Super Name: Mist
Appearance: Opal has fairly long sandy-brown hair and tawny brown eyes, that seems gold in the proper light. She could be considered tall for her age. She usually wears usually dirty black jeans and varied shirts. At first glance she may seem frail, but she's quite the opposite despite her age.
Power: Shapeshifting. She seems to evaporate in a cloud of mist and reform.
Personality: Opal has an outer shell consisting mainly of her terrible temper. If you can get past that, she's actually caring in ways which don't seem apparent. She is also a bit shy, which she would never admit. It's also hard to earn her trust but once you do she'll most likely do nearly anything for you.
Crush: None.
Other: Member of the Nox, she has been for around a year.. Accidentally closed this and I flipped out o3o

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 03:32 (9 Years ago)
(Cool character, but you don't need to put the password again :D Accepted of course)

Evander reformed himself a little to early, slamming into the ground. He lay there for a moment, tears running down his face. Why did he feel like this? He barely new her! He was met by John upon entering the mansion, who was kind enough not to ask questions. John led him to a room near the end of a long hallway. "If you need anything at all, just call." He said as he walked away. Evander enter the room, pulling off his mask. Throwing himself on the bed, he was soon fast asleep.

Synthia had spent the hour Evander was away exploring the gardens behind the mansion. She was just entering the house when Evander had returned. Seeing how awful he looked she decided to leave him alone for a while. After exploring the house for a while, she rounded a corner to see a girl with brown hair that looked about her age at the end of the hall.
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 03:42 (9 Years ago)
Aroura walked back into the Lux building. Gabriel meet her at the entrance and folded her into a hug. She pushed him away.
"I-I'm fine!" she snapped. "Terminus, where is Johns head quarters? I have to find him! He's... he's just confused and scared for his sister!"

Terminus looked at her and shook his head. "I'm sorry, I don't know."

"You're lying!" Aroura shouted, backing away from him. She knew deep down that he wasn't but she was too angry to listen to reason.

"Aroura? Why don't you get some sleep," Gabriel suggested, "I...I'll do some digging tonight and see if I can find it and take you there tomorrow. But only if you get some sleep. Preferably with dreams of me?"
Gabriel winked at her and after she nodded her head, he lead the way to a bedroom.
"Mine's next door if you need me." he told her and closed the door.

Aroura sighed and fell onto the bed. She stared at the ceiling thinking it would take years to fall asleep. Suddenly, birds where chirping and sunlight streamed into her room.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 04:52 (9 Years ago)
Evander was woken bye something crawling on him. "Wake up Vany!" Cynthia cried in his ear. "Mr. John wants to talk to us!" "give me ten minutes" he replied sleepily. A few minutes later they were both sitting in the study once again. "I was watching you yesterday, and I must say I am very proud of you. The way you defended this group was stirring. Even Terminus looked impressed. Bdefore you to are formally accepted as members, you must promise me one thing Evander. You must learn to control your rage. It is a crime of the highest order to kill another super. You almost ruined everything you could have here." "I-I'll try sir." "Good, now if you would each hold out you left hand palm down." He pulled out what looked like a stamp. "This is the mark of the Nox. It shows to all that you represent the Nox clan. Your actions, wether ill or fair reflect on the group as a whole. Will you choose to except this responsibility?" "Yes" they said simultaneously. John stamped the back of each of their hands leaving a black symbol there. A circle with an X over the top of it. It stung for a second. "Welcome to the clan."

Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 05:11 (9 Years ago)
Gabriel had just laid down to catch some sleep when the loud bagging on his door started.
"Ugh!" Gabriel moaned as he climbed to his feet. He opened the door to find Aroura right outside it. He gave her a sultry look. "Miss me Angel face?"
Aroura sighed. This guy was so full of himself. But she needed him. "You promised to take me to the Nox head quarters. Let's go, we're losing daylight."
He gave her a look, "Really? The sun just got there. Can't it wait an hour?"
"No, you take me know or I'll just go myself." She told him. When he didn't move, she started walking away.
"Hold up! I'm coming!" Gabriel shouted after her.
Soon, Gabriel touched down on the grounds of a mansion. After Aroura got her feet under her, she strolled through the garden paths.
"Locklear! Where are you!" Aroura called.
"Bad call stupid lux." Someone stepped out from behind a tree. Before Aroura could call on the elements or grab a weapon, a bolt of electricity ran through her body.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 05:28 (9 Years ago)
(The plot thickens)

Evander heard the voice. "Aroura?" He shouted. He bolted out of the study and to the door.'What is she doing here?!' he thought. 'How did she find it?' He turned the corner of the building to see her lying stiff on the ground. "Aroura!" he cried rushing up to her. "Oh how great" a voice said "another glowworm I can zap"
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 05:37 (9 Years ago)
"Aroura!" Gabriel shouted, making a move forward. He was stopped in his tracks when the strange reach for him. Gabriel took to the skies so he was out of reach. That's when he noticed the Locklear coming around a corner.
"Evander! They think she's with me so they shocked her! You have to make this oversized guard dog move! She might be seriously hurt!" Gabriel shouted at him. At the moment all he cared about was getting Aroura out of there.